The Depositor
The Depositor is Greenstone’s runtime support for institutional repositories. It provides the collection building work flow through a web interface. The Depositor only works with the Web library server, not the local library server. Greenstone users belonging to the all-collections-editor user group have access to The Depositor.Enabling The Depositor
For Windows users, first make sure that you are using a Web Server (e.g. Apache) instead of the Local Library Server. The binary installation of Greenstone will install Apache, but by default the Local Library Server will be used. To switch to using Apache, rename the GSDLHOME → server.exe file to something else. Then re-run the Greenstone Server, from the Start → Greenstone Server menu if on Windows, followed by pressing its Enter Library button. (On unix systems, run ./ from Greenstone 2's installed location to start up the Greenstone server.)Note: You might need to set permissions for the GSDLHOME → tmp and GSDLHOME → collect or GSDLHOME → collect → your_accessible_collection directory.In Greenstone, The Depositor is disabled by default. To enable it, edit the file GSDLHOME → etc → main.cfg. Look for the "depositor" line, and change disabled to enabled. Then save and close the file.Setting a user group
Use of The Depositor involves an authentication step. A user will need a Greenstone account which belongs to an appropriate user group. The all-collections-editor user group gives access to edit any collection, while the ***-collection-editor group gives a user access to edit the *** collection, where *** is the collection's short name (or directory name). By default, the admin account is a member of the all-collections-editor group.The Greenstone admin pages are used to add new users and modify their group settings. Admin pages may have been enabled when you installed Greenstone. If not, they can be activated by changing the "status" line in the main.cfg file and changing disabled to enabled.Use the Depositor to do incremental addition
The default metadata fields that would be displayed here for a new collection are the Title, Creator and Description from the Dublin Core Metadata Set. You can customize which metadata fields are required for items added through The Depositor in the Depositor Metadata section on the Format panel in the Greenstone Librarian Interface.
We are going to deposit this file: sample_files → demo_NewFiles → r9006e.htm. Double click r9006e.htm and have a look at its content. Type the following in the Title field:
Batch addition with the Depositor