Greenstone Manuals

Installer's Manual Español Français Русский عربي Português Brasileiro

Describes in detail the Greenstone installation process.
Printable version: English (HTML PDF)       Español (HTML PDF)       Français (HTML PDF)       Русский (HTML PDF)       عربي (HTML PDF)       Português Brasileiro (HTML PDF)
Versions of Greenstone [Español Français Русский عربي Português Brasileiro]
The Installation Procedure [Español Français Русский عربي Português Brasileiro]
Greenstone Collections [Español Français Русский عربي Português Brasileiro]
Setting up the Webserver [Español Français Русский عربي Português Brasileiro]
Configuring your Site [Español Français Русский عربي Português Brasileiro]
Personalizing your Installation [Español Français Русский عربي Português Brasileiro]
Appendix Associated Software [Español Français Русский عربي Português Brasileiro]

User's Manual Español Français Русский

General details on using Greenstone collections, the Collector web interface for building new collections, and Greenstone's administrative facilities.
Printable version: English (HTML PDF)       Español (HTML PDF)       Français (HTML PDF)       Русский (HTML PDF)       عربي (DOC)
Overview of Greenstone [Español Français Русский]
Using Greenstone Collections [Español Français Русский]
Making Greenstone Collections [Español Français Русский]
Administration [Español Français Русский]
Appendix A Software features [Español Français Русский]
Appendix B Glossary of terms [Español Français Русский]

Developer's Manual Español Français Русский

A more detailed description of Greenstone's collection building process, including building collections from the command line or DOS prompt. Also a description of the structure of the Greenstone runtime system.
Printable version: English (HTML PDF)       Español (HTML PDF)       Français (HTML PDF)       Русский (HTML PDF)
Understanding the collection-building process [Español Français Русский]
Getting the most out of your documents [Español Français Русский]
The Greenstone runtime system [Español Français Русский]
Configuring your Greenstone site [Español Français Русский]
Appendix A: The C++ Standard Template Library [Español Français Русский]
Bibliography [Español Français Русский]

From Paper to Collection Español Français Русский

A document describing the entire process of creating a digital library collection from paper documents. This includes the scanning and OCR process and the use of the "Organizer".
Printable version: English (HTML PDF)       Español (HTML PDF)       Français (HTML PDF)       Русский (HTML PDF)
Introduction [Español Français Русский]
Scanners and scanning [Español Français Русский]
OCR: Optical Character Recognition [Español Français Русский]
Three examples: 1000 to 100,000 pages [Español Français Русский]
Creating an electronic collection [Español Français Русский]

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