Greenstone tutorial exercises (2023)
Modified for Greenstone version: 3.11
If you are working from a Greenstone Tutorial CD-ROM, DVD or USB flash drive, the sample files for these exercises are in the folder sample_files; otherwise they can be downloaded from sourceforge.
The text sometimes uses Windows terminology, but the exercises work equally well on other systems if you make appropriate changes to the pathnames.
Building a small collection of HTML files
- Running the Greenstone Librarian Interface
Starting a new collection
Adding documents to the collection
Building the collection
Viewing the extracted metadata
Viewing the internal links and external links
Setting up a shortcut in the Librarian interface
A simple image collection
- Adding Title and Description metadata
Change Format Features to display new metadata
Changing the size of image thumbnails
Adding a browsing classifier based on Description metadata
Creating a searchable index based on Description metadata
An image collection with GPS metadata
- Extracting embedded metadata
Adding in a map view to browsing
Adding in a map view to a document
A collection of Word and PDF files
- Viewing the extracted metadata
Manually adding metadata to documents in a collection
Document Plugins
Search indexes
Browsing classifiers
Formatting the Word and PDF collection
- Tidying up the default format statement
Linking to the Greenstone version or original version of documents
Making bookshelves show how many items they contain
Displaying multi-valued metadata
Advanced multi-valued metadata
Enhanced PDF handling
- Using image format
Using process_exp to control document processing (advanced)
Customising the table of contents section heading display
Opening PDF files with query terms highlighted
Enhanced Word document handling
- Using Windows native scripting
Modes in the Librarian Interface
Defining styles
Removing pre-defined table of contents
Extracting document properties as metadata
Processing docx files
Associated files: combining different versions of the same document together
- Associating one document with another
Linking to associated documents
A large collection of HTML files—Tudor
- Extracting more metadata from the HTML
Looking at different views of the files in the Gather and Enrich panels
Enhanced collection of HTML files—Tudor
- Adding hierarchically-structured metadata and a Hierarchy classifier
Partitioning the full-text index based on metadata values
Controlling the building process
Formatting the HTML collection—Tudor
Section tagging for HTML documents
Downloading files from the web
Pointing to documents on the web
Bibliographic collection
- Using fielded searching
Exploding the database
Reformatting the collection to use the exploded metadata
CDS/ISIS collection
Looking at a multimedia collection
Building a multimedia collection
- Manually correcting metadata
Browsing by media type
Using switch statements
Using AZCompactList rather than List
Making bookshelves show how many items they contain
Branding the collection with an image
Using UnknownPlugin
Cleaning up a title browser using regular expressions
Using different icons for different media types
Building a full-size version of the collection
Scanned image collection
- Grouping documents by series title and displaying dates within each group
Browsing documents by Date.
Searching at page level
Advanced scanned image collection
- Adding another newspaper to the collection
XML based item file
Open Archives Initiative (OAI) collection
- Tweaking the presentation with format statements
Setting up your Greenstone OAI Server
- Validating the Greenstone OAI server
Downloading over OAI
- Downloading using the Librarian Interface
Downloading using the command line
Building the downloaded documents in GLI
Using the UnknownConverterPlugin to make unsupported document formats searchable
- Working with DjVu documents in Greenstone
Extracting the text from DjVu documents with DjVuLibre's djvutxt
Processing DjVu documents with the UnknownConverterPlugin
Associating an icon with DjVu documents in Greenstone
Use METS as Greenstone's Internal Representation
Moving a collection from DSpace to Greenstone
- Adding indexing and browsing capabilities to match DSpace's
Moving a collection from Greenstone to DSpace
- Using Greenstone from the command line
Editing metadata sets
- Running GEMS
Creating a new metadata set
Adding a new element to a metadata set
Building and searching with different indexers
- Build with Lucene
Search with Lucene
Build with MGPP
Search with MGPP
Use search mode hotkeys with query term
A quick reference of the search mode hotkeys in MGPP
Incrementally building a collection using the command line
- Incrementally adding some additional new documents to a collection
Incrementally deleting some documents from a collection
Editing a document's text and metadata, and then incrementally rebuilding the collection
Automatic incremental indexing
Customization: Themes
- Using Greenstone Visual Themes
Creating a custom theme using ThemeRoller (advanced)
Collection-Specific Themes
- Creating a custom theme
Setting a collection's theme
Customizing your home page
- Changing the library's home page
Adding the list of collections
Adding a cross-collection search box
Login Links
Adding your library's site name
Changing your library's site name
Defining Libraries
- Exploring libraries
Creating a new site
Defining a new library
Adding and using a new interface
Changing default settings for the Greenstone server and GLI
Designing a new interface: Part 1
- Creating a new interface
Defining a new library
Gathering files
Designing a new interface: Part 2
- Changing the home page content
Changing the HTML header content
Designing a new interface: Part 3
- Examining main.xsl
Adding a navigation bar
Adding functionality to the quick search box
Adding the library name and login links
Using WebSwing GLI (Web GLI)
- Creating a user account
Accessing WebSwing GLI: a Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) application accessible over your browser
Building a small collection of HTML files
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
You will need some HTML files, such as those in the simple_html folder in sample_files.
Running the Greenstone Librarian Interface
- Start the Greenstone Librarian Interface:
Start → All Programs → Greenstone-3.11 → Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI)
For current versions of Greenstone, do not install Greenstone into Program Files or any other System area that requires special permissions. Instead, install it into your user area, C:\Users\<username>.
For older versions of Greenstone: If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7 and have installed Greenstone into C:\Program Files\Greenstone, a User Account Control dialog may appear as you try to start the Greenstone Librarian Interface, click <Yes> to continue.
On Windows 8 and onwards you may see a Windows Firewall message about Java. If you have admin permissions, choose the option "Domain networks, such as a workplace network" then press Allow Access to allow Java to comminicate on the selected networks.
After a short pause a startup screen appears, and then after a slightly longer pause the main Greenstone Librarian Interface appears. (A command prompt is also opened in the background.)
On a Mac, one of the ways you can launch GLI is to click on the green gli application icon located in your Greenstone installation folder. (On MacOS version 10.14.4, also known as Mojave, when you first run GLI in this manner, you may see a warning that future MacOS versions won't support this application. Dismiss the warning and proceed.)On linux as well as mac, you can run GLI by using a terminal to go into the Greenstone installation folder and then running the command ./gli/ from there.
Starting a new collection
- Start a new collection within the Librarian Interface:
File → New...
- You will create a collection based on a few HTML web pages from the Tudor collection.A window pops up. Fill it out with appropriate values—for example,
Collection title: Small HTML Collection
Description of content: A small collection of HTML pages.
Leave the setting for Base this collection on: at its default: -- New Collection --, and click <OK>.
- Next you must gather together the files that will constitute the collection. A suitable set has been prepared ahead of time in sample_files → simple_html → html_files. Using the left-hand side of the Librarian Interface's Gather panel, interactively navigate to the sample_files → simple_html folder.
Adding documents to the collection
- Now drag the html_files folder from the left-hand side and drop it on the right. The progress bar at the bottom shows some activity. Gradually, duplicates of all the files will appear in the collection panel. A popup may appear saying that geov2.js is an unrecognised filetype and can't be processed by GLI. Tick the checkbox to no longer see this message again.
You can inspect the files that have been copied by double-clicking on the folder in the right-hand side.
- Since this is our first collection, we won't complicate matters by manually assigning metadata or altering the collection's design. Instead we rely on default behaviour. So pass directly to the Create panel by clicking its tab.
Building the collection
- To start building the collection, click the <Build Collection> button.
- Once the collection has built successfully, a window pops up to confirm this. Click <OK>.
- Click the <Preview Collection> button to look at the end result. This loads the relevant page into your web browser (starting it up if necessary).
Note: If you're working with a Safari browser and find that pressing the Preview button has no effect, then go into Safari's Preferences → Websites → Pop up Windows menu and set the value for its localhost entry to allow to prevent Safari from blocking pages you want to Preview (and from blocking web-supported documents you've double-clicked in GLI's Gather or Enrich panels).
Viewing the extracted metadata
- Back in the Librarian Interface, click the Enrich tab to view the metadata associated with the documents in the collection.
- Presently there is no manually assigned metadata, but the act of building the collection has extracted metadata from the documents. Double click the html_files folder to expand its content. Then single-click aragon.html to display all its metadata in the right-hand side of the panel. The initial fields, starting "dc.", are empty. These are Dublin Core metadata fields for manually entered data.
- Use the scroll bar on the extreme right to view the bottom part of the list. There you will see fields starting "ex." that express the extracted metadata: for example ex.Title, based on the text within the HTML Title tags, and ex.Language, the document's language (represented using the ISO standard 2-letter mnemonic) which Greenstone determines by analyzing the document's text.
- Close the collection by clicking File → Close. This automatically saves the collection to disk.
Viewing the internal links and external links
- Hyperlinks in a Greenstone collection work like this: If the link is to a document that is also in the collection, clicking it takes you to that document in the collection. If the link is to a document that is not in the collection, clicking it takes you to that document on the web.Go back to the web browser and click the titles link near the top of the page. Open the file boleyn.html and look for the link to Katharine of Aragon (in the 5th paragraph of the Biography section). This links to a document inside the collection--aragon.html. View this document by clicking the link. For an external link, return to boleyn.html and click letters written by Anne (in the Primary Sources section). This takes you out on to the web.
Setting up a shortcut in the Librarian interface
- To set up a shortcut to the source files, in the Gather panel navigate to the folder in your local file space that contains the files you want to use—in our case, the sample_files folder. Select this folder and then right-click it, and choose Create Shortcut from the menu. In the Name field, enter the name you want the shortcut to have, or accept the default sample_files. Click <OK>. Close all the folders in the file tree in the left-hand pane, and you will see the shortcut to your source files.
A simple image collection
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
In this tutorial, we create a new collection that is based on the configuration of another collection.
- In a file browser, locate the folder sample_files → images → image-e. Copy this entire folder into your Greenstone → web → sites → localsite → collect folder.
- In the Librarian Interface, start a new collection (File → New...) called backdrop. Fill out the fields with appropriate information. For Base this collection on:, select the item Simple image collection from the pull-down menu.
When you base a collection on an existing one, it inherits all the settings of the old one, including which metadata sets (if any) the collection uses.
- Copy the images provided in sample_files → images (avoiding the README.TXT file and any folders) into your newly-formed collection.
- Change to the Create panel and build the collection.
Preview the result.
- Click on Browse in the navigation bar to view a list of the photos ordered by filename and presented as a thumbnail accompanied by some basic data about the image. The structure of this collection is the same as Simple image collection, but the content is different.
- Back in the Librarian Interface, change to the Enrich panel and view the extracted metadata for Bear.jpg.
Adding Title and Description metadata
- We work with just the first three files (Bear.jpg, Cat.jpg and Cheetah.jpg) to get a flavour of what is possible. First, we need to add the Dublin Core metadata set which is not used in the Simple image collection collection. Click the <Manage Metadata Sets...> button beneath the Collection file tree. A new window pops up showing the metadata sets used by current collection. Click the <Add...> button to bring up another window showing the available metadata sets. Select the "Dublin Core Metadata Element Set" from the list and click <Add>. Click <Close> to return to the Enrich panel.First, set each file's dc.Title field to be the same as its filename but without the filename extension.Click on Bear.jpg so its metadata fields are available, then click on its dc.Title field on the right-hand side. Type in Bear.Repeat the process for Cat.jpg, Cheetah.jpg and so on.
- Add a description for each image as dc.Description metadata.What description should you enter? To remind yourself of a file's content, the Librarian Interface lets you open files by double-clicking them. It launches the appropriate application based on the filename extension, Word for .doc files, Acrobat for .pdf files and so on.Double-click Bear.jpg: on Windows, the image will normally be displayed by Windows Photo Viewer (although this depends on how your computer has been set up).
Note: If you're working with a Safari browser and find that double-clicking on Bear.jpg has no effect, then go to Safari's Preferences → Websites → Pop up Windows menu and set the value for its localhost entry to allow to prevent Safari from blocking documents you've double-clicked (and from blocking Greenstone collection pages when you press Preview).Back in the Enrich pane, make sure that Bear.jpg is selected in the collection tree on the left hand side. Enter the text Bear in the Rocky Mountains as the value for the dc.Description field.Repeat this process for Cat.jpg and Cheetah.jpg, adding a suitable description for each.
- Go to the Create panel and click <Build Collection>. Once it has finished building, preview the collection. You will not notice anything new. That's because we haven't changed the design of the collection to take advantage of the new metadata.
Change Format Features to display new metadata
- Now we customize the collection's appearance. Go to the Format panel and select Format Features from the left-hand list.Click on the browse Format Feature. Find the section under documentNode where it says
<td valign="top">
<gsf:displayText name="ImageName"/>:<gsf:metadata name="Image"/><br/>
<gsf:displayText name="Width"/>:<gsf:metadata name="ImageWidth"/><br/>
<gsf:displayText name="Height"/>:<gsf:metadata name="ImageHeight"/><br/>
<gsf:displayText name="Size"/>:<gsf:metadata name="ImageSize"/>
Edit the text as follows:
- Change <gsf:displayText name="ImageName"/>: to Title:
Change <gsf:metadata name="Image"/> to <gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/>
After <gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/><br/> add Description: <gsf:metadata name="dc.Description"/><br/>
Metadata names are case-sensitive in Greenstone: it is important that you capitalize "Title" and "Description" (and don't capitalize "dc").
- The first substitution alters the fragment of text that appears to the right of the thumbnail image, the second alters the item of metadata that follows it. The addition displays the description after the Title.
- Preview the collection by clicking the <Preview Collection> button. When you click on Browse in the navigation bar the presentation has changed to "Title: Bear" and so on. Each image's description should appear beside the thumbnail, following the title.
After the first three items, the Title and Description become blank because we have only assigned Dublin Core metadata to these first three. (To get a full listing you would enter all the metadata.)
Changes in the Format panel take place immediately and you can see the result straightaway by clicking the Preview Collection button. If you modify anything in the Gather, Enrich or Design panels, you will need to rebuild the collection.
Changing the size of image thumbnails
- Let's change the size of the thumbnail image and make it smaller. Thumbnail images are created by the ImagePlugin plug-in, so we need to access its configuration settings. To do this, switch to the Design panel and select Document Plugins from the list on the left. Double-click ImagePlugin to pop up a window that shows its settings. (Alternatively, select ImagePlugin with a single click and then click <Configure Plugin...> further down the screen). Currently most options are off, so standard defaults are used. Select thumbnailsize, set it to 50, and click <OK>.
Build and preview the collection.
- Once you have seen the result of the change, return to the Design panel, select the configuration options for ImagePlugin, and switch the thumbnailsize option off so that the thumbnail reverts to its normal size when the collection is re-built.
Adding a browsing classifier based on Description metadata
- Now we'll add a new browsing option based on the descriptions. In the Design panel, select Browsing Classifiers from the left-hand list. Set the menu item for Select classifier to add to List, then click <Add Classifier...>.
- A window pops up to control the classifier's options. Set the metadata option to dc.Description. Next, click the partition_type_within_level check box and choose none from the drop-down list. Click <OK>.
Build the collection, and preview it. Choose the new Description link that appears in the navigation bar.
Only three items are shown, because only items with the relevant metadata (dc.Description in this case) appear in the list. The original browse list includes all photos in the collection because it is based on ex.Image, extracted metadata that reflects an image's filename, which is set for all images in the collection.
Creating a searchable index based on Description metadata
- Now we'll add an index so that the collection can be searched by descriptions. Switch to the Design panel and select Search Indexes from the left-hand list. Click the <New Index> button. Select dc.Description from the list of metadata to include in the index and click <Add Index>. Leave Indexing Levels at its default, "document".
- Switch to the Create panel, build the collection, then preview it. There is now a Search button in the navigation bar. As an example, search for the term "bear" in the dc.Description index (which is the only index at this point).
- To change the text that is displayed for the index (dc.Description), go to the Format panel back in the Librarian Interface. Select Search from the left-hand list. This panel allows you to change the text that is displayed on the search form. Set the Display text for the "dc.Description" index to "image descriptions" (or other suitable text). Press the <Preview Collection> button. In the browser, you should now see your new text appear for the displayed index name in the search form.
Note that if you use text instead of macros in the search metadata display text, you will need to do any translations yourself.
An image collection with GPS metadata
In this tutorial, we'll be looking at building a collection that takes advantage of the GPS metadata embedded in image files. Using this data, we can plot the images on a map based on where they were taken.
In doing this tutorial, if the maps are not available for viewing at all, you will need to have a Google Maps API key. This is done through
Only for the duration of this tutorial, set up a Google API key and restrict it to localhost:8383/greenstone3/* (You'll want to disable it again afterward for security purposes.) Having created an API key, follow the remaining instructions given in your Greenstone3 installation's resources/web/ file for the param-name "googlemaps_api_key".
Note: Even though Google provides a free tier for usage, at the time of writing they still require you to register a credit card with your Google developer account.
- Create a new collection in GLI called Images-GPS. In the Gather panel, drag and drop the 4 folders in sample_files → images_gps from the Workspace view on the left into the Collection view on the right.
- Since the images are organised by folder, we can easily assign folder-level metadata to the images which will help with classifying them. In the Enrich panel, select the eiffel-tower folder, and in its dc.Title field type Eiffel Tower. Since this metadata is assigned at folder level, it is inherited as dc.Title metadata by all the images in the folder.When setting folder-level metadata like this, the default setting in GLI is to produce a popup window alerting you to the fact that the assigned metadata will be assigned
to all files and sub-folders contained in the selected folder. For this collection, this is what we want, so press OK for the action to proceed.Note: if you prefer this popup not to appear each time you assign folder-level metadata, there is a tick-box in the lower left-hand corner of the popup window ("do not show this warning again") that allows you to control this. If you choose to suppress the popup, then it can be turned back on through File → Preferences and then clicking on the Warnings tab. The various options are alphabetically sorted, with the option that controls this popup: "About to add folder level metadata".
- Now select each of the remaining folders of images in turn, and assign the appropriate values for their dc.Title: Parc de Luxembourg, Musée d'Orsay and Panthéon district.
- Go to the Design panel. In the Browsing Classifiers section, choose AZCompactList from the Select classifier to add dropdown box and press <Add Classifier...>. In the configuration dialog that appears, set the metadata field to dc.Title and tick the buttonname option and set its value to locations. This will create a classifier labelled locations that groups all images under Eiffel Tower into one bookshelf and similarly creates bookshelves for the other 3 categories. Click <OK> to close the plugin configuration dialog.
- Now go to the Create panel and press Build Collection.
- Preview the collection and click the Locations tab in the web browser. Expand the bookshelf icons displayed in the web browser to see thumbnail pictures of the photos gathered under the displayed metadata heading. Explore further, and click on a thumbnail photo or two to view larger versions of the photos in the document view.
Extracting embedded metadata
Each of these image files has metadata embedded in it—including GPS data—generated by the smartphone when the photo was taken. We can extract this metadata when the collection is built, and in particular, make use of the GPS metadata to provide map-based views of the collection to the user.In the Document Plugins section of the Design panel, go down to the Select plugin to add: and choose the EmbeddedMetadataPlugin. Press the <Add Plugin...> button, and then click <OK> to add it to the plugin list. Select this plugin in the list, then use the <Move Up> button to shift it upwards until it comes just after the GreenstoneXMLPlugin.
- Go to the Create panel and press <Build Collection>.
- Now go to the Enrich panel, expand the eiffel-tower folder and select the first image. Scroll down to see the metadata extracted during the building process. Among the extracted metadata, you will find several pieces of Latitude and Longitude metadata, which we will be taking advantage of shortly: ex.Latitude, ex.Longitude, ex.LatShort, and ex.LngShort.
Adding in a map view to browsing
Greenstone has a map view, based on the Google Maps API, that can make use of this location metadata. The map view can be controlled to appear in different parts of the interface: as part of a collection's search results page; when browsing the collection; when viewing a document. For this view to be operational in a Greenstone, it is necessary for the collection to index the GPS metadata.
- In the Search Indexes section of the Design panel, press the <New Index> button. Scroll down and tick the box for ex.LatShort and press <Add Index> to create an index on it. In like manner, create an index on ex.Latitude. Then another on ex.LngShort. And finally one on ex.Longitude.
- Now go to the Create panel and press <Build Collection>.
- To enable the map, go to the Format Features section of the Format panel. Select the browse format feature in the drop down for Choose Feature. In the editor below it, enter the following format statement above the documentNode template:
<gsf:option name="mapEnabled" value="true" />
- Also in the Choose Feature section, select the searchType feature. Add raw to the comma-separated searchType list.
- In the Format panel press <Preview Collection>, and click on the new browsing classifier (locations) and then click on a bookshelf icon (not the plus next to each bookshelf icon). The page that opens up shows a Google map, with the locations of the images in the collection pinpointed on it. The map view can also scroll through all the images, locating each place and associated image in turn.
By adding the
<gsf:option name="mapEnabled" value="true" /> statement
to the
browse format feature, all of the classifiers built will have the map
view enabled. It is also possible to activate the map view on individual classifiers,
and on the search results page by adding the
mapEnabled statement to the
format feature.
Adding in a map view to a document
To activate a map view when viewing the document, go to the Format Features section of the Format panel, and select the display format feature in the Choose Feature dropdown. In the editor below, enter the following format statement after the line <gsf:option name="TOC" value="true" />:
<gsf:option name="mapEnabled" value="true" />
- If you want the map to display nearby documents, then add the mapEnabled option to the search format feature also.
- Still in the Format panel press the <Preview Collection> button, browse or search to locate a document, and then view the document. The page that opens up shows a Google map, shows the location of the document (where the photo was taken), in addition to the screen-sized photo.
A collection of Word and PDF files
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
You will need some source files like those in the sample_files → Word_and_PDF folder.
- Start a new collection called reports (File → New...) and base it on -- New Collection --.
- Copy all the .doc, .rtf, .pdf and .ps files from sample_files → Word_and_PDF → Documents into the collection. There are 9 files in all: you can select multiple files by clicking on the first one and shift-clicking on the last one, and drag them all across together. (This is the normal technique of multiple selection.)
- Switch to the Create panel, and build and preview the collection.
Viewing the extracted metadata
- Again, this collection contains no manually assigned metadata. All the information that appears—title and filename—is extracted automatically from the documents themselves. Because of this the quality of some of the title metadata is suspect.
- Back in the Librarian Interface, click the Enrich tab to view the automatically extracted metadata. You will need to scroll down to see the extracted metadata, which begins with "ex.".
- Check whether the ex.Title metadata is correct for some of the documents by opening them. You can open a document from the Librarian Interface by double clicking on it.
- The extracted Title metadata for some documents is incorrect. For example, the Titles for pdf01.pdf and word03.doc (the same document in different formats) have missed out the second line. The Title for pdf03.pdf has the wrong text altogether.
Manually adding metadata to documents in a collection
- In the Enrich panel, manually add Dublin Core dc.Title metadata to those documents which have incorrect ex.Title metadata. Select word03.doc and double-click to open it. Copy the title of this document ("Greenstone: A comprehensive open-source digital library software system") and return to the Librarian Interface. Scroll up or down in the metadata table until you can see dc.Title. Click in the value box and paste in the metadata.
Note: On unix systems, such as Ubuntu and Mac, Greenstone may not be set up out of the box to launch the default application associated with many file extensions. To be able to double click on a document in GLI and have it open in the associated application you would need to enter the preferred applications to launch various file formats through the GLI File → File Associations menu's Edit File Associations dialog, where you would set the Launch Command field to a preferred application to associate with a file extension followed by %1.If you prefer to use the system default application to open a file format in, Google for the default file open command for your unix operating system (e.g it's xdg-open on Ubuntu, and open on Mac) and enter this in GLI's Edit File Associations dialog as follows: click on a file extension to select it, then you will be able to set the value in the Launch Command field for it. In this field, enter the default file open command for the operating system you found, followed by %1. e.g on Ubuntu you would enter the Command xdg-open %1 as Launch Command for each file extension listed. Whereas on Mac, you would enter open %1 for each file extension. Finally, press the Add button to set the Command column's value for that extension. Move on to the next file extension you want to set the Launch Command for, and repeat. If the file extension you want to set the default viewing application for isn't listed, enter the new file extension in the field labelled for fields ending, then type its Launch Command value (e.g. open %1 on a Mac) as before, and press the Add button again.
- Now add dc.Creator information for the same document. You can add more than one value for the same field: when you press Enter in a metadata value field, a new empty field of the same type will be generated. Add each author separately as dc.Creator metadata.
- Close the document (in Microsoft Word) when you have finished copying metadata from it. External programs opened when viewing documents must be closed before building the collection, otherwise errors can occur.
- Next add dc.Title and dc.Creator metadata for a few of the other documents.
- You will notice as you add more values, they appear in the Existing values for ... box below the metadata table. If you are adding the same metadata value to more than one document, you can select it from this list. For example, pdf01.pdf and word03.doc share the same Title; and many documents have common authors.
If you build and preview your collection at this point, you will see that the titles list now shows your new Titles. However, the dc.Creator metadata is not displayed. You need to alter the collection design to use this metadata.
Document Plugins
- In the Librarian Interface, look at the Document Plugins section of the Design panel, by clicking on this in the list to the left. Here you can add, configure or remove plugins to be used in the collection. There is no need to remove any plugins, but it will speed up processing a little. In this case we have only Word, PDF, RTF, and PostScript documents, and can remove the ZIPPlugin, TextPlugin, HTMLPlugin, EmailPlugin, PowerPointPlugin, ExcelPlugin, ImagePlugin, ISISPlug, NULPlugin and OAIPlugin plugins. To delete a plugin, select it and click <Remove Plugin>. GreenstoneXMLPlugin is required for any type of source collection and should not be removed.
Search indexes
- The next step in the Design panel is Search Indexes. These specify what parts of the collection are searchable (e.g. searching by title and author). Delete the ex.Source index, which is not particularly useful, by selecting it and clicking <>.
- By default the titles index (dc.Title,ex.dc.Title,ex.Title) includes dc.Title, ex.dc.Title and ex.Title. Searching this index will search dc.Title, ex.dc.Title and ex.Title metadata. If you wanted to restrict searching to just the manually added dc.Title metadata, you would edit this index and deselect ex.dc.Title and ex.Title from the list of metadata.
- You can add indexes based on any metadata. Add a new index based on dc.Creator by clicking <New Index>. Select dc.Creator in the list of metadata, and click <Add Index>.
Browsing classifiers
- The Browsing Classifiers section adds "classifiers," which provide the collection with browsing functions. Go to this section and observe that Greenstone has provided two List classifiers, based on dc.Title;Title and ex.Source metadata. These correspond to the titles and filenames buttons on the collection's access bar. Remove the ex.Source classifier by selecting it and clicking <Remove Classifier>.
- Now add an AZCompactList classifier for dc.Creator. Select AZCompactList from the Select classifier to add drop-down list and click <Add Classifier...>. A popup window for Configuring Arguments appears. Select dc.Creator from the metadata drop-down list and click <OK>.
- Switch to the Create panel, and build the collection.
Next, go to the Format panel, and select the Search section to the left. On the right, set the display text value for Index: dc.Creator to
- Press the <Preview Collection> button. Check that all the facilities work properly. There should be three full-text indexes, called text, titles, and creators. The titles list should display all the document Titles. The creators list should show one bookshelf for each author you have assigned as dc.Creator, and clicking on that bookshelf should take you to all the documents they authored.
The titles list shows all documents which have been assigned dc.Title metadata, or have automatically extracted ex.Title. For many documents, extracted Titles may be fine, and it is impractical to add the same metadata again as dc.Title. Specifying a list of metadata names in the classifier allows us to use both.
- If you have already done the Enhanced Word document handling exercise, some of the documents will have extracted ex.Creator metadata, and some will have dc.Creator. To use both of these in the Creators classifier, make the metadata field read dc.Creator,ex.Creator.
Build the collection again and preview it. Now extracted Creators should appear in the creators list.
We will play around with the format statements and customize the outlook of this collection in the Formatting the Word and PDF collection exercise.
Formatting the Word and PDF collection
In this exercise, we play around with the format statements in the Word and PDF collection.
- Open the reports collection in the Librarian Interface and go to the Format Features section of the Format panel.
Tidying up the default format statement
- In this part of the exercise, we make the format statement simpler without changing the resulting display.Greenstone's default format statement is complex because it is designed to produce something reasonable under almost any conditions, and also because for practical reasons it needs to be backwards compatible with legacy collections. For this collection, we don't need all of the complexity.Make sure that the Browse
format statement is selected in the list of formats.An excerpt from the default Browse
format statement for documentNode looks like the following:
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
This format statement is the default used for the documentNode vertical lists under classifiers.
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
chooses ex.thumbicon metadata if it's there, otherwise chooses ex.srcicon metadata. If neither are present, nothing is displayed. For this collection there is no ex.thumbicon metadata so the choice is not needed.Replace the longer excerpt above with
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
Next edit the global format features: there is no exp.Title metadata, so remove that element from the following
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="exp.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
Preview the collection to make sure the display hasn't changed. You shouldn't notice any difference when looking at search results, classifiers etc.
Linking to the Greenstone version or original version of documents
- For collections with documents that undergo a conversion process during importing (e.g. Word, PDF, PowerPoint documents, but not text, HTML documents), the original file is stored in the collection along with the converted version. The default Browse format statement links to both versions, but the format statement for Search links only to the converted version of the original file. That is, this format statement:
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
links to the Greenstone HTML version, while
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
links to the original.Choose Search in Format Features. Experiment with removing and restoring either of the two links from the format statement, previewing the effect of each change.To see the results of your changes, preview the collection and do a search. You are making changes to documentNodes under Search, which means the changes will only apply to search results.Storing and displaying the original allows users to see the correct format, but requires the user to have the relevant program installed. It also increases the size of the collection. The Greenstone version can be viewed in a browser, but may not look as nice.
Making bookshelves show how many items they contain
- Next, we'll customize the format statement for the creators list. Classifier bookshelves have only a few pieces of metadata to display: ex.Title and numleafdocs. Whatever metadata the classifier has been built on, the bookshelf label is always stored as ex.Title. This is why a Creator is printed out for each bookshelf even though dc.Creator is not specified in the format statement.
Make each bookshelf in the Creator classifier show how many entries it contains. In the Format Features section of the Format panel, select the Browse format statement. This consists of three parts: the first gsf:template is the format statement defining the display of a documentNode, the second one is the format statement that controls the appearance of VList classifierNodes (which appear as bookshelves here), while the final gsf:template block is the format statement defining the display of HList classifierNodes.Scroll down to the end of the second format statement, which is the one for the VList classifiers and appears just before the start of the format statement for HList classifiers. Then insert the line highlighted below, which will display the number of leaf documents inside a classifier bookshelf:
<gsf:template match="classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'VList']">
<td valign="top">(<gsf:metadata name="numleafdocs"/>)</td>
<gsf:template match="classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'HList']">
<gsf:link type="classifier">
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
Preview the collection. Click on the creators list and notice that the bookshelves now display how many documents they contain.This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf.
Displaying multi-valued metadata
- Next we modify the document entries in the Creator classifier to display all authors. Back in Format Features, select the Browse format in the list of assigned formats. Edit the format statement for documentNode after the part where it displays the Title metadata, so that it now additionally contains the new line highlighted below. This will display the dc.Creator metadata.
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i>
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator" />
The format statement as it is above will now display the Greenstone link, the link to the original, then the Title as before. Since it's defined for documentNodes, it will display all the Authors (Creators), and the source document for documents. Preview the creators list and make sure that all authors are displayed for documents.The additional line <gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator" /> displays all the Creator metadata for the document, separated by a comma (", "). All the metadata values for dc.Creator will be returned by default. If you wish to retrieve only the first, last or nth value for a metadata, you would use the pos attribute. For example, <gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator" pos="first"/> (or alternatively, <gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator" pos="1"/>) displays only the first author. In sectioned documents, you can allow users to browse and search on the section level. In this case, you may want to request metadata for the parent, ancestors, or root (i.e. document) of the current section. For instance, if you want to display the title of the section's parent you can use <gsf:metadata name="Title" select="parent"/>.
- You can change the separator between the authors. Modify the format statement, and replace <gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator" /> with <gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator" separator=" "/>. This will add a space after each author. Preview the creators list. However, if you want a newline to separate each author, it requires a little more in order to escape the HTML newline (<br />) element:
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator"><separator><br /></separator></gsf:metadata>
If you have done exercise Enhanced Word document handling, the collection will have both dc.Creator and ex.Creator metadata. To display the metadata values for both, you can use
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator" />, <gsf:metadata name="Creator" />
To display dc.Creator if it is present, otherwise display ex.Creator, use
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Creator" />
<gsf:metadata name="Creator" />
Advanced multi-valued metadata
- You may notice that the AZCompactList classifier's configuration dialog has two options after the metadata option: firstvalueonly and allvalues. Manually added metadata can be used to replace or enhance automatically extracted metadata, and these options control exactly which pieces of metadata a document is classified by.For example, say we have two documents. Document 1 has four Creators specified (dc.Creator = dcA, dc.Creator = dcB, ex.Creator = exA, ex.Creator = exB), while document 2 has three (ex.Creator = exA, ex.Creator = exB, ex.Creator = exC). The following table shows which metadata values each document is classified by, for the different classifier options:
AZCompactList options | Document 1 | Document 2 |
-metadata dc.Creator,ex.Creator | dcA, dcB | exA, exB, exC |
-metadata dc.Creator,ex.Creator -firstvalueonly | dcA | exA |
-metadata dc.Creator,ex.Creator -allvalues | dcA, dcB, exA, exB | exA, exB, exC |
- We'll now set the firstvalueonly option for the creators classifier. Switch to the Browsing Classifiers section of the Design panel, select the AZCompactList for dc.Creator metadata in the Assigned Classifiers box and click <Configure Classifier...>. Select the firstvalueonly option.
Rebuild and preview the collection. Now the creators list classifies documents based on the first author appearing in the dc.Creator metadata.If you set the metadata field of AZCompactList to dc.Creator,ex.Creator in the A collection of Word and PDF files exercise, now the creators list will classify based on the first author appearing in either the dc.Creator metadata or the ex.Creator metadata.
Enhanced PDF handling
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 3.09
Modified for Greenstone version: 3.11
Prior to Greenstone 3.09, Greenstone shipped with a plugin called PDFPlugin. It was the plugin Greenstone used to convert PDF files to HTML using the third-party software PDFPlugin allowed users to view PDF documents even if they didn't have the PDF software installed. Unfortunately, sometimes the formatting of the resulting HTML files was not so good. Earlier versions of this tutorial would provide some instruction on extra options to the PDFPlugin for producing a nicer version for display. The older pdftohtml process could however not cope with much newer versions of PDF unless PDFPlugin's pdfbox_conversion option was switched on.
Starting with Greenstone 3.09, some older pdf processing functionality has been restructured into PDFv1Plugin, while shifting the pdfbox_conversion option into PDFv2Plugin. PDFv2Plugin further makes use of third-party software xpdf-tools, which better copes with newer PDFs, thus no longer requiring activating the pdfbox_conversion option when dealing with newer PDFs. PDFv2Plugin comes with several new preconfigured settings to produce output files in html, text, image or image and text formats, that can better reflect the appearance of an input PDF document's pages. Behind the scenes, PDFv2Plugin is configured to use the third-party xpdf-tools or pdfbox software for each output setting.
From Greenstone 3.09 onwards, PDFv2Plugin is added to a new collection's Document Plugins pipleline by default, in place of the now defunct PDFPlugin. In any instance where you particularly prefer the original PDFPlugin's HTML output for a PDF, you can now use PDFv1Plugin instead, as it still retains this functionality.
- In the Librarian Interface, start a new collection called "PDF collection" and base it on -- New Collection --.In the Gather panel, drag just the PDF documents from sample_files → Word_and_PDF → Documents into the new collection. Also drag in the PDF documents from sample_files → Word_and_PDF → difficult_pdf.In the Document Plugins section of the Design panel, you should find PDFv2Plugin in the plugins list (in place of the deprecated PDFPlugin that would have been present in the plugins list in older versions of Greenstone).Go to the Create panel and build the collection. Examine the output from the build process.If you had built the same collection with PDFv1Plugin instead of PDFv2Plugin, the build output would inform you that one of the documents could not be processed and you'd have seen the following building messages: "The file pdf05-notext.pdf was recognised but could not be processed by any plugin.", and "3 documents were processed and included in the collection. 1 was rejected".However, since you built the collection of 4 pdfs with PDFv2Plugin, you will notice that all 4 documents could be processed.
- Preview the collection and view the documents. Inspect pdf01 and pdf03 first. There's a table of contents is provided to the right. Clicking on a page in the table of contents will scroll to that page. Another way of navigating can be found to the left, where individual pages are listed vertically by page number and clicking the "plus" box next to a page will expand its contents. The pdfs have been sectionalised into groups of 10 pages, each group further containing a section for each individual page. If your pdf contained 10 or fewer pages, there won't be two levels of sectionalising, just one.If you visit a given page and try to select and copy the text, you can. These are not entirely images of the pdf's pages (like screenshots of a pdf page), but are HTML pages that combine images of the background of each pdf page with the actual text of that page superimposed. The latter is what makes the text selectable.If you return to GLI's Design pane and double click on PDFv2Plugin in Document Plugins, then you will see that the convert_to option is set to paged_pretty_html. This is the default PDF convert_to type and produces the kind of sectionalised HTML pages consisting of background images and superimposed text that you see with pdf01 and pdf03.
- Next preview pdf05-notext.pdf. This is also similarly sectionalised, but the text is not selectable. That's because the original PDF file pdf05-notext.pdf contained no text, only images of text.
- Now preview pdf06-weirdchars.pdf. Although also sectionalised, its contents look very strange. The reason for this will become apparent if you open the original document by double-clicking pdf06-weirdchars.pdf in GLI's Gather pane. Then in the open PDF, select as much of the text on its first page as possible. Copy that text and paste it in a text editor. You should see strange characters. This is why Greenstone's PDFv2Plugin wasn't able to extract legible text either.Although Greenstone has processed all 4 documents, pdf06-weirdchars.pdf can be made to look better.
Using image format
- PDF documents can be converted to a series of images, one per page. This uses the bundled ImageMagick and Ghostscript.
- In the Document Plugins section, configure PDFv2Plugin. Set the convert_to option to one of the image types, e.g. pagedimg_jpg.
Build the collection and preview.
All PDF documents have been processed again, still divided into a series of page sections, but this time one image per page.
Images from the document are now displayed instead of the extracted text. That means there's no selectable text for any of the 4 documents this time. The table of contents on the right now displays a horizontal scroller containing thumbnails of each page. pdf06-weirdchars.pdf displays nicely now.
Using process_exp to control document processing (advanced)
- Processing all of the PDF documents using an image type may not give the best result for your collection. The images will look nice, but as no text is extracted, searching the full text will not be available for these documents. The best solution would be to process most of the PDF files as HTML, and only use the image format where HTML doesn't work.
- We achieve this by putting the problem files into a separate folder, and adding another PDFv2Plugin plugin with different options.
- Go to the Gather panel. Make a new folder called "notext": right click in the collection panel and select New folder from the menu. Change the Folder Name to "notext", and click <OK>.
Note: To see the right click context menu on the Mac, you would hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the (right) mouse button. If attempting to right click on the Mac does not produce any context menu, go into your Mac's Apple menu → System Preferences → Mouse and then tick the Secondary click box and then try right clicking the document in GLI as described.Move pdf06-weirdchars.pdf (which has problems with html) and also pdf05-notext.pdf (which has no extractable text) into this folder by drag and drop. We will set up the plugins so that PDF files in this notext folder are processed differently to the other PDF files.
- Switch to the Document Plugins section of the Design panel. Add a second instance of PDFv2Plugin by selecting PDFv2Plugin from the Select plugin to add: drop-down list, and clicking <Add Plugin...>. This plugin will come after the first PDFv2Plugin instance, so we configure it to process PDF documents as sectionalised HTML by leaving the convert_to option on the default, paged_pretty_html. Click <OK>.
- Configure the first PDF plugin, and set the process_exp option to "notext.*\.pdf".
- The two PDF plugins should have options like the following:
plugin PDFv2Plugin -convert_to pagedimg_jpg -process_exp "notext.*\.pdf"
plugin PDFv2Plugin -convert_to paged_pretty_html
The paged_img version must come earlier in the list than the html version. The process_exp for the first PDFPlugin will process any PDF files in the notext directory. The second PDFPlugin will process any PDF files that are not processed by the first one.Note that all plugins have the process_exp option, and this can be used to customize which documents are processed by which plugin.
- Build and preview the collection. All PDF documents should look relatively nice. Try searching this collection. You will be able to search for the PDFs that were converted to HTML (try e.g. "bibliography"), but not the ones that were converted to images (try searching for "FAO" or "METS").
Customising the table of contents section heading display
- In the table of contents (on the right), a section number and section title are displayed by default. For documents like these where the section titles are the same as the section numbers, this doesn't make much sense, as you end up with headings like "1 1". We can hide the section number from the display by adding some CSS style information.
- Click on the display format statement in the Format Features list. Add the following to the start of the content:
<gsf:template name="additionalHeaderContent-collection">
<style>span.tocSectionNumber { display: none; }</style>
- Note that if you'd rather hide the title instead, you can use span.tocSectionTitle in the above CSS code instead of span.tocSectionNumber.
Opening PDF files with query terms highlighted
- Next we'll customize the search format statement to highlight the query terms in a PDF file when it is opened from the search result list. This requires Acrobat Reader 7.0 version or higher and has been confirmed to work with Firefox browsers on Windows, Linux and Mac systems, but is known to not work with Safari browsers at present. Other browsers are as yet untested and may or may not support the PDF query term highlighting syntax used in this exercise.
- To highlight the query terms in a PDF document, we need to pass them into the PDF file by appending #search="query" to the end of the document link. We need to create the link ourselves rather than using <gsf:link type="source"/> in the format statement.
PDFPlugin saves each PDF file in a unique directory for that document, and we can use
<gsf:metadata name="httpPath" type="collection"/>/index/assoc/<gsf:metadata name="archivedir"/>/<gsf:metadata name="srclinkFile"/>
to refer to the PDF source file.
The search terms can be found in the "q" cgi parameter. You can access this using <gsf:cgi-param name="q"/>.
- Select search in Format Features for editing. We need to test whether the file is a PDF file before linking to it, using a test on whether the Greenstone extracted FileFormat metadata is PDF. For PDF files, we now generate the link explicitly.The resulting format statement is:
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:metadata name="FileFormat"/>
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="PDF">
<a><xsl:attribute name="href"><gsf:metadata name="httpPath" type="collection"/>/index/assoc/<gsf:metadata name="archivedir"/>/<gsf:metadata name="srclinkFile"/>#search=&quot;<gsf:cgi-param name="query"/>&quot;</xsl:attribute>
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<td valign="top">
When the PDF icons are clicked in the search results, Acrobat will open the file with the search window open with the query terms highlighted.
For example,
Preview and try searching for
bibliography. Click on a PDF icon in the search results. The PDF will be opened on the page with the first instance of the word
bibliography, with the word highlighted.
Enhanced Word document handling
The standard way Greenstone processes Word documents is to convert them to HTML format using a third-party program, wvWare. This sometimes doesn't do a very good job of conversion. If you are using Windows, and have Microsoft Word installed, you can take advantage of Windows native scripting to do a better job of conversion. If the original document was hierarchically structured using Word styles, these can be used to structure the resulting HTML. Word document properties can also be extracted as metadata.
- In your digital library, preview the reports collection. Look at the HTML versions of the Word documents and notice how they have no structure-they have been converted to flat documents.
Using Windows native scripting
- In the Librarian Interface, open up the reports collection. Switch to the Design panel and select the Document Plugins section on the left-hand side. Double click the WordPlugin plugin and switch on the windows_scripting option.In the Search Indexes section, check the section checkbox, if not already the case, to build the indexes on section level as well as document level.
Build the collection. You will notice that the Microsoft Word program is started up for each Word document—the document is saved as HTML from Word itself, to get a better conversion. Preview the collection. In the titles list, notice that word03.doc and word06.doc now have a book icon, rather than a page icon. These now appear with hierarchical structure.The default behaviour for WordPlugin with windows_scripting is to section the document based on "Heading 1", "Heading 2", "Heading 3" styles. If you open up the word03.doc or word06.doc documents in Word, you will see that the sections use these Heading styles.Note, to view style information in Word 2003, you can select Format → Styles and Formatting from the menu, and a side bar will appear on the right hand side. (In Word 2007 and later, find the Change Styles button on the far right of the menu ribbon. Click on the tiny Expand icon to its bottom right to display the styles side bar.) Click on a section heading and the formatting information will be displayed in this side bar.
- Some of the documents do not use styles (e.g. word01.doc) and no structure can be extracted from them. Some documents use user-defined styles. WordPlugin can be configured to use these styles instead of Heading 1, Heading 2 etc. Next we will configure WordPlugin to use the styles found in word05.doc.
Modes in the Librarian Interface
- The Librarian Interface operates in three modes. Go to File → Preferences... → Mode and see the modes and what functionality they provide access to. Librarian is the default mode. Check that this is indeed the currently active mode.
Defining styles
- Open up word05.doc in Word (by double-clicking on it in the Gather pane), and examine the title and section heading styles. You will see that various user-defined header styles are set such as:
ManualTitle: Title of the manual
ChapterTitle: Level 1 section heading
SectionHeading: Level 2 section heading
SubsectionHeading: Level 3 section heading
AppendixTitle: Appendix section title
- In the Document Plugins section of the Design panel, select WordPlugin and click <Configure Plugin...>. Four types of header can be set which are:
- level1_header (level1Header1|level1Header2|...)
- level2_header (level2Header1|level2Header2|...)
- level3_header (level3Header1|level3Header2|...)
- title_header (titleHeader1|titleHeader2|...)
These header options define which styles should be considered as title, level 1, level 2 and level 3 styles. Ensure that the windows_scripting option is checked, and set the 4 header options to the values highlighted in the following (spaces in the Word styles are removed when converting to HTML styles, and these options must match the HTML styles):
level1_header: (ChapterTitle|AppendixTitle)
level2_header: SectionHeading
level3_header: SubsectionHeading
title_header : ManualTitle
Once these are set, click <OK>.
- Close any documents that are still open in Word, as this can prevent the build process from completing correctly.
Build the collection and preview it. Look in particular at word05.doc. You will see that this document is now also hierarchically structured.If you have documents with different formatting styles, you can use (...|...) to specify all of the different styles.
Removing pre-defined table of contents
- If you look at the HTML version word06.doc, you will see that it now has two tables of contents. One is generated by Greenstone based on the document's styles, the other was already defined in the Word document. WordPlugin can be configured to remove predefined tables of contents and tables of figures. The tables must be defined with Word styles in order for this to work.
- To remove the tables of contents and figures from word06.doc, switch on the delete_toc option in WordPlugin. Set the toc_header option to (MsoToc1|MsoToc2|MsoToc3|MsoTof|TOA). In this document, the table of contents and list of figures use these four style names. Click <OK>.
Build and preview the collection. word06.doc should now have only one table of contents.
Extracting document properties as metadata
- When the windows_scripting option is set, word document properties can be extracted as metadata. By default, only the Title will be extracted. Other properties can be extracted using the metadata_fields option.
- In the Enrich panel, look at the metadata that has been extracted for word05.doc and word06.doc. Now open the documents in Word and look at what properties have been set (File → Properties for Word 2003. In Word 2007/2010, click the Word Icon on the top left, then choose Prepare → Properties. In Word 2013, File → Info; the Properties section is on the right.) They have Title, Author, Subject, and Keywords properties. WordPlugin can be configured to look for these properties and extract them.
- In the Design panel, under Document Plugins, configure WordPlugin once again. Switch on the configuration option metadata_fields. Set the value to the following (but make sure not to enter any trailing spaces)
This will make WordPlugin try to extract Title, Author, Subject and Keywords metadata. Title and Subject will be saved with the same name, while Author will be saved as Creator metadata, and Keywords as Subject metadata.
- Make sure you have closed all the documents that were opened, then rebuild the collection.
- Look at the metadata for the two documents again in the Enrich panel. You should now see ex.Creator and ex.Subject metadata items. This metadata can now be used in display or browsing classifiers etc.
Processing docx files
- Drag and drop the sample_files → Word_and_PDF → extra_docx → testword.docx file, or any Word doc you have with docx file extension, into the collection. In the Document Plugins section of the Design panel, use the <Move Down> to move the UnknownConverterPlugin in the plugins list to below the WordPlugin in the document plugin pipeline. Build the collection. With windows_scripting turned on, docx files, which are the newer version of word documents, will now also be processed during build. Preview the collection and have a look at the document view of the newly added word document in the collection, to see what the generated html version of the file looks like. (testword.docx is a very basic docx file, containing a few sentences and an image.)
- Now turn off windows_scripting in the Design panel, and rebuild the collection again. All the documents should still be processed, because Greenstone's document plugin pipeline is now set up with an UnknownConverterPlugin configured to use Apache Tika to extract text from Word documents by default (including docx files). Preview the collection and revisit the document view of the docx file. This time, the html produced should look very different: much more basic. This is because Tika supports extracting text from different document formats, including word documents, but is not optimised for html presentation. However, this does mean full text searching will be available for docx files too when Greenstone is installed out-of-the-box.So at a pinch, you can always use Greenstone's now default document plugins setup, to process a collection that includes docx files, to at least support full text searching of the contents of docx files, even if the document view (the HTML view) of docx files processed with Tika may not look as formatted as the original source document. Presentation may be of secondary importance, since by default Greenstone will anyway provide a link to the original source document in its original format (in this case, a link to the docx file).
Above, we shifted the UnknownConverterPlugin that uses Apache Tika to below the WordPlugin in the document plugin pipeline, because we want to force WordPlugin to attempt to process all word documents first, when it recognises them. Apache Tika can always process Word documents, but we favour WordPlugin to try processing them first, including the newer docx files, which it can do when on Windows machines with Word installed and windows_scripting turned on. Turning off windows_scripting instructs the WordPlugin not to make use of Word to convert doc(x) files to html, and so WordPlugin is not able to process docx files. As a result, the document plugins in the pipeline pass the unprocessed docx file further down the pipeline to the UnknownConverterPlugin that is able to process the docx file as it's pre-configured to make use of Apache Tika to extract text from Word documents.
Associated files: combining different versions of the same document together
This tutorial demonstrates how to link different versions of the same document together in Greenstone. As an example, two identical articles about Greenstone are used; one is in PDF format, the other in Word.
- Start a new collection called Associated Files Example, by selecting File → New. Enter an appropriate description for your collection.
- Copy the files pdf01.pdf and word03.doc provided in sample_files → Word_and_PDF → Documents into your new collection. Do this by dragging these files across from the filesystem view on the left of the Gather panel into the Collection view on the right.
- In the collection view, right-click on each file and select Rename, renaming them greenstone1.pdf and greenstone1.doc, respectively.
- In the Enrich panel, assign appropriate dc.Title and dc.Creator metadata to the documents. Since the contents are identical, you can select both documents and set metadata for them simultaneously.
Associating one document with another
- In Document Plugins, select the WordPlugin and press the <Configure Plugin...> button. In the resulting popup, scroll down to find the associate_ext option, and set this option to pdf. Now, for Word documents, Greenstone will look for documents with the exact same name but the PDF file extension. These PDFs will not be processed separately; instead, they will be associated with their equivalent Word documents. (Alternatively, you could make the PDF document the primary document, by setting the associate_ext option in the PDFPlugin to doc.)
- Build the collection. Notice that only one document was considered for processing and included in the collection. Since the PDF version of the document is an associated document, it is not processed.
Linking to associated documents
- Greenstone has internally associated the PDF version with the Word version of the document. However, with the default format statement, the end-user will have no idea that the PDF version exists. The collection built at this point (with default settings) only gives the user the choice of viewing either the Word version or the Greenstone-generated HTML version of the document. They are not given the option to view the PDF version.To allow users to view the PDF version of the document, edit the documentNode template of the Browse Format Feature in the Format panel, to reference the equivDocIcon with a link to the PDF document equivDocLink as follows.
Change: | To: |
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
Defined in the global format statement
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i>
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocLink"/>
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocIcon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="/equivDocLink"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
Defined in the global format statement
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i>
The above change to the browse format statement, adds the equivalent document icon (a PDF icon in this case) next to the source icon (Word icon) for general classifiers. Preview the collection and browse the collection either by Titles or by Filenames.Preview the collection.Note: When Greenstone encounters a file that matches the provided associate_ext value (pdf in our case), it sets the metadata value ex.equivDocIcon for that document to be the macro _iconXXX_, where XXX is whatever the filename extension is (so _iconpdf_ in our case). As long as there is an existing macro defined for that combination of the word icon and the filename extension, then a suitable icon will be displayed when the document appears in a VList. For pdf the displayed icon will be .
- Go to Format Features → search and you will see:
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<Tab n="3"/><gsf:icon type="document"/>
<gsf:link type="document">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
The above will only display search results where there is a link to the Greenstone generated HTML version of the original source document, followed by the title of the document.Change the above to:
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<Tab n="3"/><gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocLink"/>
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocIcon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="/equivDocLink"/>
<gsf:link type="document">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
Now, following the link to Greenstone's HTML document, there is a link to the source document (the doc file) and a link to its equivalent doc (the equivalent PDF file in our example).
A large collection of HTML files—Tudor
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
You will need the files in the sample_files → tudor folder.
- Invoke the Greenstone Librarian Interface (from the Windows Start menu) and start a new collection called tudor (use the File menu), based on the default -- New Collection --.
- In the Gather panel, open the tudor folder in sample_files.
- Drag from the left-hand side to the right to include it in your tudor collection. (This material is from Marilee Hanson's Tudor England Collection at, distributed with her permission.)
- Switch to the Create panel and click <Build Collection>.
- When building has finished, preview the collection.
Extracting more metadata from the HTML
- The browsing facilities in this collection (titles
and filenames) are based entirely on extracted metadata. Switch to the Enrich panel in the Librarian Interface and examine the metadata that has been extracted for some of the files.
- Many HTML documents contain metadata in <meta> tags in the <head> of the page. Open up the → tudor → monarchs → boleyn.html file by navigating to it in the tree on the left hand side, and double clicking it. This will open it in a web browser. View the HTML source of the page (View → Source in Internet Explorer, Tools → Web Developer → Page Source in Mozilla, and press Ctrl+U in Microsoft Edge). You will notice that this page has page_topic, content and author metadata.
- By default, HTMLPlugin only looks for Title metadata. Configure the plugin so that it looks for the other metadata too. Switch to the Design panel and select the Document Plugins section. Select the plugin HTMLPlugin line and click <Configure Plugin...>. A popup window appears. Switch on the metadata_fields option, and set the value to
Click <OK>.
- Switch to the Create panel and rebuild the collection. Go back to the Enrich panel and look at the extracted metadata for some of the HTML files in → tudor → monarchs. The new metadata should now be visible.
Looking at different views of the files in the Gather and Enrich panels
- Switch to the Gather panel and on the right-hand side open → tudor.
- Change the Show Files menu for the right-hand side from All Files to HTM & HTML. Notice the files displayed above are filtered accordingly, to show only files of this type.
- Change the Show Files menu to Images. Again, the files shown above alter.
- Now return the Show Files setting back to All Files, otherwise you may get confused later. Remember, if the Gather or Enrich panels do not seem to be showing all your files, this could be the problem.
Enhanced collection of HTML files—Tudor
We return to the Tudor collection and add metadata that expresses a subject hierarchy. Then we build a classifier that exploits it by allowing readers to browse the documents about Monarchs, Relatives, Citizens, and Others separately.
Adding hierarchically-structured metadata and a Hierarchy classifier
- Open up your tudor collection (the original version, not the webtudor version, in case you've already done that tutorial), switch to the Enrich panel and select the citizens folder (a subfolder of → tudor). Set its dc.Subject metadata to Tudor period|Citizens. The vertical bar ("|") is a hierarchy marker. Selecting a folder and adding metadata has the effect of setting this metadata value for all files contained in this folder, its subfolders, and so on. A popup alerts you to this fact. Click <OK> to close the popup.
- Repeat for the monarchs and relative folders, setting their dc.Subject metadata to Tudor period|Monarchs and Tudor period|Relatives respectively. Note that the hierarchy appears in the Existing values for dc.Subject and Keywords area.If you don't want to see the popup each time you add folder level metadata, tick the Do not show this warning again checkbox; it won't be displayed again.
- Finally, select all remaining files—the ones that are not in the citizens, monarchs, or relative folders—by selecting the first and shift-clicking the last. Set their dc.Subject metadata to Tudor period|Others and click outside the cell for the metadata to be assigned. This is done in a single operation (there is a short delay before it completes).When multiple files are selected in the left hand collection tree, all metadata values for all files are shown on the right hand side. Items that are common to all files are displayed in black—e.g. dc.Subject—while others that pertain to only one or some of the files are displayed in grey—e.g. any extracted metadata.Metadata inherited from a parent folder is indicated by a folder icon to the left of the metadata name. Select one of the files in the relative folder to see this.
- Switch to the Design panel and select Browsing Classifiers from the left-hand list. Set the menu item for Select classifier to add to Hierarchy; then click <Add Classifier...>.
- A window pops up to control the classifier's options. Change the metadata to dc.Subject and then click <OK>.
- For tidiness' sake, remove the classifier for Source metadata (included by default) from the list of currently assigned classifiers, because this adds little to the collection.
- Now switch to the Create panel, build the collection, and preview it. Choose the new subjects link that appears in the navigation bar, and click the bookshelves to navigate around the four-entry hierarchy that you have created.
Partitioning the full-text index based on metadata values
Next we partition the full-text index into four separate pieces. To do this we first define four subcollections obtained by "filtering" the documents according to a criterion based on their dc.Subject metadata. Then an index is assigned to each subcollection. This will enable users to restrict a search to a subset of the documents.
- Switch to the Design panel, and click Partition Indexes.
- Ensure that the Define Filters tab is selected (the default). Define a subcollection filter with name monarchs that matches against dc.Subject, and type Monarchs as the regular expression to match with. Click <Add Filter>. This filter includes any file whose dc.Subject metadata contains the word Monarchs.
- Define another filter, relatives, which matches dc.Subject against the word Relatives. Define a third and fourth, citizens and others, which matches it against the words Citizens and Others respectively.
- Having defined the subcollection filters, we partition the index into corresponding parts. Click the Assign Partitions tab. Select the citizens subcollection and click <Add Partition>. Next select monarchs, and click <Add Partition>. Repeat for the other two subcollections, so that you end up with four partitions, one based on each subcollection filter.The order they appear in the Assigned Subcollection Partitions list is the order they will appear in the drop down menu on the search page. You can change the order by using the <Move Up> and <Move Down> buttons.
Build and preview the collection.
- The search section includes a pulldown menu that allows you to select one of these partitions for searching. For example, try searching the relatives partition for mary and then search the monarchs partition for the same thing.
- To allow users to search the collection as a whole as well as each subcollection individually, return to the Partition Indexes section of the Design panel and select the Assign Partitions tab. Select all four subcollections by either checking their boxes or press the Select All button, and click <Add Partition>.
- To ensure that the combined index appears first in the list on the reader's web page, use the <Move Up> button to get it to the top of the list here in the Design panel. Then build and preview the collection.
- The text in the drop down box on the search page is based on the filters each partition was built on. To change the text that is displayed, go to the Search section of the Format panel. The single filter partitions have sensible default text, but the combined partition does not. Set the Display text for the combined partition to "all". Preview the collection.
- Search for the term Mary again, as that is likely to be common in all five index partitions, and check that the numbers of words (not documents) in the search results for the 4 individual indexes add up to the number of words for the all index.
Controlling the building process
Finally we look at how the building process can be controlled. Developing a new collection usually involves numerous cycles of building, previewing, adjusting some enrich and design features, and so on. While prototyping, it is best to temporarily reduce the number of documents in the collection. This can be accomplished through the maxdocs parameter to the building process.
- Switch to the Create panel. Expand the top panel to be able to see the options for collection building. Scroll to view them all. Select maxdocs and set its numeric counter to 3. (When in GLI's Expert Mode, the maxdocs option for the import process are located under the Import Options of the Create panel.) Now build.
- Preview the newly rebuilt collection's titles page. Previously this listed more than a dozen pages per letter of the alphabet, but now there are just three—the first three files encountered by the building process.
- Go back to the Create panel and turn off the maxdocs option. Rebuild the collection so that all the documents are included.
Formatting the HTML collection—Tudor
- Open up your tudor collection, go to the Format panel (by clicking on its tab) and select Format Features from the left-hand list. Select the browse format feature and inspect its long format statement.This displays something that looks like this:
| A discussion of question five from Tudor Quiz: Henry VIII
(quizstuff.html) |
for a particular document whose Title metadata is A discussion of question five from Tudor Quiz: Henry VIII and whose Source metadata is quizstuff.html.This format appears in the titles list and also when you get down to individual documents in the subjects hierarchy. This is Greenstone's default format statement used in the browse format features.
Greenstone's default format statement is complex because it is designed to produce something reasonable under almost any conditions, and also because for practical reasons it needs to be backwards compatible with legacy collections.
- In the browse format feature, replace the default documentNode template shown on the left with the simpler version on the right. (The highlighted lines on the left are the ones that have been removed or modified. Those highlighted on the right have been newly added.)
Change: | To: |
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
Defined in the global format statement
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i>
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i>
Preview the result (you don't need to build the collection, because changes to format statements take effect when you press the Preview Collection button). Look at the titles list. It is just the same as before! Under most circumstances this far simpler format statement is entirely equivalent to Greenstone's more complex default.
- Since we edited the browse format feature, the same format statements are used for documents listed in the titles list classifier and under each of the bookshelf nodes in the subject hierarchy classifier. The Choose Feature menu can be used to restrict a format statement to a specific classifier and its nodes. We will override this format statement for the hierarchical subject classifier. In the Choose Feature menu, scroll down to the item that says
CL2 Hierarchy -metadata dc.Subject
and select it. This is the format statement that affects the second classifier (i.e., "CL2"), which is a Hierarchy classifier based on dc.Subject metadata.Click <Add Format> to add this format statement to the collection.Edit the HTML Format String box, replacing the documentNode template on the left with the one on the right. (The changes are mostly the same as before, but without reference to the Source document name.)
Change: | To: |
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i>
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
Preview the subjects list in the collection. When you get down to a list of documents in the subject hierarchy, the filename does not appear beside the title, because Source is not specified in the format statement and this format statement applies to all documentNodes in the subject classifier. Note that the titles classifier has not changed: it still displays the filename underneath the title.
- Let's change the search results' format statement so that dc.Subject metadata is displayed below the title. Select the search format feature. Insert the highlighted line:
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<gsf:link type="document">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<br /><gsf:metadata name="dc.Subject"/>
Preview the collection. Documents in the search results list will be displayed like this:
| A discussion of question five from Tudor Quiz: Henry VIII
Tudor period|Others |
(The vertical bar appears because this dc.Subject metadata is hierarchical metadata. Unfortunately there is no easy way to get at individual components of the hierarchy. For most metadata, such as title and author, this isn't a problem.)
- Finally, let's return to the subjects hierarchy and modify the bookshelf display. Reselect the format feature for
CL2 Hierarchy -metadata dc.Subject
First modify the documentNode template so that it now looks like:
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
Next, scroll down to the VList classifierNode template, and add in the highlighted statement:
<gsf:template match="classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'VList']">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link style="static" type="classifier">
<gsf:icon type="classifier"/>
<td valign="top">
<b>Bookshelf title:</b>
<gsf:link type="classifier">
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
Preview the collection and examine the subject hierarchy again to see the effect of your changes. Bookshelves should now say Bookshelf title: and then the subject name (which is the "title" of the bookshelf), while documents will display Title: and the title.
Section tagging for HTML documents
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.70w|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
- In a browser, visit the Greenstone demo collection, Demo Collection (lucene-jdbm-demo), and have a look at it. Browse to one of the documents. This collection is based on HTML files, but they appear structured in the collection. This is because these HTML files were tagged by hand into sections.
- Using a text editor (e.g. WordPad) open up one of the HTML files from the demo collection:
Greenstone3 → web → sites → localsite → collect → lucene-jdbm-demo → import → fb33fe → fb33fe.htm
. You will see some HTML comments which contain section information for Greenstone. They look like:
<Metadata name="Title">Farming snails 1: Learning about snails;
Building a pen; Food and shelter plants</Metadata>
<Metadata name="Title">Dew and rain</Metadata>
When Greenstone encounters a <Section> tag in one of these comments, it will start a new subsection of the document. This will be closed when a </Section> tag is encountered. Metadata can also be added for each section—in this case, Title metadata has been added for each section. In the browser, find the Farming snails 1 document in the demo collection (through the titles browser). Look at its table of contents and compare it to the <Section> tags in the HTML document.
- Add a new Section into this document. For example, lets add a new subsection into the Introduction chapter. In the text editor, add the highlighted text just after the tag for the Introduction section:
<Metadata name="Title">Introduction</Metadata>
<Metadata name="Title">Snails are good to eat.</Metadata>
Then just before the next section tag (What do you need to start?), add the highlighted section:
<Metadata name="Title">What do you need to start?</Metadata>
Save the edited file and close it. The effect of these changes is to make a new subsection inside the Introduction chapter.
- Open the Greenstone demo collection in the Librarian Interface. In the Document Plugins section of the Design panel, note that HTMLPlugin has the description_tags option set. This option is needed when <Section> tags are used in the source documents.
Build and preview the collection. Look at the Farming snails 1 document again and check that your new section has been added.
Downloading files from the web
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
The Greenstone Librarian Interface's Download panel allows you to download individual files, parts of websites, and indeed whole websites, from the web.
- Start a new collection called webtudor, and base it on -- New Collection --.
- In a web browser, visit, follow the link to The Tudors. You should be at the URL
This is where we started the downloading process to obtain the files you have been using for the tudor collection. You could do the same thing by copying this URL from the web browser, pasting it into the Download panel, and clicking the <Download> button. However, several megabytes will be downloaded, which might strain your network resources—or your patience! For a faster exercise we focus on a smaller section of the site.
- Go to the Download panel by clicking its tab. There are five download types listed on the left hand side. For this exercise, we only use the Web type. Make sure this is selected in the list.Enter this URL
into the Source URL box. There are several other options that govern how the download process proceeds. To see a description of an option, hover the mouse over it and a tooltip will appear. To copy just the citizens section of the website, switch on the Only files below URL option by checking its box and set the Download Depth option to 1. If you don't do this (or if you miss out the terminating "/" in the URL), the downloading process will follow links to other areas of the website and grab those as well. Also switch on the Only files within site option to avoid downloading any items on the site pages that actually emanate from outside it (like google ads).
- If your computer is behind a firewall or proxy server, you will need to edit the proxy settings in the Librarian Interface. Click the <Configure Proxy...> button. Switch on the Use proxy connection? checkbox. Enter the proxy server address and port number in the HTTP Proxy Host: and Port: boxes.URLs that start with https, or URLs that resolve to https, will additionally need the HTTPS Proxy Host: and corresponding Port: filled in too, before web pages can be downloaded from there.Websites at https URLs often have a security certificate, but not always. For instance, does not have one. To instruct GLI to nevertheless download pages from https URLs that don't have a security certificate, you'll also need to switch on the No certificate checking for HTTPS downloads checkbox.Once you've finished configuring the proxy settings, click <OK> to close the dialog.
- Now click <Download>. If you have set proxy information in Preferences..., a popup will ask for your user name and password. If you're on Windows Vista or later, Windows may show a popup message asking whether you wish to block or unblock the download. In such a case, choose to unblock. With proxy settings turned on, it may take a short while before GLI starts downloading. Once the download has started, a progress bar appears in the lower half of the panel that reports on how the downloading process is doing.
More detailed information can be obtained by clicking <View Log>. The process can be stopped altogether by clicking <Close>. Downloading can be a lengthy process involving multiple sites, and so Greenstone allows additional downloads to be queued up. When new URLs are pasted into the url box and <Download> clicked, a new progress bar is appended to those already present in the lower half of the panel. When the currently active download item completes, the next is started automatically.
- Downloaded files are stored in a top-level folder called Downloaded Files that appears on the left-hand side of the Gather panel. You may not need all the downloaded files, and you choose which you want by dragging selected files from this folder over into the collection area on the right-hand side, just like we have done before when selecting data from the sample_files folder. In this example we will include everything that has been downloaded.Select the folder within Downloaded Files and drag it across into the collection area. Once you've dropped the folder into the collection area, you may see popup dialogs, one for each file extension that is not recognised by GLI. Either keep clicking <OK> to confirm for each unrecognised filetype, or, in the popup, you can tick the checkbox to not see the same message again.
- Switch to the Create panel to build and preview the collection. It is smaller than the previous collection because we included only the citizens files. However, these now represent the latest versions of the documents.
Pointing to documents on the web
- Open up your tudor collection, and in the Gather panel inspect the files you dragged into it. The first folder is, which opens up to reveal tudor, and so on. The files represent a complete sweep of the pages (and supporting images) that constitute the Tudor section of the web site. They were downloaded from the web in a way that preserved the structure of the original site. This allows any page's original URL to be reconstructed from the folder hierarchy.
- In the Design panel, select the Document Plugins section, then select the HTMLPlugin line and click <Configure Plugin...>. A popup window appears. Locate the file_is_url option (about halfway down the first block of items) and switch it on. Click <OK>.Setting this option to the HTMLPlugin means that Greenstone sets an additional piece of metadata for each document called URL, which gives its original URL.It is important that the files gathered in the collection start with the web domain name ( in this case). The conversion process will not work if you dragged over a subfolder, for example the tudor folder, because this will set URL metadata to something like
rather than
If you had copied over a subfolder previously, delete it and make a fresh copy. Drag the folder in the right-hand side of the Gather panel on to the trash can in the lower right corner. Then obtain a fresh copy of the files by dragging across the folder from the sample_files → tudor folder (or the Downloaded Files folder if you have done exercise Downloading files from the web) on the left-hand side.
- To make use of the new URL metadata, the icon link must be changed to serve up the original URL rather than the copy stored in the digital library. Go to the Format panel, select the Format Features section and edit the documentNode template of the browse format statement by replacing
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<gsf:link type="web">
<gsf:icon type="web"/>
- Switch to the Create panel and build and preview the collection. Note that the document icons have changed. Try clicking on boleyn.html. The collection behaves exactly as before, except that when you click a document icon your web browser retrieves the original document from the web (assuming it is still there by the time you do this exercise!). If you are working offline you will be unable to retrieve the document.
Bibliographic collection
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
This exercise looks at using fielded searching in a collection. Fielded searching is best used for metadata rich collections. Here we use bibliographic data in MARC format.
- Start a new collection called Papers Bibliography which will contain a collection of example MARC records of the working papers published at the Computer Science Department, Waikato University. Enter the requested information and base it on -- New Collection --.
- In the Gather panel, open the sample_files → marc folder, drag CMSwp-all.marc into the right-hand pane and drop it there. A popup window asks whether you want to add MARCPlugin to the collection to process this file. Click <Add Plugin>, because this plugin will be needed to process the MARC records.
- Now select Browsing Classifiers within the Design panel and remove the default classifier for Source metadata.
- In the Search Indexes section, remove the ex.Source index. In this collection all records are from the same file, so ex.Source metadata, which is set to the filename, is not particularly interesting or useful.
- Switch to the Create panel, build the collection, and preview it. Browse through the titles classifier and view a record or two. Try searching—for example, find items that include graphics.
- Back in the Librarian Interface, go to the Browsing Classifiers section of the Design panel. Select AZCompactList from the Select classifier to add drop down menu, and click <Add Classifier...>. In the popup window, select dc.Subject as the metadata item. Click <OK>.
AZCompactList is like List, except that terms that appear multiple times in the hierarchy are automatically grouped together and a new node, shown as a bookshelf icon, is formed.
Build the collection and preview the result.
Using fielded searching
- Now let's look at fielded searching. In the browser, press the fielded search button below the usual search form. This will present a fielded search form.
- You can specify which search form types are available for a particular collection, and which one is the default, using the searchType format statement. In the Format panel, select Format Features from the left-hand list. Select the searchType format statement from the list of assigned formats, and set the contents to just simpleform. This will make only fielded searching available for this collection.
Search type options include plain, simpleform (for fielded searching) and advancedform (for fielded searching with boolean operations). You can specify any combination of these, separated by a comma. If the plain search type is specified, it will be available in the search area at the top of each page of the collection.
Preview the collection again. Notice that the collection's pages no longer includes a query box. (This is because the search form is too big to fit here nicely.) To search, you have to click form search in the navigation bar. Note that text search is no longer offered.
- Look at the search form in the collection. There are two fields that can be searched: text and titles. Add some more fields to search on by going back to the Librarian Interface.
- In the Design panel, go to the Search Indexes section. Add a new index based on dc.Subject by clicking <New Index>, selecting dc.Subject in the list of metadata, and clicking <Add Index>.
Rebuild the collection and preview the results. Notice the extra field in the in field drop-down menus in the search form. You can do quite complicated queries by searching for words in different fields at the same time.
- To change the text that is displayed in the drop-down menus of the search form, you would go to the Search section of the Format panel. Here you can change the display text for the indexes.
Exploding the database
- Go to the Enrich panel and try to see the metadata. It doesn't appear! This is because the metadata is associated with records inside the file, not the file itself.Metadata file types, such as MARC, CDS/ISIS, BibTex etc. can be imported into Greenstone but their metadata cannot be viewed in the Librarian Interface. To edit any metadata you need to go back to the program that created the file.Greenstone provides a way of exploding a metadata database so that each record appears as an individual document, with viewable and editable metadata. This process is irreversible: once this step has been done, the database is deleted and can no longer be used in its original program.
- In the Gather panel, you may notice that the MARC database has a different coloured icon to other files. A metadata database that can be exploded will be displayed with this green icon. Right-click on the file and choose Explode Metadata Database from the menu. A new window opens, containing options for the exploding process. A description of each option can be obtained by hovering the mouse over the option.
If it's not already on, turn on the metadata_set option by checking its box. This option indicates which metadata set to explode the metadata into. The default set is the "Exploded Metadata Set"—a metadata set which initially has no elements in it, but will receive a new element for each metadata field retrieved from the database.
- Click <Explode> to start the exploding process. This may take a short while, depending on the size of the database.
- Once exploding has finished, the MARC database file will have been deleted, and three folders created in its place. These folders contain an empty file for each record in the original database. The metadata for these records can be viewed and edited by switching to the Enrich panel.
- Because the MARC file is no longer present, and the collection contains empty (.nul) files, we need to change the list of plugins. In the Document Plugins section of the Design panel, remove MARCPlugin.
Rebuild and preview the collection. You will notice that the subjects classifier is empty, searching no longer returns any results, and the document display is useless as the linked .nul documents don't exist, resulting in "Not Found" messages from the server.Although the titles classifier was built on ex.Title, it still displays the correct titles, but in the Enrich panel you can see the ex.Title metadata are actually the filenames rather than titles of the MARC records. This is because the default browse format uses the exp.Title metadata. In the Format Features section of the Format panel, select global in the list of assigned format statements. The format statement looks like:
<gsf:template name="choose-title">
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="exp.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
The above choose-title template, defined in the global format features, is included by the browse format statements.
Since there is no dc.Title metadata and because exp.Title comes before ex.Title, the exploded titles will be displayed.
Reformatting the collection to use the exploded metadata
The collection previously used extracted (ex.) metadata, but now it uses exploded (exp.) metadata. The
subjects classifier and search indexes were built on ex metadata, which is why they no longer work properly.
There is also no longer any text in the documents. Previously,
MARCPlugin stored the raw record as the "text" of each record. Now that the metadata is in the Librarian Interface, there is no longer the concept of raw record, and so there is no text.
We need to modify the collection design to take note of these changes.
- In the Design panel's Search Indexes section, change the Title index to use exp.Title: select the Title index in the Assigned Indexes list and click <Edit Index>. Deselect dc.Title and ex.Title in the list of metadata, and select exp.Title. Click <Replace Index>.
- Remove the dc.Subject index by selecting it in the Assigned Indexes list and clicking <>. Add an index on exp.Subject: click <New Index>, select exp.Subject in the metadata list, and click <Add Index>.
- The text index is no longer any use, so remove that index too.
- To enable combined searching across all indexes at once, click <New Index>, tick the Add combined searching over all assigned indexes (allfields) checkbox, and click <Add Index>. Move this to the top of the list using the <Move Up> button, so that it appears first in the drop down list. Click <Set Default> on the right so that it becomes the default field for searching.
- To explicitly use the exp.Title metadata, in the Browsing Classifiers section, change the dc.Title;Title List to use exp.Title metadata. Double click the dc.Title;Title List in the Assigned Classifiers list, and change the metadata option to use exp.Title. Click <OK>. Do the same thing for the Subject AZCompactList, changing dc.Subject to exp.Subject.
Rebuild and preview the collection. The classifiers should be back to normal and searching should now work.
Switch to the Format Features section of the Format panel to make the following adjustments.
- There is no dc (or ex.dc) metadata for this collection, so in the global format feature's choose-title template, replace the following
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="exp.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="exp.Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
- There are no source or thumb icons, so in the documentNode template of the browse format features remove the occurrence of the following section:
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
- The ex.Source metadata is set to the nul filename, so remove that from the display. Once again, from both browsing classifiers (browse and CL1 List), remove:
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)</i>
Preview the collection. In the titles list, click on one of the documents. This will take you to the document's display page. Exploding the database has left this document display useless. Only the record Title (in this case, the generated filename) is displayed. We will make two changes to improve the document display. First, we will remove the record Title, since it is not useful in this instance. To remove the record Title, we need to override the default documentHeading format statement with one that does not do anything. Go to the display format feature in the Format Features section of the Format panel and add the following just after <gsf:option name="TOC" value="true"/>:
<gsf:template name="documentHeading"/>
- Next, override the default documentContent behaviour by creating a format statement for this. Still in the display format features, after the documentHeading, add the following format statement (which can be copied from sample_files → marc → format_tweaks → document_content.txt):
<gsf:template name="documentContent">
<td><gsf:metadata name="exp.Title"/></td>
<td><gsf:metadata name="exp.Subject"/></td>
<td><gsf:metadata name="exp.Publisher"/></td>
Press the <Preview Collection> button to preview the collection and see how the document display has improved.
CDS/ISIS collection
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.70w|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
This exercise is similar to the Bibliographic collection exercise, except that a CDS/ISIS database is used instead of a MARC database, and we do not explode the database.
- Start a new collection called ISIS Collection (base it on New Collection).
- Drag the files from sample_files → isis (excluding the format_tweaks folder and the README.txt file) into the collection.
Build and preview the collection. The default indexes, classifiers and formats are not very useful for this data. There is no metadata searching, and the titles classifier is completely empty. The filenames classifier is useless because all records come from the same file.
- In the Search Indexes section of the Design panel, remove the useless Source and Title indexes, and add new indexes for ex.Photographer^all, ex.Country^all and ex.Notes^all metadata. In the Search section of the Format panel, you can set the display text for these indexes to "photographer", "country" and "notes".CDS/ISIS metadata has subfields, and these are represented using ^.
- In the Browsing Classifiers section of the Design panel, remove the existing (useless) classifiers for dc.Title;ex.Title and ex.Source, and add a new List for ex.Photographer.
Rebuild and preview the collection.
- In the Format Features section of the Format panel, change the browse format statement to display Photographer and Notes metadata. Change its documentNode template to look like:
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<b><gsf:metadata name="Photographer^all"/></b>
<br/><gsf:metadata name="Notes^all"/>
The above format can be copied from sample_files → isis → format_tweaks → browse_tweak.txt. If you want search results to be displayed in a similar manner, make the same changes to the documentNode template of the search format features too.
- Go to the display format feature in the Format Features section of the Format panel and add the following just after <gsf:option name="TOC" value="true"/>:
<gsf:template name="documentHeading"/>
ISISPlug stores a nicely formatted version of the record as the document text, and this is what is displayed when we view a record. Let's tidy it up a little more.
- We'll link to the raw record, which is stored as ISISRawRecord metadata.
Add the following to the display format statement (which can be copied from sample_files → isis → format_tweaks → document_content.txt), to adjust the documentContent. This now makes use of a predefined Greenstone javascript function to toggle between displaying and hiding the raw record.
<gsf:template name="documentContent">
<xsl:call-template name="wrappedSectionText"/>
<a href="javascript:;" id="cdsreclink">Show/Hide CDS Record</a>
<div id="cdsrecord">
<b>CDS Record:</b>
<gsf:metadata name="ISISRawRecord"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
var link=document.getElementById("cdsreclink");
var div=document.getElementById("cdsrecord");
gs.functions.makeToggle(link, div);
- Preview the collection.
Looking at a multimedia collection
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
- Copy the entire folder
sample_files → beatles → advbeat_large
(with all its contents) into your Greenstone collect folder. If you have installed Greenstone in the usual place, this is
My Computer → Local Disk (C:) → Users → <Username> → Greenstone3 → web → sites → localsite → collect
where <Username> is the username under which Greenstone is installed.Put advbeat_large in there. Then go into the advbeat_large folder and delete its index subfolder.
- Next, go into the advbeat_large folder's etc subfolder and rename the Greenstone 2 specific collect.cfg file there to collect.cfg.bak. Doing so will allow GLI to detect only the Greenstone 3 collection configuration file, collectionConfig.xml, enabling GLI to rebuild the collection based on that.
Start up GLI and open the Advanced Beatles -- large collection. Switch to the Create panel and build the collection. Preview the result.
- Explore the Beatles collection. Note how the Browse button divides the material into seven different types. Within each category, the documents have appropriate icons. Some documents have an audio icon: when you click these you hear the music (assuming your computer is set up with appropriate player software). Others have an image thumbnail: when you click these you see the images.
- Look at the titles browser. Each title has a bookshelf that may include several related items. For example, Hey Jude has a MIDI file, lyrics, and a discography item.
- Observe the low quality of the metadata. For example, the five items under A Hard Day's Night (under "H" in the titles browser) have different variants as their titles. The collection would have been easier to organize had the metadata been cleaned up manually first, but that would be a big job. Only a tiny amount of metadata was added by hand—fewer than ten items. The original metadata was left untouched and Greenstone facilities were used to clean it up automatically. (You will find in Building a multimedia collection that this is possible but tricky.)
- In the file browser, take a look at the files that make up the collection, in the
sample_files → beatles → advbeat_large → import
folder. What a mess! There are around 450 files under seven top-level sub-folders. Organization is minimal, reflecting the different times and ways the files were gathered. For example, html_lyrics, discography and tablature_txt are excerpts of web sites, and images contains various images in JPEG format. For each type, drill down through the hierarchy and look at a sample document.
Building a multimedia collection
We will proceed to reconstruct from scratch the Beatles collection that you have just looked at. We develop the collection using a small subset of the material, purely to speed up the repeated rebuilding that is involved.
- Start a new collection (File → New...) called small beatles, basing it on the default -- New Collection --. (Basing it on the existing Advanced Beatles collection would make your life far easier, but we want you to learn how to build it from scratch!)
- Copy the files and folders provided in
sample_files → beatles → advbeat_small
into your new collection. Do this by opening up advbeat_small, selecting the eight items within it (from discography to, and dragging them across. Because some of these files are in MP3 and MARC formats you will be asked whether to include MP3Plugin and MARCPlugin in your collection. Click <Add Plugin>.
- Change to the Enrich panel and browse around the files. There is no metadata—yet. Recall that you can double-click files to view them.(There are no MIDI files in the collection: these require more advanced customisation because there is no MIDI plugin. We will deal with them later.)
- Change to the Create panel and build the collection.
Preview the result.
Manually correcting metadata
- You might want to correct some of the metadata—for example, the atrocious misspelling in the titles "MAGICAL MISTERY TOUR." These documents are in the discography section, with filenames that contain the same misspelling. Locate one of them in the Enrich panel. Notice that the extracted metadata element ex.Title is now filled in, and misspelt. You cannot correct this element, for it is extracted from the file and will be re-extracted every time the collection is re-built.
- Instead, add dc.Title metadata for these two files: "Magical Mystery Tour." In the Enrich panel, open the discography folder and drill down to the individual files. Set the dc.Title value for the two offending items.
Build the collection again, and preview it.Extracted metadata is unreliable. But it is very cheap! On the other hand, manually assigned metadata is reliable, but expensive. The previous section of this exercise has shown how to aim for the best of both worlds by using extracted metadata but correcting it when it is wrong.
Browsing by media type
- First let's remove the List classifier for filenames, which isn't very useful, and replace it with a browsing structure that groups documents by category (discography, lyrics, audio etc.). Categories are defined by manually assigned metadata.
- Change to the Enrich panel, select the folder discography and set its dc.Format metadata value to "Discography". Setting this value at the folder level means that all files within the folder inherit it.
- Repeat the process. Assign "Lyrics" to the html_lyrics folder, "Images" to images, "MARC" to marc, "Audio" to mp3, "Tablature" to tablature_txt, and "Supplementary" to wordpdf.
- Switch to the Design panel and select the Browsing Classifiers section.
- Delete the ex.Source classifier (the second one).
- Add a List classifier and select dc.Format as the metadata field. Click the bookshelf_type and select always in the drop-down list. Click the partition_type_within_level check box and choose none from the drop-down list. Click the sort_leaf_nodes_using checkbox, and select ex.Title in the drop-down list: this will make the classifier display documents in alphabetical order of title. Specify browse as the buttonname.
Build the collection again and preview it.
Note how we assigned dc.Format metadata to all documents in the collection with a minimum of labour. We did this by capitalizing on the folder structure of the original information. Even though we complained earlier about how messy this folder structure is, you can still take advantage of it when assigning metadata.
Using switch statements
- Alongside the Audio files there is an MP3 icon, which plays the audio when you click it. There is also a document icon, which doesn't make much sense with either audio or image files. We can modify the format statement to display different icons depending on the value of the dc.Format metadata field.
- Change to the Format panel and select the Format Features section.
- Ensure that the browse format feature is selected, and make the changes highlighted below to its documentNode template. Change:
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
to this:
<td valign="top">
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Format"/>
<gsf:when test='equals' test-value='Audio'>
<gsf:link type="source"><gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/></gsf:link>
<gsf:when test='equals' test-value='Images'>
<gsf:link type="source"><gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/></gsf:link>
<gsf:when test='equals' test-value='Supplementary'>
<gsf:link type="source"><gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/></gsf:link>
<gsf:link type="document"><gsf:icon type="document"/></gsf:link>
<gsf:link type="document"><gsf:icon type="document"/></gsf:link>
To make this easier for you we have prepared a plain text file that contains the new text. In WordPad open the following file. (Do not use Notepad, because Notepad does not display the line breaks correctly.)
sample_files → beatles → format_tweaks → audio_tweak_3.txt
The gsf:switch statement allows you to display different things depending on the value (or existence) of a metadata field. This switch statement is based on the value of dc.Format. If dc.Format equals Audio, then the source icon will be displayed, linking to the source document. (For the MP3 files, the MP3 icon will display, and clicking the icon will play the MP3.) If dc.Format equals Images, the image thumbnail will appear, linking to the full-size image. If dc.Format equals Supplementary, both the source and document icons will appear, linking to the source document and the document display page, respectively. Finally, the gsf:otherwise statement says what to do in all other cases.
Preview the result. You may need to click the browser's <Reload> button to force it to re-load the page.
- While we're at it, let's remove the source filename from where it appears after each document.
Preview the result (you don't need to rebuild the collection.)
Using AZCompactList rather than List
- There are sometimes several documents with the same title. For example, All My Loving appears both as lyrics and tablature (under ALL MY LOVING). The titles browser might be improved by grouping these together under a bookshelf icon. This is a job for an AZCompactList. Earlier in this tutorial we showed how to use the bookshelf_type option in List classifier to group documents with the same metadata value (dc.Format in that case) in one bookshelf. Here we use AZCompactList instead.
- Change to the Design panel and select the Browsing Classifiers section.
- Remove the dc.Title;Title classifier (at the top)
- Add an AZCompactList classifier, and enter dc.Title,ex.Title as its metadata.
- Finish by pressing <OK>.
- Move the new classifier to the top of the list (<Move Up> button).
Build the collection again and preview it. Both items for All My Loving now appear under the same bookshelf. However, many entries haven't been amalgamated because of non-uniform titles: for example A Hard Day's Night appears as several different variants. We will learn below how to amalgamate these.
Making bookshelves show how many items they contain
- Make the bookshelves show how many documents they contain by modifying the VList classifierNode template of the browse format feature in the Format Features section of the Format panel. Insert the highlighted statements:
<gsf:template match="classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'VList']">
<gsf:link type="classifier">
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
<td valign="top">
(<gsf:metadata name="numleafdocs"/>)
The complete format statement for the VList classifierNode template of the browse format feature can be copied from sample_files → beatles → format_tweaks → show_num_docs_3.txt.
Preview the result (you don't need to build the collection.) Bookshelves in the titles and browse classifiers should show how many documents they contain.
Branding the collection with an image
- To complete the collection, let's give it a new image for the link from the main page. Go to the General section of the Format panel. Use the browse button of the URL to 'about page' image: to select the following image:
sample_files → beatles → advbeat_large → images → tile.jpg
You can also set an image for the link to the collection's home page here. For this, use the browse button of URL to 'home page' image: to select the following image:
sample_files → beatles → advbeat_large → images → beatlesmm.png
Preview the collection, and make sure the new image appears on the collection's about page.Also go to the digital library home page by clicking on the My Greenstone Library link at the top left. On the home page, look through the links to all the collections in your digital library to find the one to the Small Beatles collection. This link should now be denoted by an image bearing the text "BeatlesMultimedia".
Using UnknownPlugin
In this section we incorporate the MIDI files. Greenstone has no MIDI plugin (yet). But that doesn't mean you can't use MIDI files!
UnknownPlugin is a useful generic plugin. It knows nothing about any given format but can be tailored to process particular document types—like MIDI—based on their filename extension, and set basic metadata.In the Document Plugins section of the Design panel:
- add UnknownPlugin;
- activate its process_extension field and set it to "mid" to make it recognize files with extension .mid;
- Set file_format to "MIDI" and mime_type to "audio/midi".
In this collection, all MIDI files are contained in the file ZIPPlugin (already in the list of default plugins) is used to unpack the files and pass them down the list of plugins until they reach UnknownPlugin.
Build the collection and preview it. Unfortunately, the MIDI files don't appear as Audio under the browse button. That's because they haven't been assigned dc.Format metadata.
- Back in the Enrich panel, click on the file and assign its dc.Format value to "Audio"—do this by clicking on "Audio" in the Existing values for dc.Format list. All files extracted from the Zip file inherit its settings.
Cleaning up a title browser using regular expressions
We now clean up the titles browser.
- We are going to use the removesuffix classifier option. The aim is to amalgamate variants of titles by stripping away extraneous text. For example, we would like to treat "ANTHOLOGY 1", "ANTHOLOGY 2" and "ANTHOLOGY 3" the same for grouping purposes. To achieve this:
Build the collection and preview the result. Observe how many more times similar titles have been amalgamated under the same bookshelf. Test your understanding of regular expressions by trying to rationalize the amalgamations. (Note: [[:punct:]] stands for any punctuation character.)
One powerful use of regular expressions in the exercise was to clean up the titles browser. Perhaps the best way of doing this would be to have proper title metadata. The metadata extracted from HTML files is messy and inconsistent, and this was reflected in the original titles browser. Defining proper title metadata would be simple but rather laborious. Instead, we have opted to use regular expressions in the AZCompactList classifier to clean up the title metadata. This is difficult to understand, and a bit fiddly to do, but if you can cope with its idiosyncrasies it provides a quick way to clean up the extracted metadata and avoid having to enter a large amount of metadata.
Using different icons for different media types
To put finishing touches to our collection, we add some decorative features
- Close the collection in the Librarian Interface (File → Close).
- Using your file browser outside Greenstone, locate the folder
sample_files → beatles → advbeat_large
- Open up another file browser, and locate the small beatles collection in your Greenstone installation:
Greenstone3 → web → sites → localsite → collect → smallbea
smallbea is the folder name generated by Greenstone for this collection. You can determine what the folder name is for a collection by looking at the title bar of the Librarian Interface: the folder name is displayed in brackets after the collection name.
- Using the file browser, copy the images folder from the advbeat_large folder into the smallbea folder. (It's OK to overwrite the existing images folder: the image in it is included in the folder being copied.) The images folder includes some useful icons.
- Open the collection in GLI again and update the previously edited portion of the documentNode format statement of the browse format feature (in Format Features on the Format panel) to be the following. You can copy this text from the file sample_files → beatles → format_tweaks → multi_icons_3.txt. Change:
<td valign="top">
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Format"/>
<gsf:when test='equals' test-value='Audio'>
<gsf:link type="source"><gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/></gsf:link>
<gsf:when test='equals' test-value='Images'>
<gsf:link type="source"><gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/></gsf:link>
<gsf:when test='equals' test-value='Supplementary'>
<gsf:link type="source"><gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/></gsf:link> <gsf:link type="document"><gsf:icon type="document"/></gsf:link>
<gsf:link type="document"><gsf:icon type="document"/></gsf:link>
to this:
<td valign="top">
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Format"/>
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="Lyrics">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon file="lyrics.gif" select="collection" />
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="Discography">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon file="disc.gif" select="collection" />
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="Tablature">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon file="tab.gif" select="collection" />
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="MARC">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon file="marc.gif" select="collection" />
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="Images">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="Supplementary">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="Audio">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="FileFormat"/>
<gsf:when test="equals" test-value="MIDI">
<gsf:icon file="midi.gif" select="collection" />
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
Preview your collection as before. Now different icons are used for discography, lyrics, tablature, and MARC metadata. Even MP3 and MIDI audio file types are distinguished.
Building a full-size version of the collection
- To finish, let's now build a larger version of the collection. To do this:
- Close the current collection (File → Close).
- Start a new collection called large beatles (File → New...).
- Base this new collection on small beatles.
- Copy the content of sample_files → beatles → advbeat_large → import into this newly formed collection. Since there are considerably more files in this set of documents the copy will take longer.
Build the collection and preview the result. (If you want the collection to have an icon, you will have to add it from the Format panel.)
Scanned image collection
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
Here we build a small replica of Niupepa, the Maori Newspaper collection, using five newspapers taken from two newspaper series. It allows full text searching and browsing by title and date. When a newspaper is viewed, a preview image and its corresponding plain text are presented side by side, with a "go to page" navigation feature at the top of the page.
The collection involves a mixture of plugins, classifiers, and format statements. The bulk of the work is done by PagedImagePlugin, a plugin designed precisely for the kind of data we have in this example. For each document, an "item" file is prepared that specifies a list of image files that constitute the document, tagged with their page number and (optionally) accompanied by a text file containing the machine-readable version of the image, which is used for full text searching. Three newspapers in our collection (all from the series "Te Whetu o Te Tau") have text representations, and two (from "Te Waka o Te Iwi") have images only. Item files can also specify metadata. In our example the newspaper series is recorded as ex.Title and its date of publication as ex.Date. Issue ex.Volume and ex.Number metadata is also recorded, where appropriate. This metadata is extracted as part of the building process.
- Start a new collection called Paged Images and fill out the fields with appropriate information: it is a collection sourced from an excerpt of Niupepa documents.
- In the Gather panel, open the sample_files → niupepa → sample_items folder and drag the two subfolders into your collection on the right-hand side. A popup window asks whether you want to add PagedImagePlugin to the collection: click <Add Plugin>, because this plugin will be needed to process the item files.
PagedImagePlugin will process the item files, creating a document for each one with a separate section for each page listed. Thumbnail and screen-resolution sized images of each page image will be generated.
- Go to the Create panel, build the collection and preview the result. Search for "waka" and view one of the titles listed (all three appear as Te Whetu o Te Tau). Browse by titles and view one of the Te Waka o Te Iwi newspapers. Note that only the Te Whetu o Te Tau newspapers have text; Te Waka o Te Iwi papers don't.
This collection was built with Greenstone's default settings. You can locate items of interest, but the information is less clearly and attractively presented than in the full Niupepa collection.
Grouping documents by series title and displaying dates within each group
Under titles, documents from the same series are repeated without any distinguishing features such as date, volume or number. It would be better to group them by series title and display other information within each group. This can be accomplished using the -bookshelf_type option to the List classifier, and tuning the classifier's format statement.
- In the Design panel, under the Browsing Classifiers section, delete the List classifier for ex.Source. This classifier is not much use.
- Select the classifier for dc.Title;ex.Title and click <Configure Classifier...>. Set bookshelf_type to always. This will create a bookshelf for each Title in the collection. Note, setting this option to duplicate_only will only create a bookshelf when more than one document shares a Title.
- Setting this List classifier's partition_type_within_level to none will further allow you to browse the few documents in this collection all in one page, instead of having the additional level of browsing by starting letter, presented horizontally at the top. Click OK to finish configuring the classifier.
Build the collection, and preview the titles list.
- Now we change the format statement for titles to display more information about the documents. In the Format Features section of the Format panel, select the dc.Title;ex.Title classifier (CL1) in the Choose Feature list. Click <Add Format> to add this format statement to your collection.
Edit the contents of the dc.Title;ex.Title classifier format statement by removing the following in the documentNode template:
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>)
In its place, insert the following (which can be copied from sample_files → niupepa → formats → titles_tweak_gs3.txt):
<td valign="top">
Volume: <gsf:metadata name="Volume"/> Number: <gsf:metadata name="Number"/> Date: <gsf:metadata format="formatDate" name="Date"/>
Then, in the classifierNode template for VLists, replace the contents of the final <td>...</td> table cell element with the following which can also be copied from the file titles_tweak_gs3.txt:
<td valign="top">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/> (<gsf:metadata name="numleafdocs"/>)
Preview the new titles list.As a consequence of using the bookshelf_type option of the List classifier, bookshelf icons appear when titles are browsed. This revised format statement has the effect of specifying in brackets how many items are contained within a bookshelf for classifier nodes. For document nodes, Title is not displayed. Instead, Volume, Number and Date information are displayed.In the Design Pane, under Browsing Classifiers, configure the titles List classifier. Tick sort_leaf_nodes_using and set the metadata to ex.Volume|ex.Number. Rebuilding now will ensure the ex.Volume Number of each newspaper are listed in numeric order. This has the effect of also sorting the ex.Number value for each ex.Volume.
Browsing documents by Date.
- Back in the Design panel, under the Browsing Classifiers section, add a DateList classifier, leaving its metadata option set to ex.Date.
- In the Format Features section of the Format panel, select DateList in the Choose Feature list, and click <Add Format> to add this format statement to your collection. In the documentNode template of the new DateList feature, replace:
<gsf:metadata name="Source"/>
<gsf:when test="exists"/>
<i>(<gsf:metadata name="Source">)</i>
with this, which can also be copied from the file titles_tweak_gs3.txt:
<td valign="top">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-date"/>
- The above makes reference to the "choose-date" template which we're about to create: select the global format statement in the Format Features and append the following definition for the "choose-date" template (which can be copied from sample_files → niupepa → formats → global_tweak_gs3.txt):
<gsf:template name="choose-date">
<gsf:metadata format="formatDate" name="dc.Date"/>
<gsf:metadata format="formatDate" name="exp.Date"/>
<gsf:metadata format="formatDate" name="ex.dc.Date"/>
<gsf:metadata format="formatDate" name="Date"/>
Build the collection, and preview the dates
- The dates
list groups documents by date. Greenstone's internal date format is YYYYMMDD, for example 18580601, and this is crucial for the DateList classifier to correctly parse date metadata and generate an ordered date list. However, the date has been made to look nice by adding a format="formatDate" attribute to Date metadata in the format statement.
Back in the global format statement, edit the display of the date metadata to remove the special date-formatting, so that it looks like:
<gsf:template name="choose-date">
<gsf:metadata name="dc.Date"/>
<gsf:metadata name="exp.Date"/>
<gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Date"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Date"/>
Refresh in the web browser to view the new dates
list. The dates are now shown in internal format.
- Change the format statement back to reinstate the nicely formatted dates.
This can be done by selecting global in assigned format statements panel and clicking <Undo> one or more times.
Searching at page level
- The newspaper documents are split into sections, one per page. For large documents, it is useful to be able to search on sections rather than documents. This allows users to more easily locate the relevant information in the document.
- Go to the Search Indexes section of the Design panel. Remove the ex.Source index and, if not already the case, check the section checkbox to build the indexes on section level as well as document level. Make section level the default by selecting its Default radio button.
- Set the display text used for the level drop-down menu by going to the Search section on the Format panel. Set the document level text to "newspaper", and the section level text to "page".
Build and preview the collection.Choose fielded search. Compare searching at "newspaper" level with searching at "page" level. A useful search term for this collection is "aroha".
You might notice that newspaper level search results only display the newspaper Title, and not any volume information, while page level search results only show the Title of the page (the page number), and not the Title of the newspaper. We'll modify the format statement to show Volume and Number information, and for page results, the newspaper title as well as the page number.
- In the Format Features section of the Format panel, select Search in Choose Feature to adjust how search results are displayed.The extracted Title for the current section is specified as <gsf:metadata name="Title"/> while the Title for the parent section is <gsf:metadata name="Title" select="parent"/> (if using metadata assigned at the document or root level, this would be <gsf:metadata name="Title" select="root"/>). Since the same search format statement is used when searching both whole newspapers and newspaper pages, we need to make sure it works in both cases.Replace the lines comprising the final <td>...</td> table cell element with the following format statement (it can be copied and pasted from the file sample_files → niupepa → formats → search_tweak_gs3.txt):
<gsf:metadata name="Title" select="parent"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<gsf:metadata name="Title" select="parent"/> Volume:<gsf:metadata name="Volume" select="parent"/> Number:<gsf:metadata name="Number" select="parent"/> - Page:<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/> Volume:<gsf:metadata name="Volume"/> Number:<gsf:metadata name="Number"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Date" format="formatDate" />
<gsf:metadata name="Date" select="parent" format="formatDate" />
<gsf:metadata name="Date" select="root" format="formatDate" />
Preview the search results. Items display newspaper Title, Volume, Number and Date, and pages also display the page number.
The collection you have just built involves a fairly complex document structure. There are two series of newspapers, Te Waka and Te Whetu.
In the Te Waka series there are two actual newspapers, Volume 1 Numbers 1 and 2. Number 1 has 4 pages, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4; Number 2 has 4 pages, numbered 5, 6, 7, 8. The page numbers increase consecutively through each volume, despite the fact that the volume is divided into different Numbers. Each page in the Te Waka series is represented by a single file, a GIF image of the page.
The Te Whetu series has three actual newspapers, Volume 1 Numbers 1, 2, and 3. Number 1 has 4 pages, numbered 1, 2, 3, 4; Number 2 has 5 pages, numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Number 3 has 5 pages, numbered 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Again the page numbers increase consecutively through each volume. Each page in this series is represented by two files, a GIF image of the page and a text file containing the OCR’d text that appears on it.
The key to this structure is in the respective .item files. Here is a synopsis of the information they contain:
(9-1-1) Te Waka Volume 1 Number 1
p.1 gif
p.2 gif
p.3 gif
p.4 gif
(9-1-2) Te Waka Volume 1 Number 2
p.5 gif
p.6 gif
p.7 gif
p.8 gif
(10-1-1) Te Whetu Volume 1 Number 1
p.1 gif text
p.2 gif text
p.3 gif text
p.4 gif text
(10-1-2) Te Whetu Volume 1 Number 2
p.5 gif text
p.9 gif text
(10-1-3) Te Whetu Volume 1 Number 3
p.10 gif text
p.14 gif text
Advanced scanned image collection
In this exercise we build upon the collection created in the Scanned image collection exercise. We add a new newspaper by creating an item file for it, add a new newspaper using the extended XML item file format, and modify the formatting.
Adding another newspaper to the collection
Another newspaper has been scanned and OCRed, but has no item file. We will add this newspaper into the collection, and create an item file for it.
- In the Librarian Interface, open up the Paged Image collection that was created in exercise Scanned image collection if it is not already open (File → Open...).
- In the Gather panel, add the folder sample_files → niupepa → new_papers → 12 to your collection. Inside the 12 folder you can see that there are 4 images and 4 text files.
- Create an item file for the collection. Have a look at an existing item file to see the format. Start up a text editor (e.g. WordPad) to open a new document. Add some metadata. The Title for this newspaper is "Te Haeata 1859-1862". The Volume is 3, Number is 6, and the Date is "18610902". (Greenstone's date format is yyyymmdd.) Metadata must be added in the form:
<Metadata name>Metadata value
For this document, the metadata looks like:
<Title>Te Haeata 1859-1862
- For each page, add a line in the file in the following format:
For example, the first page entry would look like
Note that if there is no text file, you can leave that space blank. You need to add a line for each page in the document. Make sure you increment the page number as well as the image number for each line. (The full text for this file can be copied from sample_files → niupepa → formats → 12_3_6.item.)
- Save the file using Filename 12_3_6.item, and save as a plain text document. (If you are using Windows, make sure the file doesn't accidentally end up getting saved as 12_3_6.item.txt.) Back in the Gather panel of the Librarian Interface, locate the new file in the Workspace tree, and drag it into the collection, adding it into the 12 folder.
Build the collection and preview. Check that your new document has been added.
XML based item file
There are two styles of item files. The first, which was used in the previous section, uses a simple text based format, and consists of a list of metadata for the document, and a list of pages. This format allows specification of document level metadata, and a single list of pages.
The second style is an extended format, and uses XML. It allows a hierarchy of pages, and metadata specification at the page level as well as at the document level. In this section, we add in two newspapers which use XML-based item files.
- In the Gather panel, add the folder sample_files → niupepa → new_papers → xml (you need to add the xml folder, not the 23 folder) to your collection.
- Open up the file xml → 23 → 23__2.item and have a look at the XML. This is Number 2 of the newspaper titled Matariki 1881. The contents of this document have been grouped into two sections: Supplementary Material, which contains an Abstract, and Newspaper Pages, which contains the page images (and OCR text).
Build and preview the collection. The xml style items have been included.
Open Archives Initiative (OAI) collection
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
This exercise explores service-level interoperability using the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). So that you can do this on a stand-alone computer, we do not actually connect to the external server that is acting as the data provider. Instead we have provided an appropriate set of files that take the form of XML records produced by the OAI-PMH protocol.
One of Greenstone's documented example collections is sourced over OAI. This exercise takes you through the steps necessary to reconstruct it. You may wish to take a look at the documented example collection OAI demo now to see what this exercise will build.
- Start a new collection called OAI Service Provider. Fill out the fields with appropriate information.
- In the Gather panel, locate the folder sample_files → oai → sample_small → oai. Drag this folder into the collection and drop it there.
- If the OAIPlugin is not already in the Document Plugins list, then during the copy operation a popup window may appear asking whether to add OAIPlugin to the list of plug-ins used in the collection, because the Librarian Interface has not found an existing plug-in that can handle this file type. Press the <Add Plugin> button to include it.The files for this collection consist of a set of images (in JCDLPICS → srcdocs) and a set of OAI records (in JCDLPICS) which contain metadata for the images.
When files are copied across like this, the Librarian Interface studies each one and uses its filename extension to check whether the collection contains a corresponding plug-in. No plug-in in the list is capable of processing the OAI file records that are copied across (they have the file extension .oai), so the Librarian Interface prompts you to add the appropriate plug-in.
Sometimes there is more than one plug-in that could process a file—for example, the .xml extension is used for many different XML formats. The popup window, therefore, offers a choice of all possible plug-ins that matched. It is normally easy to determine the correct choice. If you wish, you can ignore the prompt (click <Don't Add Plugin>), because plug-ins can be added later, in the Document Plugins section of the Design panel.
- You will need to specify which document the OAI metadata values should be attached to. In the Design panel, select the Document Plugins section, then select the OAIPlugin and click <Configure Plugin...>. Locate the document_field option in the popup window and type ex.dc.Identifier (it may not be available in the drop-down list until after building). Click <OK>.
- You also need to configure the image plug-in. Select the ImagePlugin line in the Document Plugins section and click <Configure Plugin...>. In the resulting popup window locate the screenviewsize option, switch it on, and type the number 300 in the box beside it to create a screen-view image of 300 pixels. Click <OK>.
- Now switch to the Create panel and build and preview the collection.
OAIPlugin will process the OAI records, and assign metadata to the images, which are processed by ImagePlugin.
Like other collections we have built by relying on Greenstone defaults, the end result is passable but can be improved. The next steps refine the collection using the metadata harvested by OAI-PMH into the .oai files.
- In the Browsing Classifiers section of the Design panel, delete the two List classifiers (dc.Title;ex.Title and ex.Source).
- Add an AZCompactList classifier based on ex.dc.Subject metadata. Configure it with Subjects as the buttonname.
- Now add an AZCompactList classifier based on ex.dc.Description metadata. In its configuration panel set mingroup to 2, mincompact to 1, maxcompact to 10 and buttonname to Captions.Setting mingroup to 2 will mean that two or more documents with the same description will be grouped into a bookshelf; the default mingroup of 1 means that every document will get a bookshelf. mincompact and maxcompact control how many documents are grouped into each section of the horizontal A-Z list. In this case, each group can have as few as one document, and no more than ten.
- In the Search Indexes section of the Design panel, delete all indexes and add a new one based on ex.dc.Description metadata. Set the Display text for the ex.dc.Description index by going to the Search section in the Format panel and changing its label to "descriptions".
Build the collection and preview it.
Tweaking the presentation with format statements
- In the Format panel, select Format Features. First, in the browse format statement, replace the templates for documentNode and classifierNode for VLists with the following (which can be copied from sample_files → oai → format_tweaks → browse_tweak.txt).
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<td valign="middle">
<gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Description"/>
<gsf:template match="classifierNode[@classifierStyle = 'VList']">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="classifier">
<gsf:icon type="classifier"/>
<td valign="top">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
Also replace the documentNode template of the Search format statement with the documentNode template above.
This format statement customizes the appearance of vertical lists such as the search results and captions lists to show a thumbnail icon followed by Description metadata.
Next, select the display format statement from the Format Features list and add the following to create a custom documentHeading format statement:
<gsf:template name="documentHeading">
<gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Subject"/>
By default documentHeading displays the document's ex.Title metadata. In this particular set of OAI exported records, titles are filenames of JPEG images, and the filenames are particularly uninformative (for example, 01dla14). You can see them in the Enrich panel if you select an image in oai → JCDLPICS → srcdocs and check its ex.Source and ex.Title metadata. The above format statement displays ex.dc.Subject metadata instead.
- Still in the display format in the Format Features list, add the following (which can be copied from sample_files → oai → format_tweaks → document_content.txt) to create a custom documentContent format statement:
<gsf:template name="documentContent">
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<a><xsl:attribute name="href">
<gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.OrigURL"/>
<gsf:metadata name="screenicon"/>
<td><i><gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Description"/></i><br/>
<gsf:link type="source">
original <gsf:metadata name="ImageWidth"/>x<gsf:metadata name="ImageHeight"/> <gsf:metadata name="ImageType"/> available
<td><gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Subject"/></td>
<td><gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Publisher"/></td>
<td><gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Rights"/></td>
This format statement alters how the document view is presented. It includes a screen-sized version of the image that hyperlinks back to the original larger version available on the web. (Unfortunately, the original versions of the images in this sample collection are no longer available on the web. If you want the link to lead to the local copy of the full size image, then use <gsf:link type="source">anchor text goes here</gsf:link> instead of creating an a href with the value <gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.OrigURL"/>. The use of both is demonstrated in the above format statement, where the smaller screen-size image is hyperlinked to the original image's (defunct, in this case) URL denoted by ex.dc.OrigURL, whereas the link in the Caption section leads to the local copy. Image property information extracted from the image, such as width, height and type, is also displayed as a consequence of using the above format statement. It uses XSLT to construct the hyperlink which makes use of the greenstone metadata containing the link to the original image.
- Format statements are processed by the runtime system, so the collection does not need to be rebuilt for these changes to take effect. Click <Preview Collection> to see the changes.
Setting up your Greenstone OAI Server
Greenstone 3 collections are available over OAI by default. Their collectionConfig.xml files already specify that each collection is OAI enabled, through use of an OAIPMH serviceRack element. If you want to disable a collection from being accessible over OAI, edit the OAIPMH serviceRack element in that collection's collectionConfig.xml. This tutorial will look at how to make an existing collection available over OAI and testing its accessibility by getting it validated against the Open Archives validator.
- Start up the Greenstone 3 Server by going to Windows Start → All Programs → Greenstone-3 → Greenstone3 Server.Press the Enter Library button and you will end up on your Digital Library home page as usual. Adjust the URL so that instead of the library suffix, it says oaiserver.The page that loads now will contain an error message (badVerb) saying that you've provided an illegal OAI verb. This is because the OAI specification requires you to provide more instruction in the URL as to what you want. The specification defines verbs and possible arguments to them.A basic verb is Identify, which requests the OAI server to return some information about the OAI repository that it's serving. Adjust the URL once more by suffixing ?verb=Identify, so that your URL now looks like:
Visiting this page now gives some information about your Greenstone OAI repository.
- Although the data transmitted over OAI is in the form of XML, Greenstone uses a stylesheet to transform that XML response into a user-friendly, structured web page that you see when you perform the Identify request (as happens when you visit the verb=Identify response page). This allows Identify and other verbs in the OAI specification to be shown in the main Greenstone OAI Server pages as a row of links. You can see these verbs represented in the main Greenstone oaiserver (or oaiserver?verb=Identify) page as a row of links starting with "Identify", displayed at the top and in the lower part of the page.Clicking on the links will execute that verb as a request and return the response from your Greenstone OAI server as a structured web page. Try clicking on all the button links.
- OAI defines a concept called a Set. In Greenstone, the OAI Set concept is mapped to the practical Greenstone collection. The link to the ListSets verb will therefore request the Greenstone OAI server to list all the collections that have been enabled for OAI.Click on the ListSets link and have a look.The response page for the ListSets verb will show you that your backdrop collection (created in the Simple image collection tutorial) is one of the collections available over OAI in your Greenstone repository.
- You will see a couple of buttons next to each collection (or Set) listed here. The first is Identifiers and the second Records. Click on the Identifiers button for the backdrop Set. This will list all the OAI identifiers of the documents contained in your OAI collection.
- Click the browser Back button to get back to the ListSets page and press the Records button located next to the backdrop collection.If you had specified some Dublin Core (dc) metadata for each of the images in the backdrop collection, then the page that loads will display this information for each document in the collection (Set).Greenstone 3's OAI implementation uses the OAI standard for Dublin Core, oai_dc, metadata format. By default, it maps all Dublin Core metadata you may have assigned to your collections into oai_dc. This default mapping is specified in the configurable file resources\oai\, from which web\WEB-INF\classes\OAIConfig-oaiserver.xml is generated. If all (or most) of your collections will be using a different metadata format, you can edit the resources\oai\ file's elementList section to create mappings from the metadata fields you're using to the metadata fields in oai_dc.You can also specify mappings at collection level, overriding the mappings in on a per-collection basis. So if a collection specifies metadata for a different metadata set format from the default mappings in, adjust the collection's web\sites\localsite\collect\<collection-name>\etc\collectionConfig.xml file to tell Greenstone how to map the metadata fields of your chosen metadata set format into the oai_dc Dublin Core metadata set supported by the Greenstone OAI server.For instance, look in the demo collection's collectionConfig.xml file (web\sites\localsite\collect\lucene-jdbm-demo\etc\collectionConfig.xml) and scroll down to the definition for the OAIPMH ServiceRack. Look at its ListMetadataFormats section containing element mappings, which will explain and provide an example for how to specify such an oai mapping from the DLS metadata format that the demo collection uses, to the Dublin Core (oai_dc) metadata used by Greenstone's OAI server. Its dls.Organization metadata is mapped to oai_dc.publisher using the following line in the collectionConfig.xml configuration file (note the use of case):
<element name="dc:publisher">
<mapping elements="dls.Organization" />
Because the backdrop collection uses DC metadata, no mapping is required, as the default mappings from DC metadata to oai_dc are already specified in OAIConfig-oaiserver.xml.
Validating the Greenstone OAI server
In this section, you'll be testing that you've set up your Greenstone OAI server correctly so that it's accessible over OAI. For this part of the exercise, you need to be on a networked computer and your host computer needs to be visible to the outside world. (That is, when you provide the full name of your computer, someone else in the world should be able to find that computer by typing its URL into their browser's address field.) You can consult the Greenstone Wiki page Windows 10 instructions to make your GS3 tomcat web server public, which contains some instructions to configure the Windows 10 firewall and set up port mapping.
We'll be using an external OAI client to access our up-and-running Greenstone OAI server. It's not just any OAI client either, but an OAI Server validator.
- We want the Greenstone library to be accessible to the Open Archives Validator, however URLs that use localhost can only be accessed locally. Therefore, if your Greenstone server runs on localhost (as it does by default), then you will need to stop the Greenstone server, edit the tomcat.server property of your Greenstone installation's top-level file and set this property to your domain name or your machine's IP address. Finally, restart the Greenstone server.
- For this exercise, we will be visiting the Open Archives Validator, for which your OAIserver needs to provide a valid email address. In a text editor, open up your Greenstone installation's resources\oai\ file. Set the value of the adminEmail element to the email address where the validation results are to be sent. Also set the OAI repositoryIdentifier element. The structure of its value is like a domain name and needs to be of the form of word-dot-extension, such as "". For more information on the structure of its value, see (If you wanted to additionally test the behaviour of the ResumptionToken feature against the OAI Validator, you would set the resumeAfter element to a low value like 5).
- The modifications to need to be brought into effect, so quit and relaunch the Greenstone 3 server application if it is already running. Otherwise, go to Start → Greenstone → Greenstone3 Server to start it up. When the library home page opens in your browser, change the library suffix in the URL to oaiserver, which is the baseURL of your OAI Server and would be of the form http://domain/greenstone3/oaiserver. Copy this URL and visit
- The Open Archives Validator page will request the URL to your Greenstone OAI server. Paste the URL you have in your copy buffer into the field provided for this, and press the Validate baseURL button to start running the tests. You will be told to check the adminEmail address you provided to continue the remaining tests and to get the validation report. Follow the instructions in their email in order to do so.If the validator does not recognise the URL, make sure you have given the full domain of your host machine rather than just the host name. If that URL is still not accepted, visit the oaiserver.cgi?verb=Identify page again and check this works. If it doesn't, it may be that your machine is not set up to be accessible to outside networks. Check your proxy settings, make sure you've set up port forwarding and that your firewall is not interfering.
Downloading over OAI
GLI can serve as an OAI client application: it can connect to a remote OAI server and retrieve metadata, even download documents. The tutorial Open Archives Initiative (OAI) collection did not obtain the data from an external OAI-PMH server. This missing step is accomplished either by running a command-line program or by using the Download panel in the Librarian Interface. This exercise explains how you would do this using both methods. In the previous exercise, we set up the Greenstone server to serve your Greenstone 3 collections over OAI. In this tutorial, we will use GLI to connect to that OAI server and download OAI metadata for the Simple image collection and even download its documents. The principle is the same if you wish to connect to other OAI servers.
Downloading using the Librarian Interface
- Quit any running Greenstone applications. Launch GLI. This should launch the Greenstone server as well, so that the OAI server is also up and running.
- In GLI, go to the Download panel. To the left, choose OAI as the Download Setting.
- On the right, set the Source URL field to contain the URL to your Greenstone OAI server. It would be of the form
(If you set up your Greenstone 3 server to operate over https, then adjust the above URL to have https as prefix and to contain the associated https port number instead.)Make sure that you can generally access this URL from your browser.
Visit the library home page, as this will load the greenstone collections, so that any associated files like images or pdf documents become accessible for download. (Without visiting the library home page, the collections would not be loaded and the images from the Simple Images collection, that we will be downloading below alongside the oai files, will not be available for download.)
- If the server is not running on localhost and your computer is behind a firewall or proxy server, you may need to edit the proxy settings in the Librarian Interface. Click the <Configure Proxy...> button. Switch on the Use proxy connection? checkbox. Enter the proxy server address and port number in the HTTP Proxy Host: and Port: boxes. Further, if you set up your Greenstone to run over https (or more generally, if you will be downloading from https URLs), tick the box labelled "No certificate checking for HTTPS downloads". Click <OK> to get back to the OAI section of the Download panel.
- If at this stage you were to press the <Server Information> (in the central row of buttons), a dialog will pop up with basic details about the OAI server. At the end, it will diplay the names of the sets available via that OAI Server. A setSpec and a setName property will be defined for each available set. In our example, backdrop (the Simple Image collection) would be listed as one of the setNames with its setSpec as backdrop. Press the <close> to close the Server Information dialog.
- Tick the Metadata prefix checkbox as well as the Restrict to set checkbox. For the latter, type the setSpec value of backdrop. Then tick Get document. Also tick Only include file types and include jpg in the list of comma separated values for it so that it becomes
Next, tick Max records and set it to 10. There will be 9 images in the collection, so we don't really need to set the Max records value, but this is a helpful feature that you can use when downloading from an OAI server.
- Finally, click <Download>, located beside the Server Information button. If you have set proxy information in Preferences..., a popup will ask for your user name and password. Once the download has started, a progress bar appears in the lower half of the panel that reports on how the downloading process is doing. GLI will download oai metadata and, because we have ticked the Get document checkbox, it will also be retrieving actual documents, but not more than 10, because of the limit of 10 that we've placed on the number of records to download.
- After a while, it will have finished downloading. Change to the Gather panel, and on the left-hand side, open up the Downloaded Files folder. This is where Greenstone stores files you downloaded using the Download panel. In this case, it will contain a folder wherein the oai metadata files and images that you've just downloaded from your own Greenstone OAI server is stored. These files can then be added to a collection, as will be covered later in this tutorial.
Downloading using the command line
For command line downloading to work, your computer must have a direct connection to the Internet—being behind a firewall may interfere with the ability to download the information. You will need to use the Librarian Interface for downloading if you are behind a firewall.
- Close the Librarian Interface.
- Start up the Greenstone server application.
Visit the library home page to load the greenstone collections including any associated files, as explained above.
- If you're on Windows, open a DOS window to access the command-line prompt. This facility should be located somewhere within your Start → Programs menu, but details vary between different Windows systems. If you cannot locate it, select Start → Run, enter cmd in the popup window that appears and hit Enter.If you're on Linux or Mac, open a terminal.
- Before you start, you must set up your Greenstone environment in the terminal. In the DOS window or terminal, move to the home directory where you installed Greenstone. This is accomplished by something like:
cd C:\Users\<username>\Greenstone
- Type:
to set up the ability to run Greenstone command-line programs. On Linux/Mac, you would run source ./
- If you set up your Greenstone to run over https or intend to use the command line to download from any URLs that begin with https instead of http or if nothing downloads in the steps hereafter, then you will further need to edit your Greenstone 3 installation's gs2build/bin/linux/wgetrc (if on Linux), gs2build/bin/linux/wgetrc (if on Windows) or gs2build/bin/linux/wgetrc (if on Mac) file as follows. Open the file in a text editor and change the line that says:
#check_certificate = off
check_certificate = off
Removing the hash sign at the start of this line changes it from being a mere comment to activating the line. Save the edited file and close it. The effect of this step will be that downloading from https URLs will now succeed even when download commands are run from the command line.
GLI uses a perl script,, to do the downloading. This can be run on the command line, outside of GLI.
The script can download using several different protocols. These are specified using the -download_mode option. To see the available options for download mode, run perl -S -h. This shows that the current options are: Web, MediaWiki, OAI, Z3950, SRW. For OAI downloading, use -download_mode OAI.
To see the options for downloading using the OAI mode, you can run perl -S OAIDownload. The options are the same as you can see in the GLI OAI download panel.
- We'll use the set and max_records OAI Download options to limit the number of OAI records downloaded from the backdrop collection at your Greenstone's OAI server again:
perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://<hostname:portnumber>/greenstone3/oaiserver -set backdrop -max_records 15
The OAI records will be downloaded into the folder where the script is run from. To change this, use the -cache_dir full-path-to-folder option and set its value to the full path of the destination folder you choose. (If you wanted to download the documents along with the records, then you would additionally pass in the -get_doc flag to the above command as well as the -get_doc_exts flag followed by a comma-separated list of file extensions like "jpg,pdf".)
perl -S -download_mode OAI -url http://<hostname:portnumber>/greenstone3/oaiserver -set backdrop -max_records 15 -get_doc -get_doc_exts "jpg,pdf" -cache_dir "<type-full-path-to-a-download-folder>"
You can import the downloaded documents into a new Greenstone collection and build them in the usual manner.
Building the downloaded documents in GLI
- If you used GLI to download documents over OAI, as seen in the first part of the tutorial, you can find the downloaded items in the Downloaded Files folder in the filesystem view on the left side of the Gather panel.If you used the command line to download documents, the downloaded files will be stored wherever you ran the script from.
- Open GLI, locate the files you downloaded over OAI and drag and drop these into a new Greenstone collection called OAI Collection.
- Go to the Design panel, and configure the OAIPlugin by ticking its no_cover_image option, then click OK to close the plugin configuration dialog. Generally, Greenstone will look for any images that have an identical name to the primary document being processed and will associate the image with the document as being the document's cover image. Because the OAI files and the image documents downloaded over OAI have matching names, each image would get treated as the cover image for its associated OAI file. We don't want that behaviour here, so we turn on the no_cover_image option. This allows the OAIPlugin to attach the metadata of each OAI file with its associated image (treating the image as the primary document, instead of as a cover image), just as intended.Note that this time, we don't configure the OAIPlugin's document_field option to ex.dc.Identifier, because the OAI files that have been downloaded over OAI have the associated image's document identifier stored in the (ex.)gi.Sourcedoc metadata field. You can see this if you open up any of the downloaded OAI files in a text editor. The (ex.)gi.Sourcedoc field is consulted by default when the Greenstone building process tries to identify what source document to attach the metadata in each OAI file to.
- Switch to the Create panel and press the build button. During this stage, the OAIPlugin will extract the metadata in the oai files and attach them to the associated jpg files of the downloaded backdrop collection. You can see this once the collection has been built by switching to the Enrich panel and clicking on an oai file, as no metadata is set for such files. However, if you then click on a jpg file and scroll down, there will be metadata names that start with ex.dc. This refers to Greenstone-extracted Dublin Core metadata. ex.dc.Description and ex.dc.Title will be set to the values you had assigned the images in the tutorial A Simple Image Collection. Greenstone will have added additional ex.dc metadata in the form of ex.dc.Identifier, which is the source URL for this image.
- If you wish, you can now set up this collection in a manner similar to how the backdrop collection was set up in A simple image collection. Don't forget to copy in any specific format statements, adjust them to use the ex.dc metadata instead of dc metadata, then rebuild and preview the collection.
Using the UnknownConverterPlugin to make unsupported document formats searchable
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.88|3.09
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
This is an advanced tutorial, in that it not only supposes you have familiarised yourself with most of what you've learned in preceding tutorials, but that you're also comfortable with downloading and installing software from the web, and have a little familiarity with using image editing software.
The UnknownConverterPlugin builds on the idea of the UnknownPlugin, in that it can be configured to handle documents of unknown format and file extension. It can also be made to handle documents with known file extensions in a custom manner.
The UnknownConverterPlugin extends the UnknownPlugin's abilities by letting you launch a tool you have installed on your own PC that can be run from the commandline to convert from the "unknown" file format to either text, html or gif/jpg/png images, or a folder of these. If you know how to launch this tool from the commandline to do the conversion, then you would configure the UnknownConverterPlugin by supplying the file format (file extension) of the documents it should process, the expected output file format (text, html or paged images), and the tool's conversion command that the UnknownConverterPlugin should launch to perform the conversion. In place of the input file and the output file or folder, you provide placeholders in the command to run. Once configured, the UnknownConverterPlugin will be used during building to process documents that match the specified file format. It will launch the commandline conversion tool with the command provided, and the expected output files as specified can then be processed by Greenstone in the usual manner.
An example scenario would be if your collection contained djvu files, for which Greenstone provides no custom plugin. However, there's a free commandline tool available that can convert from djvu to one of the text based formats that Greenstone can process, text or html. So in this case, you could try using the UnknownConverterPlugin with the commandline tool on djvu files that you've gathered. The result should be that the djvu files in your Greenstone collection are now searchable.
Working with DjVu documents in Greenstone
DjVu (pronounced like the French phrase
déjà vu) is a
document format suited for archiving digital documents.
DjVuLibre, which provides open source tools for processing DjVu documents, describes DjVu as
"a web-centric format and software platform for distributing documents and images. DjVu can advantageously replace PDF, PS, TIFF, JPEG, and GIF for distributing scanned documents, digital documents, or high-resolution pictures. DjVu content downloads faster, displays and renders faster, looks nicer on a screen, and consume less client resources than competing formats. DjVu images display instantly and can be smoothly zoomed and panned with no lengthy re-rendering. DjVu is used by hundreds of academic, commercial, governmental, and non-commercial web sites around the world."
In this part of the tutorial we'll see how to get Greenstone to not just include a collection's DjVu documents, but make them searchable too. There are several tools out there to convert a DjVu document into text or HTML. For instance, Linux users can install the
ocrodjvu package and use its
djvu2hocr tool to extract the text content in HTML format. Janusz S. Bien, a Greenstone user on the mailing list, has recommended it as being of possible use to Greenstone users, as it's a front-end to OCR programs. In this tutorial, however, we'll look at using
djvutxt which is part of the DjVuLibre suite of tools and which is also available for other operating systems like Windows.
Extracting the text from DjVu documents with DjVuLibre's djvutxt
- Start up GLI and create a new collection called DjVu Collection.
- Visit the 'DjVu-Digital vs. "Super Hero" PDF' page. The page compares a PDF sample document to its equivalent DjVu version and provides download links for both.Download their sample DjVu document (originally here) into your DjVu Collection's import folder at Greenstone → web → sites → localsite → collect → djvucoll → import. If you're offline, you can also get this file from sample_files → djvu → superhero.djvu.
- Back in GLI, in the Collection view of the Gather pane, right click and select Refresh folder view. You should now see your new document "superhero.djvu" ready to be built.
- Head over to the Create pane and build the collection. The document isn't recognised. You can press Preview to confirm that there's nothing much to look at in this collection.If you were to search through the Design pane's Document Plugins for a "DjVuPlugin", you wouldn't find one, because Greenstone hasn't got one. Greenstone knows about a lot of common formats, but there's a great many formats that different people like to work with that Greenstone knows nothing about and which Greenstone developers have not created a custom plugin for.
You've already learnt about the UnknownPlugin in the Multimedia tutorial and know that it can be configured to process document formats for which Greenstone has no custom plugin. However, UnknownPlugin cannot index textual document formats that are unknown to Greenstone to make them searchable upon building, because it doesn't know anything about their internal structure and consequently doesn't know how to extract their text content.
This is where the UnknownConverterPlugin comes in. It builds on the idea of the UnknownPlugin, allowing you to work with document formats unknown to Greenstone. But it offers the additional advantage of being able to extract the text of the unknown document, depending on an important proviso: that you have a software tool installed on your machine, one that can be run readily from the commandline, which can perform the process of converting the unknown document format into text or HTML (or a series of images). If the tool can convert the document to text or HTML, Greenstone can proceed as usual to index the content to make it searchable on previewing.
- So in order to process the "superhero.djvu" document in our collection, such that its text content gets indexed for searching, we need to do a number of things: find out if there's a free djvu to text conversion tool out there, work out how to run it from the commandline and finally configure the UnknownConverterPlugin to automatically run this commandline tool for us, so Greenstone can take care of the rest.We're in luck, because among the DjVu related tools that DjVuLibre provides is one called "djvutxt" that can perform the text extraction for us. DjVuLibre is available for Windows, Mac and Linux:
- DjVuLibre provides binary installers for Windows and Mac. Grab the one for your operating system and install it somewhere sensible: somewhere you have permissions to install and run it from. On Windows, running the installer in the regular manner requires you to have admin permissions. If you don't have admin rights, you can run the installer as follows (instructions taken from this superuser exchange) to install DjVuLibre in a non-admin location. Use a text editor to create a file called nonadmin.bat (beware the file doesn't end up with an additional .txt extension when saving it). Copy and paste, or carefully type, the following text into the file, then save and close it:
cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1"
Next, open up a File Explorer and drag and drop the DjVuLibre setup executable icon onto the icon of the new nonadmin.bat file, to run setup in a way that bypasses the admin privileges usually required for a successful installation. When installing, you'll now finally be allowed to choose a custom install directory, instead of the installer choosing an off-limits admin location like C:\Program Files (x86) for you. So make sure to choose a location in your User area as install directory. Upon successful installation, you're given the option to launch DjVuLibre's DjView tool, which will open the DjVuLibre manual (in djvu format). In the left pane of DjView, you can see a listing of the various tools DjVuLibre is comprised of, and read up on them. You can also read about djvutxt or the other DjVu tools that DjVuLibre provides in their documentation page, but for this tutorial, we'll just be using their djvutxt tool.
- To install the DjVu binary on the Mac: double click on the downloaded dmg file, open the loaded dmg's contents in Finder, then copy the into your Mac's Applications folder. You can achieve the same through the command line with a command similar to the following line, which instructs the OS to copy across the in your opened dmg file (of the djvu installer) into the Mac Applications folder:
cp -r /Volumes/DjVuLibre-3.5.28+DjView-4.12-universal-2/ /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Applications/.
- Some Linux machines may even come pre-installed with DjVuLibre. If not, you can use a package manager to install it for you, or compile it up easily from source in the usual Unix manner, as explained below.
- If you're on a Unix (Linux or Mac) system where you don't have the permissions needed to install DjVuLibre, yet you do have the requisite compiler installed (gcc, g++ on Linux, Xcode on Mac), as well as having "autoconf" installed on the Mac, then you can compile it up from source code as follows: download the source tarball and untar this in a user location. Open a terminal and change directory into the untarred DjVuLibre source folder. Then run the following three commands in sequence, adjusting the prefix flag to start with the full path to your Greenstone installation:
./configure --prefix=/PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/djvulibre
make install
If compiling was successful, djvulibre binaries would have been generated inside your Greenstone installation's new djvulibre/bin folder, at /PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/djvulibre/bin. For this tutorial, the most important of these djvulibre binaries is djvuxt, which will now be located at /PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/djvulibre/bin/djvutxt on your Unix system.
- The next step is to find out how to run DjVuLibre's djvutxt conversion tool from the commandline.The general format of the command is
djvutxt input.djvu output.txt
Open a DOS prompt on Windows (to do so: press the letter r while holding down the Windows key—the key located between the Alt and Ctrl keys on your keyboard— to launch the Windows Run popup dialog, then type cmd into it and hit Enter), or a terminal on Mac/Linux and experiment to see what it takes to convert your Greenstone installation's web/sites/localsite/collect/DjVuColl/superhero.djvu file.You may have to invoke djvutxt using its full filepath, in which case on Windows the command would look like:
C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\djvutxt C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\GS\web\sites\localsite\collect\DjVuColl\import\superhero.djvu C:\PATH\TO\YOUR\GS\superhero.txt
while on Unix systems the command would look like:
/PATH/TO/YOUR/djvutxt /PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/web/sites/localsite/collect/DjVuColl/import/superhero.djvu /PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/superhero.txt
If you're on a Mac and had installed into your Mac Applications folder, then the command you run in the Mac Terminal would look something like:
/Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Applications/ /PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/web/sites/localsite/collect/DjVuColl/import/superhero.djvu /PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/superhero.txt
If you compiled up djvulibre from source, djvutxt will be in /PATH/TO/YOUR/djvulibre/bin/djvutxt.Once you have the command working, inspect the output file. You should see mostly legible text in it. Only when you've been able to successfully complete this step should you proceed to the next steps.
Processing DjVu documents with the UnknownConverterPlugin
- Now that you know how to run the djvutxt conversion tool from the commandline, open up the DjVu Collection in GLI. Go into the Design pane's Document Plugins section and add a new UnknownConverterPlugin instance. (There's already one in the Document Plugin pipeline, but it is not set up for processing djvu files.) Press <Configure Plugin...> and set up the plugin as follows:
- set its convert_to field to text
- set its mime_type field to image/vnd.djvu, which is one of the mime types for the DjVu format
- set its process_extension to djvu
- Finally, copy the full djvutxt command you ran from the commandline and paste it into the UnknownConverterPlugin Configuration dialog's exec_cmd field. Keep the full path to the djvutxt binary, but replace the entire input filepath with the literal string %%INPUT_FILE and replace the output filepath with the literal string %%OUTPUT. Doing so means that when you build the collection, Greenstone will replace %%INPUT_FILE with each DjVu document in your collection that it needs to process, and will replace %%OUTPUT with the expected text output file of each document upon conversion by djvutxt.
If you have any spaces in any filepaths in your exec_cmd, make sure to always nest that entire filepath in escaped double quotes (\"), so Greenstone can preserve the spaces in it.If any filepaths, other than %%INPUT_FILE and %%OUTPUT are within your Greenstone installation, you can use the %%GSDLHOME, %%GSDL3SRCHOME and %%GSDL3HOME (the latter for Greenstone 3's web folder) as placeholders and write out your filepaths relative to this. For instance, if your DjVuLibre is installed in your Greenstone's ext subfolder, then you would start the filepath to djvutxt with %%GSDL3SRCHOME/ext.The value for your exec_cmd field may look something like the following, if you have DjVuLibre installed in C:\Program Files. Note the escaped double quotes bookending the path to djvutxt, to protect spaces in its filepath:
\"C:\Program Files\DjVuLibre\djvutxt\" %%INPUT_FILE %%OUTPUT
On Unix systems, adjust the command you ran in the command line to now leave out any backslash protecting spaces in the command's filepaths, but ensure you have escaped double-quotes around such filepaths containing spaces. For example,
/Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Applications/ /PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/web/sites/localsite/collect/DjVuColl/import/superhero.djvu /PATH/TO/YOUR/GS/superhero.txt
\"/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Applications/\" %%INPUT_FILE %%OUTPUT
- Having sufficiently configured the UnknownConverterPlugin, click on the OK button close the plugin's Configuration dialog. Move to the Create pane and build the collection. Your document has now been recognised. What's more, if you preview it and search for the term "Interoperability", a term that occurs in our collection's superhero.djvu document, you should now get a search result linking to that document. So Greenstone has successfully indexed the document's text, thanks to DjVuLibre's djvutxt tool extracting the text which got fed into the rest of Greenstone's building pipeline.
Associating an icon with DjVu documents in Greenstone
- When previewing the search result, you may notice that there's no proper icon for the document superhero.djvu. The Greenstone extracted text variant of the document has an icon, a plain text one. However, the superhero.djvu has the "unknown document format" icon, the one with the question mark on it. We can change this.
- Go back to the Design pane to configure your UnknownConverterPlugin once more. This time, enable the srcicon field and set its value to icondjvu.This is a macroname we're just inventing, though we're following existing Greenstone convention in naming document icon macros, in that it's of the form "icon<file-extension>".Click OK to close the UnknownConverterPlugin configuration dialog. Quit GLI, since there's a little more work to do.
- Greenstone doesn't have an icon for DjVu documents, since it doesn't know about the format. If you Google for the djvu icon, you'd probably find the Wikipedia page for it.Save one of their DjVu icon images. Then open the image in Windows Paint or GIMP or another image editor, and use the application's scaling feature to scale the image's height or the width (whichever is greater) to anywhere between 26 and 32 pixels. Save the scaled image as a GIF file with the name "idjvu.gif", storing it in your Greenstone installation's web/interfaces/default/images folder. You can also use free online image resizing websites to carry out this step.If you're working offline, you can get a resized and ready copy of the idjvu.gif file from sample_files → djvu → idjvu.gif. Put it in your Greenstone 3 installation's web/interfaces/default/images folder.
- Greenstone knows nothing about the icondjvu macro we defined as the value for UnknownConverterPlugin's srcicon field, so we have to teach Greenstone about this new macro. Use a text editor to open your Greenstone 3's web/sites/localsite/siteConfig.xml file.Locate the line
<replace macro="_iconunknown_" scope="metadata" text="<img src='interfaces/default/images/iunknown.gif' border='0'/>" resolve="false"/>
Add a similar line above or below it and adjust it to say:
<replace macro="_icondjvu_" scope="metadata" text="<img src='interfaces/default/images/idjvu.gif' border='0'/>" resolve="false"/>
Save the file.The above has now associated the icon image we want appearing for the djvu document with the macro we defined for the srcicon field in UnknownConverterPlugin's configuration.
- Restart GLI, which will restart the Greenstone server, reloading the siteConfig.xml you have just edited. Rebuild the DjVu Collection again and preview it. This time, when you browse the collection, you should see the djvu icon appearing in place of the unknown icon for your DjVu document.
- Having designed your collection to handle DjVu documents, you can now add any other documents, including more DjVu documents. Greenstone should now be able to index the text content of DjVu documents in the collection to make them searchable, in all instances where text can be successfully extracted from them by djvutxt.Make the search format statement look like below (you can copy it from sample_files → djvu → formats → format_tweaks.txt), then try searching:
<gsf:template match="documentNode">
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="document">
<gsf:icon type="document"/>
<td valign="top">
<gsf:link type="source">
<gsf:metadata name="thumbicon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="srcicon"/>
<gsf:link type="document">
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocLink"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
Also available as: <gsf:metadata name="equivDocLink"/><gsf:metadata name="equivDocIcon"/><gsf:metadata name="/equivDocLink"/>
Use METS as Greenstone's Internal Representation
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87
- In the Greenstone Librarian Interface, open up one of your existing collections, for example the Small HTML Collection collection.
To be able to substitute GreenstoneMETSPlugin for GreenstoneXMLPlugin you need to be in Expert mode.
- Click File → Preferences... → Mode and change to Expert mode.
- Switch to the Design panel and select Document Plugins. Remove GreenstoneXMLPlugin from the list of plug-ins and add GreenstoneMETSPlugin, with the default configuration options. Move this plugin to where GreenstoneXMLPlugin was (just below ZipPlugin).
- Now change to the Create panel, locate the options for the import process to the left (labelled Import Options) and set saveas to GreenstoneMETS. Import options are not available unless you are in Expert mode.
Rebuild the collection. If you choose to preview it, things should look as before.
- In your file browser, locate the archives folder for the collection you are working with (in Greenstone3 → web → sites → localsite → collect → <collname> → archives). For each document in the collection, Greenstone has generated two files: docmets.xml, the core METS description, and doctxt.xml, a supporting file. (Note: unless you are connected to the Internet you may be unable to view doctxt.xml in your web browser, because it refers to a remote resource.) Depending on the source documents there may be additional files, such as the images used within a web page. One of METS' many features is the ability to reference information in external XML files. Greenstone uses this to tie the content of the document, which is stored in the external XML file doctxt.xml, to its hierarchical structure, which is described in the core METS file docmets.xml.
Moving a collection from DSpace to Greenstone
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.60
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87
- Start a new collection called StoneD and fill out its fields appropriately.
- In the Design panel add DSpacePlugin. Leave the plugin options at their defaults and press <OK>.
- Using the up arrow, move the position of DSpacePlugin to the top of the list (above GreenstoneXMLPlugin).
- In the Gather panel, locate the folder sample_files → dspace. It contains five example items exported from a DSpace institutional repository. Copy them into your collection by dragging them over to the right-hand side of the panel. Cancel out of any dialog offering to add plugins.
Build the collection and preview it to see the basic defaults exhibited by a DSpace collection.
If you browse by titles, you will find 7 documents listed, though only 5 items were exported from DSpace. Two of the original items had alternative forms in their directory folder. The DSpace plug-in options control what happens in such situations: the default is to treat them as separate Greenstone documents.
Below we use a plug-in option (first_inorder_ext) to fuse the alternative forms together. This option has the effect of treating documents with the same filename but different extensions as a single entity within a collection. One of the files is viewed as the primary document—it is indexed, and metadata is extracted from it if possible—while the others are handled as "associated files."
The first_inorder_ext option takes as its argument a list of file extensions (separated by commas): the first one in the list that matches becomes the primary document.
- Back in the Design panel's Document Plugins section, select DSpacePlugin and click <Configure Plugin...>. Switch on its configuration option first_inorder_ext. Set its value to "pdf,doc,rtf".
Build and preview the collection.
There are now only 5 documents, because only one version of each document has been included—the primary version.
Adding indexing and browsing capabilities to match DSpace's
The DSpace exported files contain Dublin Core metadata for title and author (amongst other things).
- In the Design panel, select Search Indexes. Delete the ex.Source index, and add one for ex.dc.Contributor. Rename the ex.dc.Contributor index by going to the Search section in the Format panel. Select this index and change its value to contributors.
- Go back to the Design panel, select Browsing Classifiers. Select the ex.Source List classifier and click <Configure Classifier...>. Change the metadata option to ex.dc.Contributor. Activate the bookshelf_type option and set its value to always. If not already active, activate the partition_type_within_level option. Then set it to none. Finally, activate buttonname and set this to Contributors. Click <OK> to close the dialog.
- Now select the Format Features section of the Format panel, and select the browse format statement in the list of assigned format statements. Add the following text before the final </td> of the documentNode template:
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocLink"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<br/>Also available as:
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocLink"/>
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocIcon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="/equivDocLink"/>
- Also, let's add a format statement for the classifier based on ex.dc.Contributor metadata. In the Choose Feature menu (under Format Features on the Format panel), select the item that starts with:
CL2: List -metadata ex.dc.Contributor
- Click <Add Format>.
<xsl:call-template name="choose-title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="ex.dc.Title"/>
Then scroll down to the classifierNode template for VLists. Here, replace:
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/>
<gsf:metadata name="Title"/> (<gsf:metadata name="numleafdocs"/>)
This will display the number of documents for each bookshelf in the Contributors classifier.
And for individual documents within each bookshelf, it will display the ex.dc.Title.
- Make the same change to CL2's documentNode template as you did above for the browse format statement's documentNode template, by adding the following text before the final </td> of CL2's documentNode template:
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocLink"/>
<gsf:when test="exists">
<br/>Also available as:
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocLink"/>
<gsf:metadata name="equivDocIcon"/>
<gsf:metadata name="/equivDocLink"/>
- Repeat the exact same step for the search format feature's documentNode template, so that it now also makes reference to <gsf:equivDocLink/>.
Build the collection once again and preview it.
There are still only 5 documents, but against some of the entries appears the line "Also available as:" followed by icons that link to the alternative representations.
Moving a collection from Greenstone to DSpace
In this exercise you export a Greenstone collection in a form suitable for DSpace. It is possible to do this from the Librarian Interface's File menu, which contains an item called Export..., that allows you to export collections in different forms. However, to gain a deeper understanding of Greenstone, we perform the work by invoking a program from the Windows command-line prompt. This requires some technical skill; if you are not used to working in the command-line environment we recommend that you skip this exercise.
Using Greenstone from the command line
- If you're on Windows, open a DOS window to access the command-line prompt. This facility should be located somewhere within your Start → Programs menu, but details vary between different Windows systems. If you cannot locate it and you are running Windows XP, select Start → Run and enter cmd in the popup window that appears. In Windows Vista or Windows 7, click the Start button and type cmd in the search box at the bottom of the Start menu. On Windows 10, hold down the Windows key (located between the Ctrl and Alt keys) and press s to bring up the Search Windows box and type cmd in it.If you're on a Unix system, Linux or Mac, open a terminal.
- In the DOS window or unix terminal, move to the home directory where you installed Greenstone. On Windows, this is accomplished by something like:
cd C:\Users\<username>\Greenstone
- Type:
to set up the ability to run Greenstone command-line programs.On a Linux or Mac machine, you would similarly open a terminal, change directory into your Greenstone installation's top-level folder and type:
source ./
- Change directory into the folder containing the StoneD collection you built in the last exercise.
cd web\sites\localsite\collect\stoned
- Run the following command to export the collection using the DSpace import/export format:
perl -S -saveas DSpace -site localsite -removeold stoned
Exporting in Greenstone is an additive process. If you ran the command once again, the new files exported would be added—with different folder names—to those already in the export folder. For the kind of explorations we are conducting we might re-run the command several times. The -removeold option deletes files that have previously been exported.
- This command has created a new subfolder, web → sites → localsite → collect → stoned → export. Use the file browser to explore it. In it are the files needed to ingest this set of documents into DSpace.
You could just as well run the command on a different Greenstone collection and transfer the output to a DSpace installation by using DSpace's batch-import facility.
Editing metadata sets
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.70w|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
GEMS (Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets) can be used to modify existing metadata sets or create new ones. GEMS is launched from the Librarian Interface when you want to create a new metadata set, or edit an existing one. In this exercise, we run GEMS outside of the Librarian Interface.
Running GEMS
- Start the Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets (GEMS)
Start → All Programs → Greenstone-3.11 → Greenstone Editor for Metadata Sets (GEMS)
(If you're on a Unix system, use a terminal to run the gli/ start-up script. On a Mac, you can also double-click on the green gems application icon that's located in your Greenstone installation folder in order to launch GEMS.)
- GEMS starts up with no metadata set loaded. You can start a new set, or open an existing one, from the File menu.
Creating a new metadata set
- In this exercise, we will create a new metadata set. In order to save time, we will base it on an existing one: Development Library Subset. From the File menu, select File → New.... A popup window appears: New Metadata Set. Fill in the fields. Use "My Metadata Set" for the Metadata set title:, "my" for the Metadata set namespace:, and select "Development Library Subset Example Metadata" from the Base this metadata set on: drop down list. Click <OK>.
- The new metadata set will be displayed. The left hand side lists the elements (and sub-elements, if any) for the set, and the right hand side displays the set or element attributes. Since the new set was based on the Development Library Subset metadata set, it already contains all the elements from that set.
Adding a new element to a metadata set
- Right click on My Metadata Set in the left hand tree (or in the blank space in the left hand side) and choose Add Element from the menu that appears. In the popup window, type "Category" for the new element name, and click <OK>. The new element will appear in the list.
- In the right hand side, the default attributes will appear for the new element. "Label" and "definition" are used in the Librarian Interface when displaying metadata elements and their descriptions (the "definition" is shown as additional text for the element). These attributes can be set in multiple languages.
- Save the new metadata set by File → Save, then close the GEMS by File → Exit.
Building and searching with different indexers
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.70w|3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
Greenstone supports three indexers
MGPP and
MG is the original indexer used by Greenstone which is described in the book
"Managing Gigabytes". It does section level indexing and compression of the source documents.
MG is implemented in C.
MGPP is a re-implementation of
MG that provides word-level indexes and enables proximity, phrase and field searching.
MGPP is implemented in C++.
Lucene ( is a java-based, full-featured text indexing and searching system developed by Apache. It provides a similar range of search functionality to MGPP with the addition of single-character wildcards and range searching. It was added to Greenstone to facilitate incremental collection building, which
MG and
MGPP can't provide, and is the default indexer for new collections.
Build with Lucene
- Start a new collection (File → New...) called Demo Lucene and base it on the Demo Collection (Lucene) [lucene-jdbm-demo] collection, fill out its fields appropriately.
- In the Gather panel, select Documents in Greenstone Collections, then select and open up localsite → Demo Collection (Lucene) [lucene-jdbm-demo]. This will display the documents in the Greenstone demo collection. Drag all 11 folders in the demo folder into the new collection.
- Go to the Enrich panel, look at the metadata that is associated with each directory. Go to the Search Indexes section in the Design panel. Look at the top right area of the panel, where you will see that the Lucene indexer is already in use. This is because the Demo Collection (Lucene) [lucene-jdbm-demo] collection, which this collection is based on, uses the Lucene indexer.
Build and preview the collection.
Search with Lucene
- Lucene provides single letter and multiple letter wildcards and range searching. The query syntax could be quite complicated (for more information, refer to Here we will learn how to use the wildcards while constructing queries.
* is a multiple letter wildcard. To perform a multiple letter wildcard search, append * to the end of the query term. For example, econom* will search for words like econometrics, economist, economical, economy, which have the common part econom but different word endings.
- To perform a single letter wildcard search, use ? instead. For example, search for economi?? will only match words that have two and only two letters left after economi, such as economist, economics, and economies.
- Please note that stopwords are used by default with Lucene indexer, so searching for words like the will match 0 documents. This is explained in a message on the search page, which states that such words are too common and were ignored.
Build with MGPP
- Start a new collection called Greenstone Demo MGPP and also base it on the Demo Collection (Lucene) [lucene-jdbm-demo].
- In the Gather panel, drag all 11 folders from Documents in Greenstone Collections → localsite → Demo Collection (Lucene) [lucene-jdbm-demo] into the new collection.
- In the Search Indexes section of the Design panel, you will notice that the active indexer is Lucene. Click the Change... button at the right top corner of the panel. A new window will pop up for selecting the Indexers. After selecting an indexer, a brief description will appear in the box below. Select MGPP and click OK. Please note that the Assigned Indexes section may have changed accordingly.
- There are four options at the bottom of the panel, the first 3 of which are Stem, Casefold and Accent fold. Notice these three are enabled.
- In the Indexing Levels section, also select section, if it isn't already, but make document the default.
Build and preview the collection.
Search with MGPP
- MGPP supports stemming, casefolding and accentfolding. By default, searching in collections built with the MGPP indexer is set to whole word must match and ignore case differences. So searching econom will return 0 documents. Searching for fao and FAO return the same result — 89 word counts and 11 matched documents.Go to the text search page by clicking the text search button at the top right corner. You can see that stem is off, which means the word endings option is set to whole word must match. And case (folding) is set to ignore case differences.
- Sometimes we may want to ignore word endings while searching so as to match different variations of the term. Change the stem option from off to on. This will change the search settings from the default, which is that the whole word must match, to ignore word endings. Now try searching for econom again. This time, 9 documents are found.Please note that word endings are determined according to the third-party stemming tables incorporated in Greenstone, not by the user. Thus the searches may not do precisely what is expected, especially when cultural variations or dialects are concerned. In addition, not all languages support stemming; only English and French have stemming at the moment.Go to the fielded search page next, and once there, change the stem option back to off (whole word must match) to avoid confusion later on.
- Sometimes we may want to search for the exact term, that is, differentiate the upper cases from lower cases. Now you're on the fielded search page, switch case folding to off (upper/lower case must match). Now try searching for fao and FAO respectively. Notice the search results are different this time, with fao not returning any results.Change the case folding option back to on (ignore case differences) to avoid confusion later on.
Use search mode hotkeys with query term
MGPP has several hotkeys for setting the search modes for a query term. These hotkeys explicitly set the stem option and the case option for the query being constructed. Use them in the plain text search or form search.
#s and #u are hotkeys for the stem option. Appending #s to a query term will specifically enable the ignore word endings function. For example, click on the Fielded search button and try searching for econom#s. 9 documents are found, which is the same as in the previous section.
- Appending #u to a query term will explicitly set the current search to whole word must match. Note that using hotkeys will only affect that query term. That is, hotkeys are used per term. For example, if a query expression contains more than one term, some terms can have hotkeys and others not, and the hotkeys can be different for different terms. This provides a fine-grained control of the query, whereas changing the controls for a search field on the advanced search page will apply to all the query terms in that field.
- Hotkeys #i and #c control the case sensitivity. Appending #i to a query term will explicitly set the search to ignore case differences (i.e. case insensitive). For example, a search for fao#i returns 11 documents.
- In contrast, appending #c will specifically turn off the casefolding, that is, upper/lower case must match then.
- Finally, the hotkeys can also be used in combination. For example, you can append #uc to a query term so as to match the whole term (without stemming) and in its exact form (differentiate upper cases and lower cases).For example, try searching for econom#si and compare against the results when searching for econom#sc and for Econom#sc. The first search is case insensitive and the last two searches are both case sensitive. The number of results for the last two searches should add up to the number of search results for the first search.
A quick reference of the search mode hotkeys in MGPP
Word endings:
#s ignore word endings
#u whole word must match
Case differences:
#i ignore case differences
#c upper/lower case must match
Incrementally building a collection using the command line
To allow you to quickly try out and experiment with our tutorial exercises, we tend to keep the number of sample files small. Every time you rebuild these collections, for simplicity, the default settings used in Greenstone mean that the previous version built is removed in its entirety. We refer to this as a
full-rebuild. When building larger collections, this is inefficient.
Greenstone also has the ability to rebuild collections
incrementally: this means the previous version of the collection is retained and only the changes detected need to be incorporated. There are, however, quite a few aspects to incremental building to control. This is the focus of this tutorial exercise.
To gain the best level of understanding, this tutorial builds collections using the command line.
- In GLI, create a new collection called Incremental With Manifests and base it on the Demo Collection. The short name of this collection will become incremen, and this will be the name of the collection's folder on the file system.
- Use GLI's Workspace view to navigate to this tutorial's sample files folder, incr_build. It will contain a folder named import. Open this. In GLI's Gather panel, drag and drop the 3 subfolders into your new collection. (You can also carry out this step using a file browser to copy the contents of the incr_build\import sample files folder into web\sites\localsite\collect\incremen\import.)
- Go to the Design panel > Search Indexes and look for Indexing Levels. Make document level searching the default.
- Do not build the collection in GLI. We'll be building and rebuilding manually, from the command-line terminal. So close GLI once the files and folders have finished copying into your collection. You can choose to run the Greenstone server at any stage, however.
- Since this is the first time we're building our collection, we're going to do a complete build. And we'll use the command line to do so. Open a terminal. To open a terminal in Windows, press Ctrl+r and type cmd in the Run dialog that displays. To open a terminal on a Mac machine, click on menu Go → Utilities → Terminal. Use the terminal to cd into your Greenstone installation folder. For instance, if you have your Greenstone installed on Windows as "Greenstone" within your account folder at C:\Users\me, then type the following in your terminal and hit Enter:
cd C:\Users\me\Greenstone
If there are any spaces in the filepath, put double quotes on either side of the filepath.On Linux or Macs, the general command is the same, but the installed location would be different and the slashes go the other way. For example, if installed in /Users/me/Greenstone3, you'd type the following and hit Enter:
cd /Users/me/Greenstone3
Now you're ready to set up the Greenstone environment in your terminal. On Windows, type the following into your terminal and hit Enter again:
On Linux and Mac:
source ./
When using a terminal, you'll need to hit Enter after each command in order to execute the command you just finished typing. We won't repeat this instruction any more. Just remember to hit Enter after every complete command entered into a terminal.With the terminal now operating within your Greenstone installation folder, and with the Greenstone environment now set up and ready, type the following command to do a complete build of your new collection. Although the command contains the word "rebuild" in it, since this is the first time the collection's being built, it will just build it.
perl -S -site localsite incremen
For the rest of this tutorial exercise, leave open this terminal in which you have set up your Greenstone's environment. We'll be using it throughout.
- If the Greenstone server is not running (as would happen if you had closed GLI and didn't start the standalone Greenstone Server Interface application), then run it from the Start Menu on Windows now. You could also run the Greenstone server by running the gs3-server.bat script in the terminal if you're trying this on a Windows machine, or by running the script from a Linux/Mac terminal. Press the Enter Library button.
- Preview the incremen (Incremental With Manifests) collection.
Throughout this tutorial, when previewing an (incrementally) rebuilt collection, make sure to reload any web page in the collection in order to ensure you're seeing any changes you've made. A "force reload", also referred to as a "hard refresh", is better: either hold down Ctrl while clicking the reload/refresh button, or press Ctrl+F5 in some browsers or Ctrl+Shift+R in others to make the browser do a force reload.
When previewing, try searching for "kouprey" and you should get results, as this term occurs in the document b18ase.Next, try searching for "groundnuts" and no documents should match.
Incrementally adding some additional new documents to a collection
- If you want, you can use GLI to drag and drop the fb33fe, fb34fe and wb34te folders, located in the incr_build/more-files subfolder of sample files, into your collection.Alternatively, you can use a File Browser to copy the folders fb33fe, fb34fe and wb34te, located in the incr_build/more-files sample files subfolder, into your collection's import folder at web\sites\localsite\collect\incremen\import.The above step will only have gathered 3 new documents into your collection. However, since the changes have not been built, previewing at this stage will make no difference.
- We want to build just the newly added documents into the collection if possible, instead of rebuilding everything. This time, instead of running full-rebuild, we'll be running the incremental-import and incremental-buildcol scripts to perform the two phases of a Greenstone build operation incrementally, these being the import and buildcol phases. Incremental building allows us to (re)build just what is necessary, rather than everything.Since we know exactly which files have been added and thus which files need to be built, we can write a manifest file specifying this. The manifest files used by the Greenstone incremental building process are just XML files that can be created and edited in a plain text editor, and which indicate which files need to be (re)processed by a Greenstone incremental build operation.We've already prepared the manifest files we'll be using in this tutorial exercise for you. Use a File Browser to copy the manifests subfolder from the incr_build sample files into your incremen collection folder that's located inside your Greenstone installation directory (at web\sites\localsite\collect\incremen).In a text editor, open the add-new-files.xml manifest file found in the newly copied manifests subfolder. Inspect the contents of this manifest file. It should contain:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The above lists the 3 main documents to be added/indexed by Greenstone (hence the keyword <Index>). Since these documents are located inside their own subfolders when copied into the import folder, the manifest file also indicates the relative folder structure of these documents (relative to the collection), e.g. "fb33fe/fb33fe.htm" shows that the fb33fe.htm HTML document is located in the folder fb33fe. Only the main documents to be added are listed, not the associated image files also found at the same folder level, as Greenstone will track down all the image files referred to by the main html documents to be indexed and will process them as files associated with the html.
- Return to the terminal you had left open. We can finally run the commands for the incremental build operation.Use the terminal to first run the incremental import stage:
perl -S -incremental -manifest manifests/add-new-files.xml -site localsite incremen
The build log output will end with the messages
* 3 documents were considered for processing
* 3 documents were processed and included in the collection"
This means just the 3 newly added documents were imported, just as specified by our manifest file add-new-files.xml.Once that incremental-import command has finished running, start off the incremental buildcol stage of the build process:
perl -S -activate -site localsite incremen
The incremental import command specifies the manifest file that Greenstone is to consult in order to work out which files should be processed and how (whether each is to be Indexed, Deleted or Reindexed). By the builcol stage, the specific files would then be ready for further incremental processing by the buildcol script. The -activate flag to the incremental buildcol script tells Greenstone to (re-)activate the updated collection if the Greenstone server is running.
- Preview the collection either by running the Greenstone Server Interface application, if it isn't already running, or by starting the Greenstone server from the command line with the command:
ant start
(To stop the Greenstone server at any point, use the command ant stop. To stop-then-start it, you'd use ant restart.)When the server is runnning, preview your library home page, located by default at http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library. Visit the Incremental with Manifests collection and click on the Titles browser. There should be 3 additional documents now, and you should be able to search for terms that occur in them. For example, searching for "groundnuts" again should return a result this time, since this term occurs in the newly added document fb33fe.
Incrementally deleting some documents from a collection
- Inspect the delete-some-files.xml manifest file (located in your increment collection folder's manifests subfolder). It contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
As per the above manifest file, the operation to be performed by an incremental build is a <Delete> operation on two documents. For the delete operation, the documents are not indicated by the <Filename> XML element, but by the <OID> element which specifies the object identifier. We need to use the OID here because we're telling Greenstone precisely what the identifiers of the documents are that we wish to have removed from our collection. The identifiers of every built document in a Greenstone collection are specified in the Identifier field of the document's doc.xml file located in the collection's archives folder. The doc.xml file is the Greenstone-specific XML format in which Greenstone stores documents already imported.For instance, to find the identifier of the b18ase.htm document in your built collection, open up web\sites\localsite\collect\incremen\archives\b18ase.dir\doc.xml in a text editor. Then scroll down, looking for a piece of Greenstone extracted metadata labelled Identifier, which is the OID for this document:
<Metadata name="Identifier">b18ase</Metadata>
The above value for the document identifier is what's used in the delete-some-files.xml manifest file to refer to this document. This document is one of two that are to be deleted as per the manifest file. Make sure to close the doc.xml file if you have it open.
- Finally, let's incrementally rebuild the collection, specifying the manifest file that Greenstone should use this time to carry out the incremental build operation. As before, there are two steps.First run the modified incremental import command:
perl -S -incremental -manifest manifests/delete-some-files.xml -site localsite incremen
From the build output you will notice that 0 documents would have been considered for importing, because documents are only being deleted this time around, and none being newly added.When the incremental-import has finished running, run the same incremental buildcol command as before (it doesn't change):
perl -S -activate -site localsite incremen
If you were to scroll through the buildcol output in the terminal this time, you would see the following:
GreenstoneXMLPlugin: processing fb33fe.dir\doc.xml
GreenstoneXMLPlugin: processing b18ase.dir\doc.xml
Only these 2 files were actually processed by buildcol, and that's because the manifest specified they were being deleted.
- When it has finished, preview the collection once more and check that the 2 documents have been removed. They should not turn up in the browse classifiers, nor in search results. For example, search for "kouprey" again. Check that when you search for the term this time, that no documents matched the query. (Since it only occurred in document b18ase, which has now been removed from the collection.) Likewise, searching for "groundnuts" should not return results either, because document fb33fe wherein it occurred has also been removed.
Editing a document's text and metadata, and then incrementally rebuilding the collection
- Inspect the mod-text-and-meta.xml manifest file (located in incremen/manifests) in a text editor. It should contain:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Note the <Reindex> used this time. It indicates which documents that are already in the collection are to be re-processed when the collection is incrementally rebuilt as per this manifest file.
- Open up the file fb34fe/fb34fe.htm of your incremen collection's import folder in a text editor and add, remove or change some text nested anywhere in between the HTML tags within the <BODY> tag. Be careful not to partially modify HTML element names or HTML entities (entities start with an ampersand, &, and end with a semi-colon, ;), as doing so can make your text contents invalid HTML.
Save and close the edited file.
- Start up GLI. Open the incremen collection and go to the Enrich panel. Add or modify dc.Title metadata for the b20cre document. Do not accidentally build the collection using GLI.
- Quit GLI. Optionally run the Greenstone server application if it isn't already running.In the above two steps, we've modified the text contents of document fb34fe and the metadata associated with b20cre. Our mod-text-and-meta.xml manifest file already indicates that these two files are to be reindexed, so we can go ahead and incrementally rebuild the collection with this manifest file.
- Run the incremental rebuild operation to re-process just these two files. To do so, pass the mod-text-and-meta.xml manifest file this time.First run:
perl -S -incremental -manifest manifests/mod-text-and-meta.xml -site localsite incremen
At the end of importing, you'd see the following messages displayed in the terminal, because only the 2 documents marked to be reindexed as per the new manifest are processed:
* 2 documents were considered for processing
* 2 were processed and included in the collection"
Now run:
perl -S -activate -site localsite incremen
- Preview the collection once more. Check that the 2 documents contain your edits: try searching for any additional words you added and confirm that document fb34fe turns up in the results. Also check the dc.Title metadata that you had modified can now be searched and appears as the title for the b20cre document in the Titles browsing classifier.
In this tutorial, we looked at cutting down the amount of time spent on rebuilding a collection by manually controlling the rebuild operation so that it processes only what has changed. We do so by means of a manifest that specifies exactly which files need to be rebuilt and how (whether any need to be Indexed, Deleted or Reindexed). Greenstone also has an automatic incremental rebuild feature, sparing you the need to specify a manifest file in the import phase. Omitting the manifest argument in the above exercises activates this behaviour. However, this is typically slower, because Greenstone now needs to scan the entire import folder and compare this with the information in the archives folder to determine what has changed.
- Now repeat all the above exercises in the same sequence once again, but with a new collection called autoincr also based on the Demo collection. Remember to make document level for searching the default. And build the collection the first time around with perl -S -site localsite autoincr, also largely as before. However, this time don't pass in any manifest file as an argument to the subsequent rebuild commands which use the script. And before running rebuild commands for the delete operation this time, manually delete the following physical folders from the import directory: web/sites/localsite/collect/incremen/import/b18ase and web/sites/localsite/collect/incremen/import/fb33fe, as now there is no manifest file letting greenstone now which documents are "deleted" (so now they need to be actually deleted for greenstone to automatically detect that they should not be included in the rebuilt collection). So you'd be running these commands after each change this time:
perl -S -incremental -site localsite autoincr
perl -S -activate -site localsite autoincr
After each incremental build, preview your autoincr collection to check that the browsing classifiers contain the expected documents and that searching returns the expected results.
Automatic incremental indexing
Just as there is the command to completely build a collection from scratch, there is also the command The final exercise you have just completed could equally have been achieved by running the following after each change:
perl -S -site localsite autoincr
For every collection, the
import phase can be run incrementally (either using a manifest file or automatically), however, the ability for the
buildcol phase to be incremental depends on the indexer in use. Lucene and Solr indexers support incremental indexing, but the MG and MGPP indexers do not. A warning is issued if you attempt to run the
buildcol phase incrementally when the chosen indexer does not support this.
Customization: Themes
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 3.05
Modified for Greenstone version: 3.11
This exercise looks at changing the appearance of your entire Greenstone Library using Themes created with jQuery ThemeRoller. First, we will look at how to use premade themes. Then, we will make a custom theme using ThemeRoller.
Using Greenstone Visual Themes
- Enter your Greenstone Library. ( Go to Start → All Programs → Greenstone-3.11 → Greenstone3 Server and click Enter Library.)
- In order to make changes to the library's theme, you must be logged in as an administrator. Click Login in the top right-hand corner. The default login is:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Click Login. It is advisable to change the default password, if you haven't already. To do this, click the admin button in the top right-hand corner, and select Account Settings. Click Change Password. Enter the Old password (admin); then enter a new password in the New password and Retype password text boxes. Click Submit and the password will be changed. Click on the My Greenstone Library link at the top left to go back to the home page. There you'll find a link to the Administration Page further down (you may need to scroll down if there are many collections). Click on it and you'll be taken to the Administration Page, where you can view a list of the current users.
- Go to Preferences. Now that we are signed in as an administrator, we can see the Visual theme: option, where we can quickly change the theme of our collections. These themes were created using JQuery UI’s ThemeRoller ( The first three options (Greenstone Default and Greenstone Custom 1 and 2) are included as part of the Greenstone 3 installation. The remaining themes are retrieved from the web via the jQuery UI API.Select Theme: Greenstone Custom 2 from the drop-down menu, and click Set preferences. Now, all of the collections in your Greenstone library should have the Greenstone Custom 2 theme.Return to the library homepage (click My Greenstone Library in the upper left-hand corner) and explore several of your collections. They should all display the new theme.
Creating a custom theme using ThemeRoller (advanced)
- Go to the jQuery UI ThemeRoller webpage ( The Roll Your Own menu of the ThemeRoller bar on the left can be used to design a custom theme. As changes are made in this menu, the corresponding items on the right reflect these changes. The most important sections for Greenstone customization are:
Section | HTML class | Greenstone 3 usage |
Header/Toolbar | ui-widget-header | This sets the appearance of the large, main banner and the footer |
Content | ui-widget-content | Sets the appearance for the main area of the page, where the content (e.g. a list of documents) is displayed |
Clickable: default state | ui-state-default | Sets the appearance for the small bar along the top, most buttons (Login, Help, Preferences, Test Search, Form Search, Advanced Search), and all unselected browse tabs |
Clickable: hover state | ui-state-hover | This sets the appearance for the Login, Help, and Preferences buttons and browse tabs when the mouse hovers over them |
Clickable: active state | ui-state-active | This sets the appearance of the selected browse tab |
ThemeRoller will not affect some aspects of your Greenstone library's appearance, e.g. the actual design layout, the background color, the font, the search button.
- Change the Theme to the following values:
Header/Toolbar | Background color | #a23336 |
Texture | glass |
50% |
Border | #000000 |
Text | #000000 |
Icon | #000000 |
Content | Background color | #000000 |
Texture | inset-soft |
25% |
Border | #000000 |
Text | #c2bcbc |
Icon | #c2bcbc |
Clickable: default state | Background color | #7e7676 |
Texture | glass |
55% |
Border | #000000 |
Text | #ffffff |
Icon | #ffffff |
Clickable: hover state | Background Color | #303030 |
Texture | glass |
75% |
Border | #000000 |
Text | #ffffff |
Icon | #ffffff |
Clickable: active state | Background Color | #000000 |
Texture | glass |
65% |
Border | #000000 |
Text | #ffffff |
Icon | #ffffff |
- Click the Download theme button. Select "1.13.2 (Stable, for jQuery1.8+)". Under Components uncheck Toggle All, which will uncheck all of the boxes. Under UI Core check jQuery 1.8+ Support and Keycode, and under Widgets check Datepicker. At the bottom of the page, under Theme, Custom Theme should be selected. (If there's an option to provide a Theme Folder Name, enter TutorialTheme.) Leave CSS Scope blank. Click Download. In the pop-up window, select Save File and click OK to download the zip file.If you're unable to download the theme you've created, then we have prepared a zip file in advance containing the same ThemeRoller theme: sample_files → downloads → After extracting, in the following instructions, work with the folder "TutorialTheme" inside any TutorialTheme2019 folder.
- Go to the folder where the zip file was downloaded, and unzip the folder. On Windows, unzip as follows: right-click and select Extract All... Remove the folder name "jquery-ui-1.11.4.custom" from the end of the suggested zip extraction path. (For example, if it suggests C:\Users\me\Downloads\jquery-ui-1.11.4.custom, then change it to C:\Users\me\Downloads\.) Then click Extract.The extracted folder will be called jquery-ui-1.11.1.custom, or something similar. Rename it to TutorialTheme. It should contain css files, an index.html file, a couple of js files and 2 subfolders (called images and external). We largely only need the folder's structure, the css files (particularly jquery-ui.theme.min.css) and the images subfolder, but it's easiest just to copy the entire folder into Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → default → style → themes.
- Go to Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → default → transform → pages and open pref.xsl in a text editor. Find the following section and add in the highlighted text, which can be copied from gs3-theme.tweak.txt). Take note of the initial comma.
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
imgpath: "interfaces/" + gs.xsltParams.interface_name + "/style/images/",
additionalThemes: [
icon:"theme_90_greenstone.png", url:"interfaces/" + gs.xsltParams.interface_name + "/style/themes/main/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css"},
{title:"Greenstone Custom 1", name:"custom-theme1", icon:"theme_90_start_menu.png", url:"interfaces/" + gs.xsltParams.interface_name + "/style/themes/alt_theme_1/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css"},
{title:"Greenstone Custom 2", name:"custom-theme2", icon:"theme_90_mint_choco.png", url:"interfaces/" + gs.xsltParams.interface_name + "/style/themes/alt_theme_2/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css"},
{title:"Greenstone Custom 3", name:"custom-theme3", icon:"theme_90_trontastic.png", url:"interfaces/" + gs.xsltParams.interface_name + "
{title:"Tutorial Theme", name:"TutorialTheme", icon:"TutorialTheme.png", url:"interfaces/" + gs.xsltParams.interface_name + "/style/themes/TutorialTheme/jquery-ui.theme.min.css"}
Save and close pref.xsl.
- Return to the Library homepage. If not still logged in, login again. Go to the Preferences page and click on the drop-down menu for Visual theme:. (If the Visual theme: option has disappeared, ensure that you copied the highlighted section in its entirety into the correct place in pref.xsl, and check especially that you did not miss the initial comma.) The fifth item in the list should now be "Tutorial Theme". It will not have a calendar icon like the other themes, because the image referenced in the above statement - TutorialTheme.png - does not exist. We'll create an icon to match the theme below. For now, select Tutorial Theme, and click Set preferences. All of your Greenstone collections will be in this new, custom theme.
The Visual theme: drop-down menu in Preferences includes an image for each theme, along with the theme title. If no image is available, only the title is displayed. If you would like to include an image for your custom theme similar to those visible for the other theme options, follow the instructions below.
- Return to the TutorialTheme folder (in Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → default → style → themes). Open index.html in a web browser. Scroll down so that the Datepicker calendar is completely visible on your screen. Take a screenshot: either by using your browser's screenshot feature, first selecting the outline of the Datepicker image, or else use your PC's ability to take the screen shot. (On Windows, you can do this by pressing the print screen - PrtScn - button.)
- Open a picture editor (like Paint) and Paste. Select and crop the image around the calendar under Datepicker. Resize the image to 90px by 80 px. (In Paint, click Resize. Under Resize, choose Pixels. Unselect Maintain aspect ratio. Still under Resize - not the Skew section - change Horizontal to 90 and Vertical to 80 and click <OK>.) Save the image in Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → default → style → images as TutorialTheme.png.
- Return to the Preferences page, and the Tutorial Theme in the Visual theme: drop-down menu will now have a corresponding calendar icon.
Collection-Specific Themes
The Visual theme: menu on the Preferences page sets the theme for the entire Greenstone library. This tutorial explains how to use themes on a collection level, by changing the theme of the backdrop collection.
Creating a custom theme
- Go to the jQuery UI ThemeRoller webpage ( Change the Theme to the following values:
Header/Toolbar | Background color | #141a38 |
Texture | highlight_soft |
45% |
Border | #ffffff |
Text | #ffffff |
Icon | #ffffff |
Content | Background color | #ffffff |
Texture | flat |
75% |
Border | #ffffff |
Text | #222222 |
Icon | #222222 |
Clickable: default state | Background color | #e9c416 |
Texture | glass |
55% |
Border | #ffffff |
Text | #555555 |
Icon | #888888 |
Clickable: hover state | Background Color | #e9d47b |
Texture | glass |
75% |
Border | #ffffff |
Text | #212121 |
Icon | #454545 |
Clickable: active state | Background Color | #ffffff |
Texture | glass |
65% |
Border | #ffffff |
Text | #212121 |
Icon | #454545 |
- Click the Download theme button. Select "1.13.2 (Stable, for jQuery1.8+)". Under Components uncheck Toggle All, which will uncheck all of the boxes. Under UI Core check jQuery 1.8+ Support and Keycode, and under Widgets check Datepicker. At the bottom of the page, under Theme, Custom Theme should be selected. (If there's an option to provide a Theme Folder Name, enter CollectionTheme.) Leave CSS Scope blank. Click Download. In the pop-up window, select Save File and click OK to download the zip file.Once again, if you're unable to download the theme you've created, then we have also prepared a zip file containing the CollectionTheme. Get it from sample_files → downloads → After extracting, in the following instructions, work with the folder "CollectionTheme" inside any CollectionTheme2019 folder.
- Go to the folder where the zip file was downloaded, and unzip the folder: on Windows, right-click, select Extract All.... If you downloaded the zip file from JQuery's ThemeRoller site, at this stage you may need to remove the folder name jquery-ui-1.11.4.custom from the end of the suggested zip extraction path and then click Extract. The extracted folder will then be called jquery-ui-1.11.1.custom, or something similar. Rename it to CollectionTheme. A rename will not be necessary if you are using the extracted folder should contain css files, an index.html file, a couple of js files and 2 subfolders (called images and external). Copy the entire folder into Greenstone3 → web → sites → localsite → collect → backdrop → style.
Setting a collection's theme
- Open the Greenstone Librarian Interface (from the Windows Start menu) and open the backdrop collection (use the File menu).
- In the Format panel, select Format Features. Add the following template to the bottom of the global format features (this can be copied from gs3-collect-theme.txt):
<xsl:template name="additionalHeaderContent">
<xsl:variable name="httpCollection">
<xsl:value-of select="/page/pageResponse/collection/metadataList/metadata[@name='httpPath']"/>
<link href="{$httpCollection}/style/CollectionTheme/jquery-ui.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
You could also make it refer to jquery-ui.theme.min.css instead, which is another version of the same css style file, one with a reduced file size.
- Click Preview Collection to see the backdrop collection with the new, custom theme.
Customizing your home page
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 3.11
This tutorial demonstrates how to change the home page of your Greenstone3 installation, including how to use XSL to add certain features (like an up-to-date list of collections and the cross-collection search box).
- Start up your Greenstone server (Start → All Programs → Greenstone3.11 → Greenstone3 Server) and click the Enter Library button. This will take you to your library home page, which we will be replacing with our custom home page.
Changing the library's home page
- By default, the library's home page is dictated by the home.xsl file in Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → default → transform → pages. We want to be able to easily revert back to the default home page, so we won't make changes to this file directly. Instead, we're going to tell the interface to use a new, different file to create the home page.To do this, open the interfaceConfig.xml file found in Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → default in a text editor, and change:
<subaction name="home" xslt="pages/home.xsl"/>
To this:
<subaction name="home" xslt="pages/home-tutorial.xsl"/>
- Restart the server by clicking the Restart Library button in the small Greenstone Server window. (Any time you make changes to an interfaceConfig.xml file, you must restart the server for the changes to take effect.) When the server restarts, look at your home page again. Because home-tutorial.xsl does not yet exist, you should see:
Couldn't find and/or load the stylesheet "pages/home-tutorial.xsl" for a=p, sa=home, in collection.
- Copy the folder tutorialbliss from sample_files → custom to Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → default → style → themes. This is a free CSS template that our new home page will use.
- Copy home-tutorial.xsl from sample_files → custom to Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → default → transform → pages. It contains the following text:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
extension-element-prefixes="java util"
exclude-result-prefixes="java util">
<xsl:template match="/">
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="description" content="" />
<title>My Greenstone Library</title>
<div id="footer">
<p>2013 | Photo by <a href="">Leagoon</a> | Design by <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.</p>
<!-- end #footer -->
- Refresh you library home page. You should now have a nice, new home page. Basically, the entire contents of the file index.html in sample_files → custom → tutorialbliss were copied (after some modifications) in between the <xsl:template match="/"> and </xsl:template> tags of home-tutorial.xsl. The following modifications were made:
Changed the text to be Greenstone-related
Removed escape characters ( , ©, etc.) that are not currently supported in GS3
Ensured every tag had a closing tag (or was self-closing)
Corrected the paths for the CSS stylesheet and image
Added in links to certain Greenstone pages (like the Login, Help, and Preferences pages).
Added a page icon.
- Adding links to specific pages is relatively straightforward. If you want to link to the backdrop collection, for instance, you could simply add in <a href="{$library_name}/collection/backdrop/page/about">backdrop</a> ({$library_name} is a variable that, in this case, will become "library" -- you will learn more about library names in later tutorials). However, if you have many collections, this is time consuming, and the home page would have to be modified every time you added or removed a collection. Instead, we can use XSL to insert appropriate HTML into our page for each collection in our library. First, we will define a template that does this, and then we will call this template in the right spot in our HTML.
Adding the list of collections
- Open home-tutorial.xsl in a text editor. Copy the the highlighted text into the area indicated (this, and all other text excerpts can be copied from gs3-hompage.txt in sample_files → custom):
<!-- end #footer -->
<xsl:template name="collectionsList">
<xsl:for-each select="./page/pageResponse/collectionList/collection">
<xsl:variable name="collectionName" select="@name"/>
<a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collectionName}/page/about">
<xsl:value-of select="displayItemList/displayItem[@name='name']"/>
- Then, find the section below, and change this:
<h2>Select a Collection:</h2>
<li><a href="#">Collection 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Collection 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Collection 3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Collection 4</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Collection 5</a></li>
To this:
<h2>Select a Collection:</h2>
<xsl:call-template name="collectionsList"/>
- Save this file, and refresh your library homepage. The right side bar should now contain a list of all of your collections. Click on one to make sure the link works correctly, and then return to the home page.
Adding a cross-collection search box
- The current search box does not actually work. We are going to replace this with a search box that will search all collections in our library.First, add the following template before the final </xsl:stylesheet>:
<xsl:template name="searchBox">
<xsl:for-each select="//page/pageResponse/serviceList/service[@name='TextQuery']">
<form name="QuickSearch" method="get" action="{$library_name}">
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="q"/>
<input type="hidden" name="rt" value="rd"/>
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{@name}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="s1.collection" value="all"/>
<input type="text" name="s1.query" size="20" id="search-text" value="" />
<input type="submit" id="search-submit">
<xsl:attribute name="value">
<xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'home.quick_search')"/>
- Then, find the following section:
<form method="get" action="#">
<input type="text" name="s" id="search-text" value="" />
<input type="submit" id="search-submit" value="" />
And replace it with this:
<xsl:call-template name="searchBox"/>
- Save home-tutorial.xsl, and refresh your home page. You now have a working cross-collection search box. Search for "economy" to see that it works, and then return to the home page.
Login Links
- Under the heading "Library Links" in the left sidebar of your home page, you will notice that there are several links. However, we don't want all of these links to appear all of the time. "Login" should only appear when the user is not logged in, while "admin" (Account Settings), "Register as a new user", "Administration", and "Logout" should only appear when a user is logged in.
- We will define and call a template that will display the correct links depending on whether a user is logged in or not.Add the following template before the final </xsl:stylesheet>:
<xsl:template name="loginButton">
<xsl:variable name="username" select="/page/pageRequest/userInformation/@username"/>
<xsl:variable name="groups" select="/page/pageRequest/userInformation/@groups"/>
<xsl:when test="$username">
<xsl:if test="contains($groups,'admin')">
<li class="login"><a href="{$library_name}/admin/AddUser">Add user</a></li>
<li class="login"><a href="{$library_name}/admin/ListUsers">Administration</a></li>
<li class="login"><a href="{$library_name}/admin/AccountSettings?s1.username={$username}">Logged in as: <xsl:value-of select="$username"/></a></li>
<li class="login"><a href="{$library_name}?logout=">Logout</a></li>
<li class="login">
<a href="{$library_name}?a=p&sa=login&redirectURL={$library_name}%3Fa=p%26sa=home">Login
<xsl:attribute name="title">
<xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'login_tip')"/>
- Then, find the following section:
<li><a href="?a=p&sa=login&redirectURL={$library_name}%3Fa=p%26sa=home">Login</a></li>
<li><a href="{$library_name}/admin/AccountSettings?s1.username=">Account Settings</a></li>
<li><a href="{$library_name}/admin/AddUser">Register a new user</a></li>
<li><a href="{$library_name}/admin/ListUsers">Administration</a></li>
<li><a href="{$library_name}?logout=">Logout</a></li>
And replace it with this:
<xsl:call-template name="loginButton"/>
Save home-tutorial.xsl, and refresh your home page. If you are logged in, click "Logout" to view the homepage in logged out mode. If you are not logged in, click "Login" and enter your username and password to view the homepage in logged in mode.
Adding your library's site name
- In home-tutorial.xsl, replace the first two occurrences of "A New Home Page" with <xsl:call-template name="siteName"/>.Save home-tutorial.xsl, and refresh your home page. The name of the browser window and the page's main header should now be "My Greenstone Library". By using this template, you can ensure your library's name is consistent across your entire library. If you decide to change your library name, you only need to make the change in one place. The following section demonstrates how to do this.
Changing your library's site name
- To change the name of your library, open the siteConfig.xml file located in Greenstone3 → web → sites → localsite in a text editor. Near the start of the file, find the line:
<displayItem name="siteName" lang="en">My Greenstone Library</displayItem>
And replace "My Greenstone Library" with another name, like "The Best Digital Library". Then save and close the file.
- For changes to siteConfig.xml to take effect, the site must be reconfigured. To do this, you can either restart the server, or, in a browser window, navigate to http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library?a=s&sa=c (replace 8383 if you are running the Greenstone3 server on another port, like 8080 or 8088). Wait for the page to reload, which may take a while if there are many collections in your digital library. Navigate back to your home page (by clicking the link in the upper left corner). The page title and header should now be your new library name. Enter one of your collections and you should see that your library name (in the top left corner) has changed here, as well.
Defining Libraries
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 3.11
Greenstone3 is built on the idea of sites and interfaces. Sites mainly contain content, i.e. they contain collections, which, in turn, contain documents and associated metadata. Sites are a convenient way to group collections.
Interfaces dictate the presentation -- e.g. the HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc. used to present the content. You can have multiple sites and interfaces.
Libraries combine content and presentation. To define a library, you select the site and the interface you want it to use. And, of course, you can have multiple libraries, and each site and interface can be used multiple times.
In this tutorial, we will become familiar with (where libraries are defined), create a new site, add an interface, and define a new library.
Note: The active version of this file is called servlets.xml and is located in Greenstone3 → web → WEB-INF → servlets.xml, but it is not to be manually edited. Each time the Greenstone 3 server is run, this file is automatically re-generated from its template file at Greenstone3 → resources → web →, which can be edited as we do in this tutorial.
Exploring libraries
- Start up your Greenstone server (Start → All Programs → Greenstone3.11 → Greenstone3 Server) and click the Enter Library button. This will take you to the default library's home page. This library uses the site called localsite and the interface called default. Change the url from http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library to http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/halftone-library and reload the page. This is another library that is defined by Greenstone3. Again, the site it uses is localsite, but this library (called halftone-library) uses the halftone interface, which is based on the Greenstone2 layout. Let's take a look at where these libraries are defined.
- In a Windows Explorer, navigate to the Greenstone3 → resources → web folder and open the template file in a text editor. Find the following section:
<description>The standard gsdl3 library program</description>
This library servlet defines the default Greenstone3 library (called library). As you can see, the library_name is library, the site_name is localsite, and the interface_name is default. If you look at the next servlet section, you will see that it has a library_name of halftone-library, uses localsite and the interface halftone. If you continue to scroll down, you will see several other library servlet definitions, albeit inactive as they're commented out. There are also other kinds of de-activeated servlets, such as gateway. These are beyond the scope of this tutorial.
- At the end of each library servlet definition, you will see a corresponding servlet mapping for it, looking something like this:
Every servlet -- and, therefore, every library we define -- needs a servlet mapping, which tells the server at what URL the servlet should be located. (Notice that the servlet-name here is the same as above, and the url-pattern matches the library_name; this is required. The servlet-name does not have to match the library_name/url-pattern, but it is good practice to make them all the same.)Now that we've seen how libraries are defined in Greenstone3, let's take a look at where sites are located, how to create a new site, and how to define a new library that uses this site.
Creating a new site
- Sites are located in Greenstone3 → web → sites. In this folder, you will see two sites: gateway and localsite. (gateway is a bit different, and it won't be discussed in this tutorial.) Create a new folder in sites called mysite. This will be the name of your new site. In mysite, create a folder called collect. This is where all of this site's collections will be located. Finally, copy the siteConfig.xml file from the localsite folder into the mysite folder. (You can, of course, make modifications to the siteConfig.xml to configure your site, but, for simplicity's sake, we'll just use an exact copy.)
- You have now created a site called mysite. However, it has no content yet, and it would be nice to have at least one collection in your new site. From localsite → collect, copy the folder lucene-jdbm-demo, and paste it into mysite → collect.
Defining a new library
- Now, let's define a library that uses this new site. In, add the following (which can be copied from sample_files → libraries → def_libs.txt); The exact location doesn't matter, just put it with the other servlets:
<description>A new library with my new site!</description>
This defines a new library called library2 that uses mysite and the default interface. Immediately after that, or else at the bottom of the file,
add in a servlet mapping to tell the server where our new library should be located:
- Save For the changes to take effect, we must first restart the server. Click the Restart Library button in the Greenstone Server window. When the new browser window opens, navigate to http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library2 to see your newly defined library. Notice that only one collection appears -- the Lucene Demo Collection that we copied into mysite.
Adding and using a new interface
- Now that we know how to create and use a new site, let's add a new interface and define a library that uses it. Creating a new interface takes time (and is a tutorial all its own), so, for this tutorial, we are just going to use a pre-made interface. From the sample_files → libraries folder, copy the folder althor into the Greenstone3 → web → interfaces folder. In, define a new library that uses the althor interface:
<description>A new library with my new interface!</description>
and provide the servlet mapping:
- Save, restart the server again and navigate to http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/rand, where you will see the rand library, which displays mysite using the althor interface.
The althor interface was created using a free CSS template created by If any of your collections have a home page image, an image slider will appear on the home page of your library. (You can add a home page image to a collection in the General section of the Format panel in the GLI.)
Changing default settings for the Greenstone server and GLI
- When we restarted the server throughout this tutorial, Greenstone launched a browser window to http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library, and we had to navigate to our new library's URL. When you are working in a particular library, you may want to go directly to its URL when the server starts. To do this, in the Greenstone Server window, go to File → Settings... and select your library (for example, rand) from the Servlet dropdown menu. Now, when you click Restart Library, a window will open to http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/rand.
- In the GLI, you can change the current library under File → Preferences → Connection. First, select the Site you want to work with (for example, mysite). The Servlet dropdown menu will then include all of the libraries that use mysite. Select one. Be sure to also change the Collect Directory to the mysite/collect folder. Click OK for the changes to take effect. Now, you will be adding and editing collections in the mysite site, and, when you click the Preview button, the selected library will be launched.
- As you begin using multiple libraries while using GLI, you should be aware of a couple of things. First, any changes you make in the GLI are collection-level, which means they will be consistent for this collection no matter what library you are using. However, changes may only take effect immediately in the current library. The server may need to be restarted for the changes to appear in other libraries. Second, switching between servlets -- or viewing a collection in a library other than the one currently being used by the GLI -- can create a lock on files in a collection, which will cause an error during collection building. To avoid this, if you use multiple libraries after launching the GLI, restart the server before rebuilding a collection.
Designing a new interface: Part 1
Sample files:
Devised for Greenstone version: 3.06
Modified for Greenstone version: 3.11
This tutorial series demonstrates how to create a new interface using the default interface as a base. In this first tutorial, we will set the stage by creating a barebones interface, defining a library that uses the interface, and gathering the various Javascript, CSS, and image files that will be used by the new interface.
Creating a new interface
- In a file browser, navigate to the interfaces folder of your Greenstone3 installation (C: → Users → <user-name> → Greenstone3 → web → interfaces). Create a new folder (in the right-click menu, select New → Folder) and call it perrin. The name of this folder (perrin) determines the name of your new interface.
- From sample_files → interfaces → aybara folder, copy the interfaceConfig.xml file into the perrin folder. Open the file perrin → interfaceConfig.xml in a text editor. The interface configuration file is used to specify the languages the interface is available in, certain options, and what "actions" are available. Actions create the web pages for the library and specify what XSL file should be used for each. For example, if you completed the Home Page Tutorial, you changed the home subaction to point to home-tutorial.xsl instead of home.xsl.We are going to make one important change to this file. Our new interface is going to borrow heavily from the default interface. We will be reusing many of the XSL files, Javascript, and images. We could copy all of these files into our new interface, however, there are a few drawbacks to this solution:
• we will end up with duplicates of a large number of files
• there are many files in the default interface that we won't need
• it will be difficult to keep track of which files are different/unique to our new interface
A better solution is to base our new interface on the default interface. A base interface is used by Greenstone as a kind of backup. If Greenstone can't find a file in our interface, it will then try to find it in the base interface. To assign default as base interface, in perrin → interfaceConfig.xml, change the second line from this:
To this:
<interfaceConfig baseInterface="default">
- Save and close interfaceConfig.xml.
Defining a new library
- Now, let's define a library that uses the new interface. In Greenstone3 → resources → web open, and add the following (the exact location doesn't matter, just put it with the other servlets). You can copy the following from sample_files → interfaces → aybara → interface.txt.
<description>A new library with my new interface!</description>
This defines a new library called "golden" that uses "localsite" and our new "perrin" interface. Now, immediately after, add in a servlet mapping to tell the server where our new library should be located:
- Save Start up your Greenstone server (Start → All Programs → Greenstone3 → Greenstone3 Server) and click the Enter Library button. This will take you to the default library's home page.Navigate to http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/golden. This library is using the perrin interface. However, since perrin contains no files except its configuration file, Greenstone is borrowing everything from default, perrin's base interface.
Gathering files
- To change how the perrin interface looks, we will be adding some key XSL files (home.xsl, header.xsl, and main.xsl). However, before we do that, we want to gather all of the new CSS, Javascript, and image files we will be using with our new interface.Since designing web pages is quite challenging in itself, we will be taking advantage of free CSS templates that can be downloaded and modified. There are many websites that offer high quality web page designs, often for free. (Always be sure to read the license information fully to ensure you do not violate the usage agreement in any way.)
- Visit and click the Download This Template button. In the popup window, select Save File and click OK. This will download a file with a 7z (7zip) extension. If you have 7zip installed, then you can extract the file in place. If not, you can either download the free utility, 7zip, from the web, or alternatively use an online service to convert it to a zip file that Windows can extract.To do the latter, visit or (If conversions don't work on Microsoft Edge, try another web browser like Firefox, if you have it installed. Or you can search the web for alternative free online zip conversion services.) The general proccess is the same: Upload your .7z file. Make sure the output format is set to zip and, once your file has been uploaded, you'll be presented with a convert button which you need to press. Once the conversion process has finished, a Download button will appear. Press it to download the .zip file onto your machine. (Such sites may also furnish you with a button by means of which you can clear your uploaded files from their servers.) On Windows, your converted zip version of the template will have been saved in your Downloads folder.In an Explorer window, navigate to your Downloads folder (C:\Users\<user-name>\Downloads). Right-click on the downloaded zip file containing the template, select Extract All... and, in the popup window, click Extract.
This template is free to use and modify, but the Copyright and link information must remain intact in files and in the footer of every page. The template cannot be distributed (modified or otherwise) without express permission from OS-Templates. (The full license is provided in the license.txt file included with the template).
- In the newly extracted folder, open the layout subfolder and copy the styles, scripts, and images folders into Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → perrin. Also copy the file license.txt from the extracted folder into the same location. Move the javascript files (files that end with a js extension) that are in the new perrin → scripts → galleryviewthemes folder into perrin → scripts. Move the perrin → scripts → galleryviewthemes → themes into perrin → images, and rename this themes folder to galleryviewthemes. If you wish, you can now delete the perrin → scripts → galleryviewthemes folder.In the new perrin → images folder, delete all the images, because we will not be using any of these.
- In the perrin → styles folder, open layout.css in a text editor and delete the following line:
@import url("tables.css");
Save and close layout.css.
- Now, from the sample_files → interfaces → aybara folder, copy the styles, images, and transform folders, as well as the index-GS3.html file into Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → perrin. (If a popup window asks whether you want to merge the images and styles folders, select "Yes".)In perrin → styles, open featured_slide.css in a text editor and change the following line:
.loader{background:url("../scripts/galleryviewthemes/loader.gif") center center no-repeat;}
to the following, where just the word "scripts" is replaced with the word "images":
.loader{background:url("../images/galleryviewthemes/loader.gif") center center no-repeat;}
Save and close featured_slide.css.
- Next, copy the two javascript files in sample_files → interfaces (jquery.galleryview-2.1.1.js and especially jquery.galleryview.2.1.1.min.js) to Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → perrin → scripts, replacing any existing files of identical name. These two javascript files are modified versions to cope with an update to jquery. The modified files are necessary for the next tutorial's image slider to show up and work.We have now gathered all of the Javascript, CSS, and images our new interface will use.Double click on perrin → index-GS3.html to open it in a browser window. This file isn't used by the new interface, but provides a preview of how the interface will look. In the next tutorial, we will begin changing how our interface looks, starting with the home page.
Designing a new interface: Part 2
In this tutorial, we will be adding home.xsl and header.xsl files to the perrin interface. Modifying XSL files must be done with care. If the XSL is ill-formed or invalid, the page will not display properly. This tutorial attempts to highlight some of the common mistakes that might result in errors. Whenever you are editing XSL files, remember to save very often, and then refresh your browser to see if there is an error.
- Start up your Greenstone server (Start → All Programs → Greenstone3 → Greenstone3 Server) and click the Enter Library button and navigate to http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/golden in the web browser, which still looks identical to the home page of the default interface.
Changing the home page content
- From the sample_files → interfaces → aybara folder, copy home.xsl into Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → perrin → transform → pages. In the browser, refresh the library home page. The content of the page should now be only "HOME PAGE CONTENT GOES HERE". Open home.xsl in a text editor and take a look at it.
- In a previous tutorial, we created a home page that was completely different than the rest of our library's pages. This time, however, the home page will share a large portion of its layout and style with the rest of the library's pages. So, we're only going to change the home page's content by modifying the /page/pageResponse template. We will be adding three sections to our home page: an image slider, a section that can contain featured content, and a list of all of the collections in the library, along with their descriptions.Replace HOME PAGE CONTENT GOES HERE with the following (these and other code snippets used in this tutorial can be copied from the subsection of sample_files → interfaces → aybara → interface.txt named after this tutorial):
<div class="content">
<div id="featured_slide">
<ul id="featurednews">
<xsl:call-template name="collSlider"/>
- Save home.xsl and refresh your web browser. DON'T PANIC! You should now see an Apache Tomcat error. This is because we are calling a template (collSlider) that doesn't exist. Now add the following before the final </xsl:stylesheet>:
<xsl:template name="collSlider">
<xsl:for-each select="./collectionList/collection">
<xsl:variable name="collectionFolder" select="@name"/>
<xsl:variable name="collectionName" select="displayItemList/displayItem[@name='name']"/>
<xsl:variable name="homeImage">
<xsl:when test="displayItem[@name='smallicon']">
sites/<xsl:value-of select="$site_name"/>/collect/<xsl:value-of select="$collectionFolder"/>/images/<xsl:value-of select="displayItem[@name='smallicon']"/>
interfaces/<xsl:value-of select="$interface_name"/>/images/default.jpg
<li><img src="{$homeImage}" alt="" />
<div class="panel-overlay">
<a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collectionFolder}/page/about">
<h2><xsl:value-of select="$collectionName"/></h2>
- Save home.xsl and refresh your web browser. You should no longer have an error. For every collection in your library, you should now see an image followed by the collection's name. In a moment, we will add in the Javascript that will turn these into a slider, but first, let's consider what the collSlider template is doing.Basically, for every collection in your library (<xsl:for-each select="./collectionList/collection">), it is creating a list item that includes an image and the collection's name, which links to the collection's about page. If the collection has a Home page image (the "smallicon"), this will be displayed. Otherwise a backup image (default.jpg, which is located in perrin → images) will be displayed.
- Now, add Javascript files that will turn these list items into an image slider. Before the final </xsl:stylesheet>, add the following:
<xsl:template name="additionalHeaderContent">
<script type="text/javascript" src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/scripts/jquery.min.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/scripts/jquery.easing.1.3.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/scripts/jquery.timers.1.2.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/scripts/jquery.galleryview.2.1.1.min.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/scripts/jquery.galleryview.setup.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>
Save home.xsl and refresh your web browser. All of the images and collection names should now be condensed into an image slider. (It is still missing some style, because we haven't added links to our CSS files yet.) This additionalHeaderContent template is "called" in the header.xsl file, which we will see later in this tutorial.
- Add the next section of the home page's content. In the /page/pageResponse template, insert the highlighted section where indicated:
<xsl:call-template name="collSlider"/>
<div class="column">
<ul class="latestnews">
<p><strong><a href="#">Highlighted Item 1</a></strong><br/>This is a place where you can put information about an item you would like to highlight in your collection, with or without an accompanying image.</p>
<li><img src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/images/80x80.jpg" alt="" />
<p><strong><a href="#">Highlighted Item 2</a></strong><br/>This is a place where you can put information about an item you would like to highlight in your collection,with or without an accompanying image.</p>
<li class="last"><img src="interfaces/{$interface_name}/images/80x80.jpg" alt="" />
<p><strong><a href="#">Highlighted Item 3</a></strong><br/>This is a place where you can put information about an item you would like to highlight in your collection, with or without an accompanying image.</p>
<br class="clear" />
Save home.xsl and refresh your web browser. This section will be an area where you can add in your own content. Notice the file paths for the image files begin with interfaces/{$interface_name}. As its name suggests, {$interface_name} becomes the name of the interface, in this case "perrin".
- Finally, add in the highlighted section:
<br class="clear" />
<div id="hpage_cats">
<xsl:call-template name="collectionsList"/>
And add the following templates before the final </xsl:stylesheet>:
<xsl:template name="collectionsList">
<xsl:for-each select="./collectionList/collection">
<xsl:when test="position() mod 2 = 1">
<div class="fl_left">
<xsl:call-template name="collDescription"/>
<div class="fl_right">
<xsl:call-template name="collDescription"/>
<br class="clear" />
<xsl:template name="collDescription">
<xsl:variable name="collectionFolder" select="@name"/>
<xsl:variable name="collectionName" select="displayItemList/displayItem[@name='name']"/>
<xsl:variable name="homeImage" select="displayItemList/displayItem[@name='icon']"/>
<xsl:variable name="aboutImage" select="displayItemList/displayItem[@name='smallicon']"/>
<xsl:variable name="collDesc" select="displayItemList/displayItem[@name='description']"/>
<xsl:variable name="numDocs" select="metadataList/metadata[@name='numDocs']"/>
<h2><a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collectionFolder}/page/about"><xsl:value-of select="$collectionName"/></a></h2>
<xsl:if test="$aboutImage">
<img src="sites/{$site_name}/collect/{$collectionFolder}/images/{$aboutImage}" alt="{$collectionName}" />
<xsl:when test="$collDesc">
<p class="justify"><xsl:apply-templates select="displayItemList/displayItem[@name='description']"/></p>
<p class="justify">Welcome to the <xsl:value-of select="$collectionName"/> collection. This collection contains <xsl:value-of select="$numDocs"/> documents.</p>
These templates are more complicated, but a basic explanation follows (don't worry if you don't understand it). You can skip ahead to Step 9 if you'd like.
First look at the collDescription template. It creates a header that links to the collection's about page (<h2><a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collectionFolder}/page/about"><xsl:value-of select="$collectionName"/></a></h2>). Then, if there is an About page image for the collection, this is displayed. Finally, if the collection has a description (<xsl:when test="$collDesc">), it will display this description. Otherwise, it will display a generic sentence stating the collection's name and how many documents it contains.Now, let's look at the collectionsList template. Basically, for every collection in the library (<xsl:for-each select="./collectionList/collection">), it is calling the collDescription template, i.e. doing everything explained in the previous paragraph. However, the CSS we will be using requires that our div's alternate between class "fl_left" and class "fl_right" or the page won't display correctly. So, if the collection is an odd number in the list (<xsl:when test="position() mod 2 = 1">), the collection description will be in a <div class="fl_left">, otherwise (i.e. when it is an even number in the list) the collection description will be in a <div class="fl_right">. Once we link our CSS, this will make our descriptions fall into two nice columns.
- Save and close home.xsl and refresh your web browser, which should now include the names and descriptions (and, accompanying images if any of your collections have an About page image) for each collection in your library.We have now made all of our changes to home.xsl. Next, we will add a new header.xsl file, where the HTML header content is located.
Changing the HTML header content
- From the sample_files → interfaces → aybara folder, copy header.xsl into Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → perrin → transform → layouts. (Be aware that the destination now is the layouts folder and not the pages folder whereto you had previously copied home.xsl) Refresh your web browser: nothing should have changed.
- Now open header.xsl in a text editor. It contains only one template called "create-html-header", which was copied directly from the default interface's header.xsl. We are going to remove the links to the CSS files used by the default interface, and add in the links to our new CSS files. Scroll down and replace the following lines:
<xsl:when test="/page/pageResponse/interfaceOptions/option[@name = 'cssTheme']/@value">
<!-- Get the theme from the interfaceConfig.xml file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{/page/pageResponse/interfaceOptions/option[@name = 'cssTheme']/@value}" type="text/css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="interfaces/{$interface_name}/style/themes/main/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css" type="text/css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="interfaces/{$interface_name}/style/core.css" type="text/css"/>
With this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="interfaces/{$interface_name}/styles/layout.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="interfaces/{$interface_name}/styles/gs3-core-min.css" type="text/css" />
- Save header.xsl and refresh your web browser. The page should have changed drastically. We removed the links to the default CSS, which removed all of the old style. But, since we added in links to our new CSS, all of the content we just added to the home page should now be styled much better.Near the bottom of header.xsl, you will see this line: <xsl:call-template name="additionalHeaderContent"/>. For the home page, this is where the four <script> elements from Step 6 above will be placed.Close header.xsl. In the next and final tutorial on designing an interface, we will add and modify main.xsl.
Designing a new interface: Part 3
In this tutorial, we will change the layout for all of the pages in our library at once by adding and modifying the main.xsl file for our interface.
Examining main.xsl
- From the sample_files → interfaces → aybara folder, copy main.xsl into Greenstone3 → web → interfaces → perrin → transform → layouts. Refresh your web browser -- you should now only see the new content we added to home.xsl. Open main.xsl in a text editor. It contains two templates: mainTemplate and gs_footer. The mainTemplate looks like this:
<xsl:template name="mainTemplate">
<!-- ***** in header.xsl ***** -->
<xsl:call-template name="create-html-header"/>
<div class="container" id="gs_content">
<xsl:apply-templates select="/page"/>
<xsl:call-template name="gs_footer"/>
Every page in our library uses this template. As you can see, it contains the basic structure of our HTML page. Inside the HTML header, the create-html-header template is called (<xsl:call-template name="create-html-header"/>). This is the template in header.xsl we edited in the previous tutorial. Inside the body of the HTML, we use two templates: /page and gs_footer. (The /page template is "applied" instead of called. The reason for this is complex and not relevant to this tutorial.) The /page template is where the content of each individual page is. For the home page, it is the content we just added to home.xsl. Since the perrin interface does not have XSL files for any of the other page types, the content of all of the other pages depends on the default interface: on the collection's about page, it's the collection description; on search pages, it is the query boxes and search results; on document pages it is the document content, etc. The gs_footer template is where we will put our page's footer.
- Now we will add the HTML that all of the pages of our collection will share. (You might want to take another look at index-GS3.html to remind yourself what the layout will look like.)Let's start by adding a footer to our library. In the gs_footer template, immediately after the line <!-- Put footer in here. --> insert the following (which, along with other code to be inserted for this tutorial, can be copied from this tutorial's subsection of sample_files → interfaces → aybara → interface.txt ):
<!-- ******DO NOT REMOVE THE LINK TO OS TEMPLATES: Template is free to use/modify, but this link MUST remain on all pages. Do not remove Copyright information. Replace "Your Webpage Here" (and it's link) with your own information.-->
<div class="wrapper col8">
<div id="copyright">
<p class="fl_left">Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - <a href="#">Your Webpage Here</a></p>
<p class="fl_right">Template by <a href="" title="Free Website Templates">OS Templates</a></p>
<br class="clear" />
- Save main.xsl and refresh the web browser. The footer will now appear at the bottom of every page. You can click into a collection to see that it is also on these pages. (If your collection does not have a description, the footer will be the only thing that appears on the collection's about page.)
- You'll notice that the image slider and the highlighted items are right up against the edge of the page. In main.xsl, replace
<div class="container" id="gs_content">
<xsl:apply-templates select="/page"/>
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="container" id="gs_content">
<xsl:apply-templates select="/page"/>
<br class="clear" />
Important note: in any interface's main.xsl file, the attribute id="gs_content" must be set on the <div> element containing the <xsl:apply-templates select="/page"/> element. Much of the proper functioning of Greenstone3 is dependent on this. So be aware of this if you modify or create your own main.xsl for a custom Greenstone 3 interface.
- Save main.xsl and refresh the web browser. The slider and highlighted items should now line up with the collection descriptions below them. There is also a grey line above the footer.
Adding a navigation bar
- Next, we're going to add the navigation bar and quick search box. Since the templates for this are pretty complex, we're going to start by adding only plain HTML to see the basic structure. Insert the following immediately after the <body> tag:
<div class="wrapper col2">
<div id="topbar">
<div id="topnav">
<li class="active"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="style-demo.html">Browse</a>
<li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Search</a>
<li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
<div id="search">
<form action="#" method="post">
<legend>Site Search</legend>
<input type="text" value="Search Our Website…" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='Search Our Website…')? '' : this.value ;" />
<input type="submit" name="go" id="go" value="Search" />
<br class="clear" />
<div id="advanced"><a href="#">advanced search</a></div>
- Save main.xsl and refresh the web browser. The navigation bar should now appear at the top of the screen.As you can see in the code above, the navigation links are simply HTML list items, and the dropdown menus are simply lists inside of lists. This is a very common way to make navigation bars.
- However, this navigation bar is static. It will be exactly the same for every page in the library. Instead, and we want it to change depending on which page we are on and which collection we are in. To do this, we will be using a couple of pretty complicated looking templates. Just remember, the end result will be HTML structured in the same way as the lists above. First, call the navBar template by replacing this:
<li class="active"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="style-demo.html">Browse</a>
<li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Search</a>
<li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
with this:
<xsl:call-template name="navBar"/>
Then add the following templates before the final </xsl:stylesheet>:
<xsl:template name="navBar">
<xsl:when test="page/pageResponse/collection">
<xsl:variable name="count" select="count(/page/pageResponse/collection/serviceList/service[@name='ClassifierBrowse']/classifierList/classifier)"/>
<xsl:variable name="currentPage" select="page/pageRequest/@fullURL"/>
<li><a href="{$library_name}">Home</a></li>
<xsl:if test="page/pageRequest/@subaction='about'"><xsl:attribute name="class">active</xsl:attribute></xsl:if>
<a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collNameChecked}/page/about">About</a>
<xsl:when test="$count > 3">
<li><a href="{$currentPage}">Browse</a>
<xsl:call-template name="Browsing"/>
<xsl:call-template name="Browsing"/>
<xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/collection/serviceList/service/@type='query'">
<li><a href="{$currentPage}">Search</a>
<xsl:for-each select="/page/pageResponse/collection/serviceList/service[@type='query']">
<xsl:variable name="search" select="@name"/>
<xsl:variable name="search_name" select="displayItem[@name='name']"/>
<li><a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collNameChecked}/search/{$search}"><xsl:value-of select="$search_name"/></a></li>
<xsl:otherwise> </xsl:otherwise>
<xsl:template name="Browsing">
<xsl:for-each select="/page/pageResponse/collection/serviceList/service[@name='ClassifierBrowse']/classifierList/classifier">
<!-- If this tab is selected then colour it differently -->
<xsl:when test="util:contains(/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 'cl' and /page/pageRequest/@action = 'b']/@value, @name)">
<xsl:attribute name='class'>active</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:otherwise> </xsl:otherwise>
<!-- Add a title element to the <a> tag if a description exists for this classifier -->
<xsl:if test="displayItem[@name='description']">
<xsl:attribute name='title'><xsl:value-of select="displayItem[@name='description']"/></xsl:attribute>
<!-- Add the href element to the <a> tag -->
<xsl:when test="@name">
<xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$library_name"/>/collection/<xsl:value-of select="/page/pageResponse/collection[@name=$collNameChecked]/@name"/>/browse/<xsl:value-of select="@name"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$library_name"/>/collection/<xsl:value-of select="/page/pageResponse/collection[@name=$collNameChecked]/@name"/>/browse/1</xsl:attribute>
<!-- Add the actual text of the <a> tag -->
<xsl:value-of select="displayItem[@name='name']"/>
A basic explanation of these templates follows (don't worry if you don't understand it). You can skip ahead to Step 9 if you'd like.
Let's take a look at the navBar template and try to understand what it's doing. First, it's checking to see if the page is a collection page (<xsl:when test="page/pageResponse/collection">). If so, it will create a link back to the home page (<li><a href="{$library_name}">Home</a></li>) and to the current collection's about page.Then, if there are 3 or fewer browsing classifiers, they will each become a link on the navigation bar. If there are more than 3 browsing classifiers, then they will be made into a dropdown menu under the heading "Browse". (If there are too many links in the navigation bar, they will start to overlap.) Finally, if there are any search types, they will be in a dropdown menu under the heading "Search". In addition, it adds the attribute "class=active" to the link for the current page so that it will be colored differently.
- Save main.xsl and refresh the browser. The home page should have no links in the navigation bar at all. Enter a few different collections and see what the navigation bar looks like in each of those.
Adding functionality to the quick search box
- Currently, the quick search box doesn't actually work. To make the quick search work, replace this:
<div id="search">
<form action="#" method="post">
<legend>Site Search</legend>
<input type="text" value="Search Our Website…" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='Search Our Website…')? '' : this.value ;" />
<input type="submit" name="go" id="go" value="Search" />
<br class="clear" />
<div id="advanced"><a href="#">advanced search</a></div>
With this:
<xsl:when test="page/pageRequest/@subaction='home'">
<xsl:call-template name="crossCollSearch"/>
<xsl:when test="page/pageRequest/paramList/param/@name='c' and /page/pageResponse/collection[@name=$collNameChecked]/serviceList/service[@name='TextQuery']">
<xsl:call-template name="CollectionSearch"/>
This says when you are on the home page, use the crossCollSearch template; when you are on a collection page (and that collection has plain, i.e. "TextQuery", search enabled), use the CollectionSearch template; otherwise, don't put anything at all.
- Now add in the crossCollSearch and CollectionSearch templates before the final </xsl:stylesheet>:
<xsl:template name="crossCollSearch">
<div id="search">
<xsl:for-each select="/page/pageResponse/serviceList/service[@name='TextQuery']">
<form name="QuickSearch" method="get" action="{$library_name}">
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="q"/>
<input type="hidden" name="rt" value="rd"/>
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{@name}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="s1.collection" value="all"/>
<input type="text" name="s1.query" id="search-text" value="Search all collections…" onfocus="this.value=(this.value=='Search all collections…')? '' : this.value ;" />
<input type="submit" name="go" id="go" value="Search" />
<br class="clear" />
<xsl:template name="CollectionSearch">
<div id="search">
<xsl:variable name="subaction" select="/page/pageRequest/@subaction"/>
<form action="{$library_name}/collection/{$collNameChecked}/search/TextQuery">
<!-- This parameter says that we have come from the quick search area -->
<input type="hidden" name="qs" value="1"/>
<input type="hidden" name="rt" value="rd"/>
<input type="hidden" name="s1.level">
<xsl:attribute name="value">
<xsl:when test="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 's1.level']">
<xsl:value-of select="/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 's1.level']/@value"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/page/pageResponse/collection/serviceList/service[@name='TextQuery']/paramList/param[@name = 'level']/@default"/>
<xsl:when test="/page/pageResponse/service[@name = 'TextQuery']/paramList/param[@name = 'startPage']">
<input type="hidden" name="s1.startPage" value="1"/>
<input type="hidden" name="startPage" value="1"/>
<xsl:if test="not(/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 's1.hitsPerPage'])">
<input type="hidden" name="s1.hitsPerPage" value="20"/>
<xsl:if test="not(/page/pageRequest/paramList/param[@name = 's1.maxDocs'])">
<input type="hidden" name="s1.maxDocs" value="100"/>
<!-- The query text box -->
<span class="querybox">
<xsl:variable name="qs">
<xsl:apply-templates select="/page/pageResponse/collection[@name=$collNameChecked]/serviceList/service[@name='TextQuery']/paramList/param[@name='query']" mode="calculate-default"/>
<xsl:apply-templates select="/page/pageResponse/collection[@name=$collNameChecked]/serviceList/service[@name='TextQuery']/paramList/param[@name='query']">
<xsl:with-param name="default" select="java:org.greenstone.gsdl3.util.XSLTUtil.tidyWhitespace($qs, /page/@lang)"/>
<!-- The submit button (for TextQuery) -->
<xsl:if test="/page/pageResponse/collection[@name=$collNameChecked]/serviceList/service[@name='TextQuery']">
<input type="submit" name="go" id="go" value="Search" > </input>
<br class="clear" />
<div id="advanced"><a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collNameChecked}/search/TextQuery">advanced search</a></div>
- Save main.xsl and refresh the web browser. Try searching for a word on the home page (like "economy"), and then enter a collection or two and try searching from there, as well.
Adding the library name and login links
- Next, we'll add a header to our page that displays the library's name (with a link to the home page), and, if we're inside a collection, displays the collection's name (with a link to the collection's about page). After the <body> tag in mainTemplate, add the following:
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="header">
<div class="fl_left">
<h1><a href="{$library_name}"><xsl:call-template name="siteName"/></a></h1>
<xsl:if test="page/pageResponse/collection">
<a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collNameChecked}/page/about">
<xsl:value-of select="page/pageResponse/collection/displayItemList/displayItem[@name='name']"/>
<br class="clear"/></div>
Save main.xsl and refresh the web browser to see the library name display at the top of the page. Enter a collection to see the collection name displayed.
- Finally, we will add the top bar which includes the links for logging in, the help page, and the preferences page. In the mainTemplate, replace the <body> tag with:
<body id="top">
<div class="wrapper col0">
<div id="topline">
<xsl:call-template name="loginLinks"/>
<li><a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collNameChecked}/page/pref">Preferences</a></li>
<li><a href="{$library_name}/collection/{$collNameChecked}/page/help">Help</a></li>
<br class="clear" />
and add the following template before the final </xsl:stylesheet>:
<xsl:template name="loginLinks">
<xsl:variable name="username" select="/page/pageRequest/userInformation/@username"/>
<xsl:variable name="groups" select="/page/pageRequest/userInformation/@groups"/>
<xsl:when test="$username">
<xsl:if test="contains($groups,'admin')">
<li class="login"><a href="{$library_name}/admin/AddUser">Add user</a></li>
<li class="login"><a href="{$library_name}/admin/ListUsers">Administration</a></li>
<li class="login"><gslib:depositorTitleAndLink/></li>
<li class="login"><a href="{$library_name}/admin/AccountSettings?s1.username={$username}">Logged in as: <xsl:value-of select="$username"/></a></li>
<li class="login"><a href="{$library_name}?logout=">Logout</a></li>
<li class="login">
<a href="{$library_name}?a=p&sa=login&redirectURL={$library_name}%3Fa=p%26sa=home">Login
<xsl:attribute name="title">
<xsl:value-of select="util:getInterfaceText($interface_name, /page/@lang, 'login_tip')"/>
- Save and close main.xsl and refresh the web browser to see the top bar. Click the Login button and log in as admin (if you hadn't already changed the password, use the default password of "admin") to see all of the links appear along the top, including links to the Add User page, to the Administration page, and to Logout.
Using WebSwing GLI (Web GLI)
Devised for Greenstone version: 2.88|3.11
Modified for Greenstone version: 2.87|3.11
When a librarian or other collection designer wants to create/edit a collection on a Greenstone installation that's running on a remote server machine (such as on a cloud), there are several options to connect to the remote machine.
There is the new WebSwing GLI, which allows you to use the remote Greenstone installation's GLI through your local web browser, the specifics of which are described in this tutorial.
There is also client-gli, which requires you to first set up the remotely running Greenstone server to support client-GLI applications connecting to it. It also requires you to have a Greenstone installed in order to run a client-GLI.
(In the past, there was also the GLI applet, but support for Java applets has been deprecated by browsers over the past years.)
WebSwing GLI is the easiest route, as it is already set up and ready to use once you have your Greenstone server up and running. For this reason, going forward, WebSwing GLI will be maintained as the most up-to-date version of GLI that allows creating and editing collections on a remotely running Greenstone 3.
The following assumes you have a Greenstone 3 server that's already running, whether on a cloud or locally such as at the default location of http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library.
Creating a user account
To connect with GLI to you need a user account that has collection-editing permissions or you can use the default "admin" user account that is already set up with the permissions of all-collections-editor. Refer to the tutorial Customization: Themes as to the password for the admin user, unless you've already changed its default password.
To create a new user account that is allowed to create collections and edit the ones it creates:
- Visit your running Greenstone server's home page in the browser. Scroll down to the link labelled Administration Page and click it. As it says, it "Allows you to manage users". Before proceeding, you'll be asked to log in as the admin user (or as any custom users you created with administration privileges) in order to add new users.
- Press the button Add a New User.
- Fill out the fields. As a bare minimum, you will need to enter a username for the new user, enter a password for the account twice and assign what Groups the new user belongs to. Groups controls both access permissions and content creation permissions: whether the new user is in the right group to view restricted Greenstone collections and documents, and whether the user is in the right group to edit certain (or any) collection.
- If you wish to give your new user the all-mighty rights of an administrator, you can add "administrator" to their Groups field. Usually, you will not want to go around giving every new user administrator rights. There are 3 kinds of pre-existing Groups that determine a user's content creation permissions: if they belong to all-collections-editor (like the default admin user does), they can create any Greenstone collection and edit any collection. If their Groups field contains personal-collections-editor, they have the right to create any collection they want, but only to edit the collections they created and not those created by others. Setting a user's Groups field to COLLNAME-collection-editor, where you have to edit COLLNAME to a specific collection's shortname, will allow the user to edit that collection. For instance, if a user has lucene-jdbm-demo-collection-editor in its list of groups, they have the right to edit the default Greenstone 3 collection "lucene-jdbm-demo".
- For now, you could add "personal-collections-editor" to your new user's group to give them the right to create any collection and edit those. This will be sufficient to cover most Greenstone 3 tutorials. But for your user to have the additionally ability to edit the default "lucene-jdbm-demo" demonstration collection, you can append lucene-jdbm-demo-collection-editor to the groups field (separated by comma). Alternatively, you can just set the user's Groups field to all-collections-editor, if you're going to go through all the tutorials with WebSwing GLI using this new user account.
Accessing WebSwing GLI: a Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) application accessible over your browser
- First run the Greenstone server:
You need the GS3 server to be running in order to access WebSwing GLI. To launch the GS3 server, on Windows you can select the Greenstone 3 shortcut or double-click your GS3 installation's top-level gs3-server.bat script to launch the Greenstone Server Application dialogue. A small dialog should appear where you can click the central Enter Library button. Then wait for this application to open a browser and display the Greenstone server home page for you. Note that if you're on linux or a Mac, you can use the equivalent ./ script to launch the same server application. For Mac binaries, you also have the option of double-clicking the gs3-server shortcut to launch this application.
Alternatively, if you choose to run the Greenstone server from the command line, then first run gs3-setup.bat to set up the Greenstone environment needed for WebSwing GLI to properly function, before running ant start. The linux and Mac equivalent is to run source ./ before similarly running ant start to start up the GS3 server.
- Start the WebSwing Greenstone Librarian Interface:
Visit your running Greenstone server's home page in the browser. By default, for a locally running Greenstone, this would be at http://localhost:8383/greenstone3/library.
Scroll down to the link Greenstone Librarian Interface (GLI) and click it.
After some time a popup dialog will request a username and password. Enter the details for either the default admin account, or any user created earlier.
WebSwing GLI will load in your browser. Once it's finished loading up, you can start using GLI almost as usual.
WebSwing GLI is mostly the same as regular GLI except for a few notable differences:
- In the Gather panel, the Workspace tree view will not give you access to the file system (of either your machine or the remote machine running Greenstone) for web security reasons. With WebSwing GLI, you won't be gathering your documents by dragging and dropping them but by using a file browser to upload them into your collection:
When you have a new or existing collection open in WebSwing GLI, you will find an Upload icon at the bottom right of WebSwing GLI's Gather panel. You can click this Upload icon to upload either individual files or a zipped file from your local machine onto the remote Greenstone collection.
Often, you will find you need to upload many documents or folders of them, not individual files. In that case, first zip up your files and/or folders locally, then use the Upload icon to select the zip to upload it.
(If GLI offers to add the ZipPlugin to your collection, you can choose to cancel out of it, as you generally mean to unzip them yourself in the gathering documents phase when using WebSwing GLI.)
Once the uploaded zip appears in the Collection tree view, right click on it and select Unzip.
- Regular GLI allows you to double-click on any document you've gathered to view it whenever you have a default application set up to view that type of file. WebSwing GLI can only allow you to view documents that your browser is able to display. Double-clicking on any other type of document will download it onto your local machine, where you can then view it if you have the appropriate application installed for its file type.
- Similar to the Upload icon in the Gather panel, in the General section of the Format panel you will find that the two browse buttons (the URL to 'about page' image: and URL to 'home page' image:), which allow you to select custom images to use for your collection on the home page and about page, now actually has the net effect of uploading image files you select from your local file system onto your collection on the remote Greenstone installation.
For the rest, WebSwing GLI will work like regular GLI in the tutorials. So you are now set to, for instance, go through the A simple image collection tutorial using WebSwing GLI this time, bearing in mind the above differences. Try it out to familiarise yourself with WebSwing GLI.