Greenstone tutorial exercise

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Devised for Greenstone version: UNAIDS 2.0 CD-ROM

Working with a pre-packaged collection (UNAIDS)

You will need the Greenstone UNAIDS CD-ROM

Installing a pre-packaged Greenstone collection

  1. On inserting the UNAIDS CD-ROM, for many computers installation will begin automatically. If not, "auto-run"—a configurable setting under Windows—is disabled on your computer and you need to double-click Setup.exe on the CD-ROM.

    My Computer → UNAIDS20 → Setup.exe

  1. The InstallShield Wizard begins to install the UNAIDS pre-packaged collection. Select the English language and click <OK>.

  1. On the welcome screen, click the <Next> button.

  1. Choose Run from CD-ROM (standard) as the setup type. This is the default and is already selected. Then click <Next>.

  1. Click <Next> again to install the UNAIDS collection in the default folder, which is C:\Program Files\UNAIDS Library 2.0 [CD-ROM].

    Installation Wizard copies the required files from CD-ROM to disk

  1. Click <OK> to confirm completion of UNAIDS collection (twice).

    InstallShield quits—the UNAIDS Library is installed.

CD-ROMs like this one that contain pre-packaged Greenstone collections do not include the full Greenstone software. Instead they embody a mini version of Greenstone that allows you to view the collection but not to build new ones.

Browsing around a Greenstone collection

  1. Launch the prebuilt library by clicking:

    Start → All Programs → UNAIDS Library 2.0 [CD-ROM] → UNAIDS Library 2.0 (Standard Version).

    To access Greenstone through the Local Library Server, it is sometimes necessary to turn off the proxy settings of the browser. Greenstone normally detects this and pops up a window alerting you to the problem.

  1. Click <Enter Library> in the dialog box and your browser (typically Internet Explorer by default) will display the Greenstone home page.

  1. Within the web browser, click titles a-z (in the centre of the navigation bar near the top of the page).

  1. Access the first book in the list of titles by clicking the book icon next to the title:

    About UNAIDS.

  1. Use the scroll bar to view the full length of the page.

  1. In the table of contents near the top, click the page icon next to the heading Guiding principles of UNAIDS to view this section.

  1. Click the page icon next to the heading Global and local impact to view the next section.

This style of interaction can be continued to further expand and contract folders and switch to a different section.

  1. To fully expand the contents of this introduction chapter, click Expand Document or Chapter in the upper left portion of the page, under the picture of the document's front cover.

  1. You can return to the currently selected page of document titles by clicking the book icon next to the title of the book at the top of the table of contents (this signifies closing the book). You also get to the document titles using titles a-z in the navigation bar, in this case to the titles beginning with A-D.

    If the table of contents is open at the top level—showing all the chapters—then clicking Expand Document or Chapter expands the full document. For long documents, which take some time to load in, Greenstone seeks confirmation for this action: clicking 'continue' loads the full document.

  1. Browse around and peruse some other documents in the collection.

Searching within a Greenstone collection

  1. Access the search page by clicking search in the navigation bar.

  1. In the query box under Search for chapters in any language which contain some of the words, enter the term gender then click <Begin Search>.

    After a short pause, the web browser loads a fresh page showing the results of the search.

  1. Click the page icon for the first matching document in the result set (Five Year Implementation Review of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action) to view the document. Because the search was at the chapter level, you are taken directly to the matching chapter within the document.

  1. Experiment further with searching, and with the interface in general. For example, there is a detailed Help page. It contains a Preferences section through which you can control some search settings.

    The Preferences options in the UNAIDS collection are intentionally minimalist. Most collections have a separate Preferences button that offers more features.

    The home page of the UNAIDS library collection cycles through a sequence of front cover images, updated every 5 seconds or so. Clicking a particular image takes you directly to that document.

Leaving the Greenstone digital library

  1. There are two ways of leaving Greenstone:

    1. Exit from the Greenstone Software server. Click on the Greenstone Software in the task bar, then choose Exit from the Browser Selection and Settings menu (or click on the exit hotspot, the red cross at the top right). The Greenstone Software exits, but your web browser continues to run.

    1. Exit from your web browser. Leave your web browser in the usual way. The Greenstone server detects when you exit from the browser and generates a popup window that asks whether to close down the server as well. (The reason is that other people may be using Greenstone over the network, and should not be rudely terminated.)

Exercise: Use the UNAIDS collection to answer these questions

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