Greenstone has internally associated the PDF version with the Word version of the document. However, with the default format statement, the end-user will have no idea that the PDF version exists. The collection built at this point (with default settings) only gives the user the choice of viewing either the Word version or the Greenstone-generated HTML version of the document. They are not given the option to view the PDF version.To allow users to view the PDF version of the document,change the default VList statement from this:
<td valign="top">[ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}[ex./srclink]</td>
<td valign="top">[ex.equivDocLink][ex.equivDocIcon][ex./equivDocLink]</td>
Two things occur in this replacement. The main difference is the switch from using ex.srclink and ex.srcicon that provides the link to the primary source document (which is the Word document), and replace it with a hyperlink around an icon to the document that Greenstone has associated as an equivalent document (which is the PDF version). The icon Greenstone chooses to show is based on the filename extension of the matching file it has found. In this case
.The second (more minor) change in this edit is to simplify the statement a bit. The original uses an {Or} statement to show a thumbnail version of the document, if Greenstone has one, in preference over the source icon. Since in this collection we have no thumbnails generated, it has been simplified by eliminating the {Or} combination and going straight to the ex.equivDocIcon metadata item.To make the change then, switch to the Format panel and edit the format statement for VList (All).Change:
<td valign="top">[link][icon][/link]</td>
<td valign="top">[ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}[ex./srclink]</td>
<td valign="top">[highlight]
<td valign="top">[link][icon][/link]</td>
<td valign="top">[ex.equivDocLink][ex.equivDocIcon][ex./equivDocLink]</td>
<td valign="top">[highlight]
[/highlight]{If}{[dc.Creator],: [sibling(All'\, '):dc.Creator]}</td>
Preview the collection.Note: When Greenstone encounters a file that matches the provided associate_ext value (pdf in our case), it sets the metadata value ex.equivDocIcon for that document to be the macro _iconXXX_, where XXX is whatever the filename extension is (so _iconpdf_ in our case). As long as there is an existing macro defined for that combination of the word icon and the filename extension, then a suitable icon will be displayed when the document appears in a VList. For pdf the displayed icon will be